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Chapter 38: Unveiled Secrets and Little Victories

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This would definitely get us in trouble with Kenny. Currently, it was 1:23 in the morning, Levi and I were back at the hardware shop, this time without a warrant, but determined to get in and pick up more evidence. Our plan was to get in, have a quick look then get back out. And hopefully, we'd have some incriminating evidence that would keep Zeke in jail and bring down his whole organization. It was obvious now he was a part of this whole thing, but I wanted to know if he was running it. And if not, then who?

"Could you be any slower?" Levi asks.

I was trying to pick the lock, I wasn't sure what kind of security system they had but all I knew is once we were in we'd have to deactivate it if there was one. "Kinda trying not to alert them, takes time you know," I argue.

"I'm gonna check in with Floch, see if he's hacked into the cameras yet," he mumbles. I continued to fiddle with the doorknob. Moments pass until Levi tells me Floch was in, and then out of sheer luck, the door finally unlocked, and we were in!

But upon entering my phone began to ring...it was (Y/N). "Seriously?" Levi asks.

"What? She's all by herself, she's probably anxious another person is gonna drop by- I told her she could call," I argue.

The ravenette rolled his eyes before moving on, and even though I wanted to pick up and comfort her, I couldn't be distracted. So, I declined the call and shut my phone off completely in case she tried to call again. Now with a flashlight, Levi and I began walking toward the door I had mentioned.

I watched as Levi slowly opened it, pointing his gun in case someone may be waiting. But thankfully the store was completely empty, and once he slipped in, I followed close behind. And as we walked down the creaky old stairs, my eyes widened at the sight before me. I was in complete shock while Levi went and began snapping photos of everything. Maps, photos- lots of photos. The pictures consisted of women, all different kinds just going about their day. And even some women who were currently missing or dead. "Hey look at this," Levi calls, quickly stepping over I look over his shoulder finding a notebook.

Inside appeared to be dates and addresses- no it was the same address, and it was at one of the piers south of town. "That must be where the women are going," I mutter.

"Yeah and look at this," Levi says as he flips to the first page revealing a bunch of phone numbers, my eyes scanned over the page, and there at the very bottom was Zeke's.

"Shit," I mutter.

For a while, we looked around seeing if there was anything else to uncover but with what we had now may just be enough to send not only Zeke to jail for the rest of his life but the people who work at this establishment. But our search was cut short when footsteps were heard above us- then the door leading down here opened and we could see a flashlight shining down. Levi as quick as he was, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to another exit just to our right.

We entered the alleyway and dashed away in the hopes of not getting caught, and before the person could see us, we crossed the road and hid behind a random car. "That was fuckin' close,"


I sat at the dining table with only candlelight keeping the place lit. Dinner had been served an hour ago and Erwin said he'd only be gone for an hour- that was two hours ago. I was prepared to put dinner away, but as I sat up in my seat, the door opened and the very energetic Erwin stepped through.

"You're late," I say after taking a rather large gulp of water, I stood up and crossed my arms trying to look disappointed but I couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy seeing how happy he looked.

"Sorry Angel, but Levi and I, we found so much! Now Zeke will be out of our lives for good-"

Before he could scoop me into his arms, I placed my hand over his lips. "Is that why you didn't answer my call? I thought you said you and Levi were staying in the office and were going to wait until you got the warrant?"

Now taking my hands he presses a soft kiss on my fingertips. "I know! But we couldn't wait and we weren't seen-"

"Erwin! That's breaking and entering, even if you are the police that doesn't mean you can waltz in. You could get in a lot of-"

"I know I know, I will deal with it tomorrow but can you just celebrate with me for a minute? Zeke will no longer be able to torture us...and Mike..."

I couldn't be angry at him for that, for months now he had been giving it his best to search for the culprit for all of this. Finally, I sigh and smiled with him. "Mike would be so proud of you," I say as I place my hand on his cheek. And with that, I pulled him towards me, and as our lips met, that's when the large blonde scooped me up. Laughing against his lips, I kissed him once more as he carried me off to the bedroom where we celebrated for most of the night. 

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