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Chapter 13: For Your Love is Changing Me

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At my desk, I sat on my laptop looking at my latest emails, there weren't many new ones, just other companies wanting to schedule meetings. Tapping my pen against the glass desk, I felt bored. "Eren find (Y/N), I need to go over my schedule for today," I tell him. My brother simply nods his head and walks outside of the room. Maybe I can free some stuff up and spend some quality time with my assistant.

Minutes passed before I'd see my brother again, I was surprised to see he had come alone. "Well?"

"She's not in her office, but her stuff is in there. I suspect she's in the bathroom," Eren answers quickly. Rising from my seat, I brush my suit off and stride over to the door. I figured I'd go in and wait for her inside her office if that were the case.

"Very well, stay here and take any calls that come through," I order.

My brother simply nods and rushes inside then sits in my chair as I walk out the door. As I strolled down the hall, I make a right into the open office that was (Y/N)'s. As my brother said it was empty but her things were left on her desk. Including her phone. Stupid girl, how long have you been out?

Shutting the door, I then head over to her desk to which I scanned over her calendar plastered on her desk. She had the fundraiser marked down along with the few meetings I had coming up. Even with all of that, her schedule was free. Huh, interesting. Then her phone lit up and buzzed, glancing down at the device I saw her lock screen background was a photo of her with-

Hastily I take the phone into my hands and turn it on again finding the man beside her in the photo was Erwin. Fucking bastard. I tap on the notification finding it was a message from that same blonde bastard, I read, 'Hey are we still on tonight for dinner?'

I stood there contemplating whether or not I should text back. I didn't want her to miss out on dinner but at the same time, I didn't want her to be alone with that fool. I wrote him back for her saying 'Hey, sorry I won't be able to make it tonight something came up with Hanji,' I assumed it was his day off since he wasn't here but I guess we'll see. With that, I muted the blonde and left (Y/N)'s office for now.


After running back to my office to grab my phone, I let out a long tired sigh. I had forgotten how tiring it could be to not have an assistant to bring my things. I stood there for a moment and checked my phone for any new notifications, when there were none appearing on my lock screen, I shut my phone off then proceeded to shove it into my coat pocket. "Come on (Y/N)!" Petra calls.

"Coming!" I call, quickly exiting my office, I met up with Petra to head to Hanji's so we could continue planning.

~Time Skip~

I got home and immediately got ready for my dinner with Erwin, although we agreed it wouldn't be a date, I couldn't help but feel anxious. I hadn't even checked my messages I was too excited to get over there.

I chose a short black dress with thin straps, it hugged my body quite well showing off my curves. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I turn to look at my back noticing how low the open back dipped. Maybe I should put something over it in case it's cold.

Once I was ready, I head for the door with my coat and bag. The walk there was quick, knowing with how dangerous the streets were these days, I didn't want to risk being followed. If I were smarter I would've called Erwin to come pick me up, but I needed the fresh air to calm my unnecessary nerves.

When I was outside his building, I expected him to be there waiting for me but he wasn't there. Maybe he's still getting ready. So, rushing inside I make my way up to his door. Outside his door, I gently knock hoping he'd actually be home. So when the door opened seconds later, I found an underdressed blonde. He's still in his PJs.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dinner, remember?" I ask.

"Yes, I even checked with you earlier today but you said something came up and that we would have to reschedule. Then after that, you just ignored any further messages I sent-"

"What? I didn't get any notifications on my phone abo-" quickly pulling out my phone I go into my messages finding Erwin had been muted. I should've checked them before I left. "That's weird because I don't remember sending you any messages about canceling. Someone must've gotten onto my phone,"

Looking back up at the blonde, his face was stone cold, seeming kind of upset about it. "Have any idea who?" he asks in a low tone.

I shrug my shoulders, "I left it in my office for a while, anyone could've gotten onto it, but hardly anyone goes inside unless they're looking for me," I explain. Now we both stood there silently looking at one another. I was about to ask if he still wanted to go when he suddenly moved to the side.

"Come in, while I go change," Doing as told, I step inside and quickly head for his couch that looked a little cleaner than before, but still looking around the apartment it was still in pretty bad shape. With my hands in my lap, I sat there quietly while Erwin was in his room changing. Then my phone began to buzz against my thigh. Quickly taking hold of it I find a message from Zeke. I shake my head in disappointment as I read the message; 'Are you free tonight? Would you like to have dinner with me?'

Moments passed as I just looked at the message. I quickly replied with a 'no' then shut my phone off after muting Zeke for the night. Then not a second later Erwin came out of his room fully dressed in a suit messing with his tie. I had to admit he looked good in a suit. Standing up from the couch, I watch as he comes up to me still fiddling with his tie. That's when I take it into my hands and fix it for him. I glance up at the blonde for a moment while still hanging onto the cloth. "I think I found our culprit,"

"Who?" he asks.

"Zeke, he just texted me asking to have dinner with him,"

Erwin lets out a simple 'ha' to my answer before asking me, "How'd you figure that out? I mean yeah it's coincidental but-"

"Well for one he doesn't like you, and if I remember correctly he does like to let himself in uninvited to my office,"

Finally, Erwin seemed convinced with my answer, but I could tell it still bothered him that Zeke would do this out of hatred for him. To comfort him, I place my hand on his cheek making him look down at me. "It's fine though, it's not like he ruined anything,"

The blonde finally relaxes and a smile tugs at his lips. I wonder what his lips would feel like against mine. I quickly push back that thought and retract my hand, turning away I start to head for the door when Erwin catches my hand. It was the same hand that was just on his face, this causes me to halt and look back at him. There his smile grew wider, and with that, I led him to his front door with my hand in his to our not-dinner-date.

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