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Chapter 14: Making Him Jealous is a Bad Idea

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 ~Erwin ~

She looked divine in the little black dress, it was hard to keep my eyes off of her as she led me to the restaurant. I followed close behind with her hand in mine watching the way her hips sashayed with each step. My eyes trailed a little further down to her smooth-looking thighs. A dirty thought slipped through my mind making me quickly dart my eyes away and clear my throat. Stop being vile.

"It sure is nice out tonight," (Y/N) then says, my eyes quickly shift back to her finding her looking at me with a smile. I return a smile as I nod in agreement. Upon arriving at the place, it seemed fancy. As (Y/N) walked up to the receptionist, I scoped the place out, I saw other couples happily eating and drinking. This made me look back down at the girl before me getting our seats. I wonder if she thinks this is a date? No- shut up we both agreed it was just dinner... but maybe-

Internally I was punching myself for thinking such things. I was watching over this girl to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. I shouldn't be thinking about dating let alone getting laid. If she knew who I really was she'd hate me, hell I'm sure I've just been a pain in her ass since day one. But she's too nice to tell me off. My shoulders slump, I was putting myself down, and for what? Nothing. I didn't know for certain if (Y/N) felt that way about me, but I-

"Why the sad face blondie?" she asks now, turning to me with a curious expression.

"Huh? Oh! No reason, just thinking," I quickly answer, again she takes my hand into

hers, they were so soft and warm. I followed her to our table, after pulling her chair out for her, she quickly thanked me and took a seat. I did the same moments later across from her. The way the table was set made it look as though we were on a date which made me a little more nervous than usual. But then again she had that effect on me. Maybe a drink or two will calm my nerves.

The waitress took our drink orders first and when I noticed (Y/N) wasn't getting alcohol, I wanted to change my order. "You're not getting any?" I ask, referring to the champagne I ordered.

She fixed the napkin at her thighs before looking at me, her smile grew wider as she shook her head. "I got work tomorrow but feel free to have some," she encourages.

As the night continued, it seemed to be going well, we talked here and there until we got our drinks and food. Then a cluster of people came in and sat at a large half-circle booth. They were a rambunctious group, filling the rather quiet room with booming laughter. Both (Y/N) and I looked in that direction finding a familiar blonde between two women laughing loudly.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the girl before me. "Lovely," she mumbles.

Then I looked to my left, if I remembered correctly, this place has a club in the basement. Of course, not a lot of people knew because it's very well soundproofed. "You wanna get out of here?" I ask now feeling a little more confident now that I had a few drinks in me.


Nodding my head I allow him to take my hand and lead me to a new place. I glance back as we start to walk away from our table. There Zeke's eyes were glued on me as if he was keeping a close watch on me. Possessiveness was oozing off of him, but then the blonde woman to his left whispered something into his ear gaining his attention.

Finally looking back at the blonde I actually cared about, I found we were in front of a door leading downstairs. "Uh Erwin, are you sure we can go down there?" I ask. Peering back at me, he smiles gently before nodding his head.

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