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Chapter 47: Fight!

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I was back at the bar, it had become a nightly routine since I requested time off. I needed something to do other than mope around at home making a mess of things. I wasn't much of a drinker before but it was the only thing that numbed the pain, that was until everywhere closed up. But I could always return later.

I sat on the stool downing my fourth drink when I heard my name being called. I turned to find Levi and Kenny walking over. "Bourbon, neat," Levi ordered.

"I'll have the same...and could I also get a water for my friend here?" Kenny asks as he then points to me.

"I'm not even drunk guys-"

"No but you are depressed and clearly dehydrated from crying, so drink the fucking water," Levi mutters coldly.

As Kenny takes a seat on my left, I turn to him, "Listen to him, otherwise I'm dragging your pathetic ass outta here. If I have to I'll lock you up until you're sober," he threatens. When the water came I only sipped at it while still drinking the other stuff.

"Look eyebrows, why don't you just talk to her? Zeke is behind bars along with Eren so they aren't a problem anymore-"

"You weren't there when she looked me in the eye begging me to understand!" I snap. He didn't get it, hell I didn't fully understand it but I had to try. (Y/N) wanted this and I had to respect it because if I didn't then I'm no better than him. Yeah, it hurts like hell but she has a point, she is my weakness.

"Okay, kids why don't we take this somewhere else," Kenny mutters, then reaching for my arm he tries to pull me away from the counter, only I fought back by yanking out of his grasp.

"No! You guys go on without me,"

Levi then downs his entire drink, before I knew it he tightly gripped my wrist and began dragging me with him. "Guys come on-"

With both of their strength combined, it took very little to get me up and headed towards the bathroom. I tripped forward grabbing onto the sink for balance, Levi got in my face while Kenny turned on the water and began splashing water in my face. "Now you listen good you asshole, the only reason you're in this mess is because you're sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself when you should be out doing something about this breakup whether that's moving on or fighting for (Y/N)," Levi begins.

I shook my head only for Levi to slap me, trying to I guess get me back to reality. "Stop, you can't keep letting past mistakes keep you from doing what you need to do, you hear me? Mike is dead and he wouldn't want you moping around like this. Whatever happened between you and (Y/N), you don't fucking give up on that- I don't know why she'd even break up with you to begin with!" he yells.

Frustrated, I finally turn to him, "She said it was dangerous! You happy!? The reason she dumped me is because I am dangerous to be around and it fucking scared her!" I yell.

Now the short man looked at me in disbelief before his lips cracked up in a half-smile, he looked as though he was trying to hold back laughter. "That is bullshit, if you love her like you've claimed then you would've fought her on that, like you fought me and Kenny,"

"Why do you care! You both didn't think it was a good idea for us to be together! So why does it matter anymore!" I scream, my eyes burned as I looked back at Kenny who was still standing by the sink.

"Because she's-"

Levi stopped when my phone began going off. I wanted him to continue but the notification sound was one I had set for (Y/N), so I panicked.

~Earlier That Night~


I was about to kick (Y/N) in the stomach for attempting to escape but as soon as her hands went to her stomach, she yells "I'm pregnant!" Her eyes were shut clearly waiting to feel the impact that wouldn't come.


My whole body went tense upon hearing the words leave her mouth. That fucking bastard, marking her before I could. I was supposed to be the only one to fill this whore. My stare was intense as she repeated herself, but quieter this time almost scared to say. As disappointing as this may be...this could work to my advantage.

Softening a bit, I knelt beside her. I watch as she flinches probably scared I'd hit her, but instead, I rested my hand over her belly. "Shh it's alright," I whisper. Gently caressing her stomach, I then begin to chuckle. Leaning forward, I kiss the side of her head, my free hand that held my gun, stroked her hair. And before she could get up, I struck her with the blunt end of my weapon causing her to fall unconscious.

I carried her out to the front of the building, luckily it was late enough so no one was out and about. My car was waiting outside, and my driver quickly exited in order to open the back doors for me to set (Y/N) inside. "Thank you, Larry*," I say as I slide in the back next to my beloved. As he starts the car up again, he glances back.

"So that's really her? Got yourself quite the looker," he mutters.

"Just drive before I put a hole in your head," I growl pointing my gun at him. Quickly Larry's face turns pale as he faces forward and starts driving away. I turn my attention back on the peacefully sleeping (Y/N), her hair hiding her beautiful face. I shoved my weapon into my back pocket after I returned my attention to the girl as I moved her hair to the side. Just you wait darling, I'll make you forget about Erwin. And soon I'll be the only one you worship, my little whore. 

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*Larry is a friend of Zeke's and yes also his lawyer*

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