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Chapter 33: Jealousy

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Back home, I almost didn't want to come back. But that was temporary because Erwin would return after running home to drop his things off. He's been insisting to walk me to work especially since Zeke will probably be there waiting for me.

Zeke... God how I wished I quit my job at the fundraiser, but before I do that I want to help Erwin and also make sure I have another job set up before I quit. I didn't even want to think of what Zeke told me, that Erwin is a detective, I mean I believed Erwin. But I knew Zeke told me for a reason and that was to make me hate Erwin, to make him out to be the bad guy but Erwin is the complete opposite of that. He's been protecting me all this time, and it's part of his job to go undercover so of course, he had to keep things from me so I wouldn't blow his cover.

Standing in my dark apartment, I leaned against the door still feeling a bit weak in the knees. It was a very long weekend with my blonde lover, and we kept ourselves very busy. Gosh, I'm sure the housekeepers hate us for the mess we left behind. My body ached, but I liked it, it reminded me that this weekend in fact happened, after waiting for quite some time, I was satisfied with what went down.

Eventually, I had to push myself up off the door and lug everything into my bedroom to unpack. Upon walking to my room, Mango followed close behind threatening to trip me every few seconds. I left my luggage at the door and quickly headed for my bed where I sprawled myself out on. As I was lying there, my body tingled at the memory of where Erwin's lips once were. It was as if he left a permanent mark that I would always be able to feel.

Sitting up, I had to stop myself from daydreaming before I am late for work. I wouldn't want to upset Zeke more. As I stood up to get changed there was a knock at my door. That sure didn't take long. Quickly heading to the front door, I opened it to find my tall lover standing there with a bouquet of red roses. "Missed me already?" I tease.

He leans forward giving my cheek a swift kiss. Taking the flowers from him, I turn and head to the kitchen for a vase all while he follows me. The door shuts and I don't hear his footsteps behind me. "Here let me, you still need to change," Erwin says as he nudges my shoulder gently.

"You need to snip the stem a bit-"

"I know- where are your scissors?" he then asks. I point to the drawer and smile softly, I watched as he did his best to snip the stems evenly, but I had to do what he said so I went into my room to change.

I put on a simple, yet professional-looking dress on and paired it with some red heels. Looking at myself in the mirror, I wondered if I should put my hair up, I spent a few good minutes trying to decide before I noticed Erwin standing in the doorway watching me contently. That's when I glanced back at him through the mirror and smiled. "What?" I wonder.

"Nothing, you look beautiful,"

My lips pursed in an awkward smile upon hearing him say that. My eyes then darted down at the dress before returning to his gaze. "What do you think? Up or down?" I ask as I fiddled with my hair showing him the options. That's when he slowly approached me, his hands traveled around my waist until they rested on my stomach. I still held my hair up trying to figure out what look was best. "Hmm, let me see," he mumbles. A shiver went down my spine as his warm breath hit the back of my neck.

Suddenly his lips pressed against the nape, and he began sucking on my skin. "E-erwin~" I mewl. With a pop, his mouth released me and I quickly turned to try and look.

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