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Chapter 41: Close Call

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It was a new day at work and I stood out in the lobby waiting for Eren to get in. But by the looks of it, he was going to have trouble entering with all of the reporters outside barricading the door. When I saw the car pull up, the crowd went crazy they crowded around him as he pushed through. I rushed up to the door opening it as he quickly entered. That's when I quickly shut and locked it behind him.

Cameras flashed before me as some people took pictures, others begged for me to let them in but I simply ignored them and followed Eren to the elevator. "Give me an update," Eren sighs, he looked exhausted which he most likely was now that he had to deal with everything his brother was doing.

"Well, in about an hour you have a meeting, it's with the investors. And at 11:30 you have a phone call, a local blogger wants to ask questio-"

"Call them back and let them know I won't be taking any questions- let alone interviews for the foreseeable future,"

I nod silently as we step into the elevator, Eren pushed the button to the floor we both needed to be on and for a bit it was quiet. Trying to be nice I asked, "So how are things?"

The brunette spares me a cold glance, "Could be better if that boyfriend of yours hadn't fucked things up," he grumbles. I pursed my lips together and stepped back out of his line of sight. Okay just not gonna ask next time. It stung my heart a little to hear about Erwin after what had gone down. It had been days since we last had spoken. And I hadn't heard any news on what's going on with Zeke but maybe it's better that way, the less I know the less danger I'm in.

I let out a curt sigh still feeling down due to the fight. I can't do that when you're holding me back! His words had replayed in my head so many times. And each time my heart felt tight. Together Eren and I walked down the hall to his office where I continued to read of his schedule for the day. When I had reached my office, I got to calling everyone who wanted to schedule an interview with him, letting them know he wouldn't be taking in interviews. For the most part, they all seemed understanding, some were frustrated they couldn't get any info on Zeke's situation.

Hours passed as I hid in my office doing a bit of work here and there. Until I heard the sound of loud voices outside my door. Quickly getting up, I head for the door- upon opening it I found Eren surrounded by upset employees. "What's going on?" I ask Hanji as she stood closest to my office.

"Fucking Eren messed up my schedule, I'm leaving for Emerside in a couple of days and he scheduled for me to come in and work an 11-hour shift!" Shocked I looked to the overwhelmed Eren who looked as though he were about to burst. And he did.

"Alright! Everyone shut the fuck up!" he screams, and just like that everyone went quiet. "If you are all worried about your damn schedules that much then consider yourselves unemployed! Now you have all the fucking time in the world to go look for a new job," he yells, his face was beet red, fists were clenched.

I was fast on my feet to catch him before he ran off. "Now hang on! You can't just do that, these people need their jobs. Let me fix their schedules- you go get something to drink and calm down," I mutter the last bit to him.

"I don't give a fuck- do whatever," he snaps, yanking his arm out of my grasp he storms off. Now everyone's attention was turned to me, after a couple of seconds of calming them down again, I promised I would go and fix what Eren messed up. He was having a difficult time as it is so I didn't mind taking on a bit more work. It's not that I cared about Eren, it was more the other employees, if Eren couldn't properly run things this whole business would be drowning by the end of the day. I took the stack of papers from the other workers and returned to my office where I fixed everything on the computers.

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