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Chapter 10: Here to Protect

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Making my way back to her office I noticed the door ajar, which was unusual because her door was usually always closed unless she was out using the restroom. Resting my hand on the door I slowly push it open peeking inward, only to stop when I heard a familiar voice.

"That's...uh very kind of you Mr. Jaeger but, unfortunately, I've already made plans to visit family-"

"Then next week? You have to be free sometime,"

After hearing the persistent bastard continue asking the same damn question, I push the door open and stood in the door frame with a serious face.


~Moments Earlier~

On my laptop, I was overseeing emails from the other companies and personal friends of Zeke to find them responding to the invite. So far most of them planned on attending the event, then suddenly there was a knock at my door, "Come in," I call.

Little had I known that it was Zeke once the door flew opened and he strode in. He left the door slightly opened, as he stopped in front of my desk. "Good morning (Y/N), tell me how are things with the fundraiser coming along?"

With a confident smile, I sit up and close my laptop, "Very well sir, I've already begun receiving emails from the invited companies, so far all of them have agreed to come, as for the plans things are running smoothly, Hanji's going to have the deco-"

"Very good (Y/N), I know I can always count on you," he cuts me off while sitting in the chair to the right, his hands clasp together as he stares at me, giving me his usual- attempting to be seductive gaze when really it looked like he was squinting really hard. I was beginning to feel the familiar icky feeling in my gut. "I know all this work for the party must be leaving you exhausted, so if you're free tomorrow I'd like to take you to dinner,"

"This weekend then? You don't work weekends, do you?" he then questions.

I quickly shook my head to his answer before saying, "That's...uh very kind of you Mr. Jaeger but, unfortunately, I've already made plans to visit family-"

"Then next week? You have to be free sometime,"

I was about to tell him no once more when the door flew open again, this time it was Erwin, he stood there with a deadly stare pointed at Zeke, the blonde before me stood up straight keeping his gaze on Erwin now, they looked like they were about to fight, and I didn't want that happening in my office. Quickly getting up from my seat I stood between them, looking at Erwin I rest my hand on his chest making him stop in his path, "He was just leaving Erwin."

My intern still didn't seem convinced by my words, and as I dart my head towards the other blonde, he kept his eyes locked on Erwin. "Please Zeke, I don't want any trouble," I softly plead. Finally, my boss lets out a sigh before chuckling carelessly, then stepping around me he stops just in front of Erwin.

Erwin was only a few inches taller than him but still clearly the intimidating one at this moment, his eyes were intense as they bored into Zeke's skull. I knew the man could be protective, but I didn't realize this bothered him so bad. And as Zeke exited the room, the tension began to diminish, I watched with caution as Erwni's shoulders relaxed and his overall appearance became lightly.

He quickly shuts the door before letting out a quick sigh, gently I take the papers from his hands, and watch as he goes to sit down. I've noticed that since starting his job here, he was always so tense, especially around Zeke. Maybe he's just trying to get along with the man. I can imagine it'd be difficult considering Zeke can be a handful. "Do you need some water?" I wonder.

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