Final Note & Polls

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Hello everyone! Please be sure to check out the polls and leave me some feedback!


On a more serious note, I just want to give a big thank you to you lovely bbies who keep supporting me and my writing, it really motivates me to keep giving you guys new content and something everyone will enjoy!

But I also wanna thank my wife and best friend Emmy for working with me on this beautiful book. She and I met on April 23rd, 2019 and I knew her a little bit before when I had my old account she used to comment on "Her Bodyguard" But aside from that we officially met that day on my discord server. I am so grateful to have her in my life, I honestly wouldn't know what I'd do without her. 

She has been there for me through quite a bit of good and bad, and I'm so thankful she was! I do not deserve her love and kindness! So thank you Emmy for always being by my side (in spirit) and kicking Jodi's ass when need be, I'll be forever grateful, and thank you for helping me make this beautifully chaotic Erwin x Reader, I love you!

Hopefully, someday I will be able to meet my wife so we can continue to share our love for books and cats! But for now, I'm just as happy to have her in my life even if we are in separate countries! 

And to my readers, thank you too again- Honestly I can't thank you guys enough! I hope to see you all in the upcoming works I have planned, and with that here is the end of another book, but a new beginning to another!

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