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Chapter 27: All This Time

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It had been a slow day at work, I had just gotten done with my 11:30 meeting and had time to kill. In my office, slowly walking back and forth in front of my desk. I was lost in thought, a little worried about that short detective I had been questioned by the other day. I then began to wonder if Erwin had something to do with it maybe. He's been acting rather suspicious, especially with following me.

I had already checked over his records far too many times out of paranoia. He was clean... a little too clean. It said he graduated with a bachelor's in business, so it made sense why he wanted to intern here but why follow me? It was very possible he was in cahoots with the police, but how could he know of my private affairs? Which reminded me, the latest set, was to be shipped off tonight and I had to make sure my men and lovely women were ready to go.

Pulling out my cell phone I dialed the new number I had been given. I made sure each of my men replaced their phones frequently to cover our tracks. Police look into those sorts of things and I didn't need them wondering why I called a particular number multiple times. Porco answered with an annoyed hello.

"Is that any way to greet your boss? Why so grouchy?" I wonder.

"Sorry, got bit by one of the bitches while loading them in. Just checking in?" he asks.

"Yes, I want to make sure everything is running smoothly," Slowly I begin to walk around the room just looking at nothing in particular. I stop by my bookshelf and just nonchalantly move my books around while still on the phone.

"Everything is fine, I heard you got brought in- everything okay over there?" Porco asks.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about me, just call me if you run into any problems," After hanging up I pulled a random book out which caused something else to fall out. It was tiny and dropped by my foot. Bending down to pick it up I pulled it by a small cord which was connected to a tiny little circular device.

As it dawned on me, my stomach dropped. No... it can't be. Panicked, I began rushing around my office tearing things up in search of more bugs. I had found four by my couch and coffee table. Then two at my desk, for the next hour I searched up and down, in every nook and cranny until I was sure there weren't anymore. After doing so I placed all the little bugs on my desk in a concealed bag. I need to get out of here for a while and dispose of these. On my office phone, I called in maintenance to clean my office while I go out.

I made sure to take my laptop with me in case of any uninvited guests came in to snoop. Once outside the building I placed the bag in a garbage can about a block away before heading to the closest cafe to try and relax.

I even sat outside since it was a nice day in the hope to clear my head and calm my nerves. While drinking some tea, I looked over my laptop, looking back at the emails between me and (Y/N) talking about the fundraiser. She would make me a good amount of money once she's sold- but first I gotta get rid of that blonde prick Erwin. Upon taking another sip, I glanced across the street where I saw him. Squinting my eyes, I tried to make sure I just wasn't seeing things.

Who is he with? It was a young man with auburn hair, he was following close behind. Quickly I set some cash down on the table, grab my things and take my leave. I watched as the two turned into an alleyway. I did my best to keep close while also not being noticed. Eventually, it led to a little courtyard that was empty. There I could only hear whispers barely being able to make anything out. Dammit... I need a new plan- figure out what Erwin is up to.

Then it came to me, before their conversation ended I returned to the main street hoping the boy with red hair would come by. Minutes seem to pass by as I waited, they passed by slowly making me think my plan wouldn't work. I was just about to leave when I turned and nearly ran into the guy I was waiting for. "Oh- sorry," he says.

"Oh no, you're fine," I say as I let him pass me. Shit, I had to stop him. I turn watching him start to leave but I stopped him by saying, "Hey! You wanna grab a drink son?" The young man looked back at me curiously before returning to my side.

"Right now? It's a bit early isn't it-"

"Oh nonsense, day drinking is good for ya boy, com'on," I retort, gently patting his shoulder, I tug him along to the nearest bar.

~Time Skip~

For about an hour now I had been drinking with the young man named Floch Forster, I had bought him multiple drinks trying to get him drunk enough to spill whatever secrets he had. I didn't think it'd take this long though- the boy could hold his liquor that's for sure. But now that we were an hour in I was starting to see he was becoming dazed. He swayed toward me sloppily sipping at his drink. I had to push him away which caused him to nearly fall off of the stool. "Okay, I think you've had enough-"

"One more!" he slurs then slams the glass down on the counter.

There I rested my hand on his shoulder to keep him steady. Now is the time to ask. "So, here's the thing, I'll let you have one more if you answer a couple of questions for me, Floch,"

He groaned softly and rested his pathetic head on the cool counter. "Whaaat?" he groans some more.

"I would like to know who you were following earlier, can you tell me their name?" I ask.

Wiping his nose, Floch sits up and grabs the empty glass. Looking at it intensely I was tempted to swipe it away from him so he could focus but he answers, "That... was Erwin Smith,"

Right, right this might work! "And how do you know Erwin Smith?"

"Oh... we... we uh... work together at the 39th precinct about a block from here," Floch begins to hiccup as he is handed another drink.

"Thank you, my friend," I say getting up from my seat I snap my fingers at the bartender. "Richard, have Floch here taken to our headquarters make sure he doesn't leave. I have a feeling he and I are going to become very good partners." With that, the bartender smirks as he walks around to collect the drunk boy. While he did that, I left feeling victorious now having found out this new information. So Erwin looks like you're not so clean after all.


I briskly left (Y/N)'s apartment feeling as though something important had come up at the precinct. I hoped it was good things like they had gotten Zeke and were able to charge him. I really hoped it was something like that.

After the quick walk, I had made it to the precinct, but upon walking in Kenny and Levi were at the door waiting for me. They bombarded me with questions that I couldn't comprehend. They did this until we made it to Kenny's office where they both went silent.

"Okay, you both aren't making any sense can you please repeat that- and this time coherently, please,"

"Zeke found the bugs," Kenny says.

"What? How-"

I turn to look at Levi who let out a sigh and answers, "From what I heard, he was on the phone with someone then after he hung up, I heard shuffling. After that, all I could hear was footsteps as if they were running. But he didn't get them all there is still one active one I know of,"

"I see... at least we still have one that remains,"

"Yes, but now he's going to be a lot more suspicious and harder to follow now. And who knows he may be planning something new now," Levi retorts.

Dammit, and here I thought we were getting closer to catching his bastard. My shoulders slump feeling like this case was never-ending. It didn't help that before I went to see (Y/N), I ran into Floch. He's just a newbie, he was still learning, but of course, he just had to come to me for help with something. "Well, whatever happens...we will deal with it," 

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