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Chapter 21: Goodbye

Hi everyone! Just wanted to hop on here real quick to give a big thank you, I've reached 1k followers :) It means so much to me to have such a loving community who enjoy my works and give feedback. I've made a lot of friends here who I really care about. So as part of my thank you today and tomorrow I will be uploading a new chapter to this book. (Keep in mind that I don't have any chapters written after that so I will be going on a short little break to write some more up when I can but while I'm gone you'll be getting reuploads of my old books) Anyway again thank you guys so much! I love you all and will see you all very soon :) ~K

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Our routine took place the next day at 7. We were currently at a different diner than the last stuffing our faces full of waffles. Watching as (Y/N) dabbed the napkin at the corner of her lips, I smile softly before shoving more food into my mouth. "You know... why don't we blow off work today? Do something together?" she asks.

"Like what?"

She then began to pick at the scraps on her plate. "Hmm, maybe go see a movie? Do some shopping? Have you gotten your suit or?" she wonders.

I shook my head, I had an old one from my father but I refused to wear it, only for special occasions like my wedding or something. "Uh no, I haven't," I answer.

"Then, it's settled, we will go see a movie then go get you a suit for the fundraiser," with that she waved down our waiter requesting the check. After splitting, we made our way to my place where she left a bag to change her clothes.

I headed into my bedroom to change allowing her to have privacy in my living room. I was planning to hop in the shower for a quick shower when I heard a knock at my door. I stepped over and opened the door barely just to find (Y/N) standing in her workout clothes still. "I was wondering..." she trails off and her eyes begin to travel. I didn't know how much she could see, but her face seemed to turn a bright red. "...If I could take a shower," she finally finishes as her eyes dart back to meet mine.

"I was actually about to head in...but uh, if you wanna go first you can," That's when I opened the door more allowing her inside. But before she entered she picked up her bag, then walking in she headed to my bathroom. With the door shut, I heard the water begin to run just moments after she went in.

It was about half an hour or so later when she got out of the bathroom fully dressed with damp hair. She left my room allowing me to undress and head in for my shower. The whole bathroom was steamy and smelled of her soap.


Sitting out in the living room, I listened to the water running in the other room, all while thinking back to seeing Erwin's ripped body again. Looking around his apartment I was glad to see he was keeping it in decent shape. There was a little bit that needed cleaning so I got up and did that while I waited.

When he finally came out of his room fully dressed, I look to him finding his bangs sticking to his forehead a bit. I chuckle at the sight before heading over to grab my bag. Before we would go to any movies he walked to my apartment with me to drop my bag off. He came upstairs with me and even entered my place.

"Nice," he mumbles.

Then out of nowhere my cat Mango comes up to him, rubbing her head against his leg. "Oh Mango-"

I stop when the blonde picks her up, I was a bit surprised. Mango usually was a bit shy around new people. But here she was purring happily in Erwin's arms. "She seems to like me," he mentions.

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