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Chapter 4: Uncertainty

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The day went on regularly; I had spent most of the time at (Y/N)'s side. Currently, we were walking around the building slowly; she was giving me a tour. She showed me the different rooms she used the most and showed me where to meet her in the morning.

She eventually gave me her number, so I had some sort of form to call her if there was an emergency and I couldn't come in for work. (Y/N) was kind towards me, although part of me felt she had to be a little annoyed having to waste her time helping someone like me. It's not like I would be working here for long.

I quietly followed her through the building, there weren't many questions I could ask, but as we got back to her office, I sat before her desk again. "Mind if I ask a question?" I ask.

"Sure," she says as she sits beside me now.

Clearing my throat, I go ahead and ask, "Your boss...Zeke, what's he like?"

(Y/N) stiffened at my question, which automatically made me think he made her feel uncomfortable, maybe. "He's uh... he's friendly," she answers rather quickly.

"Too friendly?" I then ask. I can't ask too many questions.

She then chuckles nervously, "Y-yeah, something like that. Well, I think we're done here for today, so let's pack up and head on home, shall we?" she asks.

Quickly getting up she walks behind her desk and begins grabbing her things, I sat there dumbfounded by her reaction upon talking about her boss. Has he done something to her?


That probably wasn't the best reaction to talking about my boss. There was no denying Zeke was just kind of a creepy man. He hasn't done anything to me personally, yet. But I've seen the way he gets a little handsy with the other women here at work.

I'm surprised he hadn't been reported yet, but then again, he'd probably buy his way out of any lawsuits then fire whoever notified authorities. After leaving my office with Erwin inside still, I headed to the bathroom.

All-day, I could feel that man's piercing blue eyes on me; it made me more uncomfortable than when Zeke did it. And despite how kind he was, something just gave me a weird vibe. I wasn't sure if I could trust him, he was still a stranger to me, so I might just need time to adjust to having an intern at my side.

Shaking my head, I lean against the sink, after turning the faucet on I splash some cold water at my face. Afterward, I grabbed my bag and began leaving the company building.

Once outside, I stared down at my phone for only a moment, and when I looked up, I noticed the blonde intern taking a step right into oncoming traffic. Dashing up to him, I grab onto the back of his shirt. It was at that moment I realized how much larger he was compared to me, so with all of my strength, I tug him back.

Now in front of him, I looked at his wide eyes. He was shocked, probably from the fact that a little thing like me saved him. "Are you okay?" I ask.

Still clearly taken back he nods, I let out a relieved sigh then cross my arms. "You need to be more careful, ya know," I scold.

Then nodding his head, he softly apologizes. Still looking at his face, I finally realized how depressed he looked. During work, he did quite well keeping his expressions under wraps, but now, I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah, it's just been a long day, see you," he says then starts walking off. But as he began walking towards the street again, he stops and turns to look back at me. "It's getting kinda dark, would you like me to walk you home?" he asks.

After what happened last night, I quickly nod. It wasn't really that dark, but I wanted to be safe, and with a man as big as him around, surely there wouldn't be any creepy men following me tonight. But at the same time, I didn't want to be an inconvenience to him. "W-well, you don't have too, I wouldn't want you to have to walk me in the opposite direction of your place," I explain.

"It's fine, and I'd rather make sure you got home safe. Wouldn't want you to go missing," Erwin says now, walking back up to me. Finally, I agree with him, and we begin walking toward my apartment building. 

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