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Chapter 48: Mango

Enjoy having a special guest in this chapter. Also, translations are not completely accurate!

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"Because she's-"

Levi stopped when my phone began going off. I wanted him to continue but the notification sound was one I had set for (Y/N), so I panicked. Upon opening my phone I found a message from (Y/N) but it was a video file.

As I opened the message the thumbnail was black, I pressed play. On the screen, Zeke backed away revealing a messy-looking room, there was light coming from the floor. My eyes widened when I saw (Y/N) tied up on a chair. There were no words, just Zeke smacking the crap out of my girl. Levi and Kenny watched equally looking as horrified as I was.

"When did he get out?" I ask.

"I have no fucking idea no one has sent anything," Kenny then backs away to look at his phone. He began calling whoever was working the night shift, telling them to check surveillance cameras. And find out who let Zeke out or how he escaped. I watched in pain as the love of my life was being smacked by that mad man. I had no clue where they could be and it's not like he said anything- the video was only a few seconds long.

"See, even when you're apart it's dangerous," Levi says as he backs away. Kenny got angry and turned to his nephew.

"Now is not the time Levi, we gotta get back to the precinct," With that, the two left, and I told them I would follow behind in a few. My mind was racing wondering where he could've taken her, there were multiple places he could've gone. If anything they could be on a boat by now leaving the country.

All while my mind was racing with thoughts of where Zeke could go, memories of (Y/N) came through as well, reminding me of the time we shared together, we had only known each other for almost three months now, and I couldn't picture my life without her in it.


It was hours before we had to get back on the road to San Ascord, (Y/N) and I wanted to cherish our last hours in Winside. Currently, we were tangled up in the fluffy white sheets, hiding our all afternoon in our hotel room, naked dazed out from all the passionate sex.

I had her at my side resting her head on my chest while my arm rested on her back. Her pointer finger was drawing circles along my collarbone. "We're gonna have to shower again before we leave," I mumble.

Chuckling she turns her head to look up at me. "Yeah...well, I think we should shower separately,"

Confused, I purse my lips. "Why?"

"Because, if we shower together then we'll just end up back here, messy again," she chuckles. Quickly she jumps up and pecks me on the lips. I guess that's true, but I'm too tired now to do anything else. Now her arms wrapped around my waist and her head falls back on my chest as we slowly dozed off.

~Memory Over~

I shook my head trying to refocus, but I couldn't help but think of her, especially now. Levi was right, I couldn't stop fighting for her, even if she was my weakness, she could also be my strength, my reason for fighting, every day.

Walking back up to the sink, I turn on the cold water again and begin splashing my face with it. It didn't take long for me to run outside to the others. They stood outside their cars talking to other police officers who were out and about on patrol. "Hey, I'm gonna head to (Y/N) place and see if I can find any clues! I'll meet you at the precinct in about an hour!" I call as I begin jogging to her place.


I paced around the bedroom, everything had gone silent about half an hour ago or so. And I didn't hear anybody in the house. Jumping up on the windowsill, I began scratching hoping with enough force it would open.

Luckily my human wasn't smart enough to lock it so once my paw was between the small crack, I squeezed myself through causing it to open more and more. I jumped out onto weird steps that had holes in them, and stairs leading down. Quickly hoping down, I began running down the sidewalk not really sure where I was headed. It was cold.

After some time and crossing a weird-lined path, I ran into my human's human. "Meow!*" *Hey!*

Thankfully this human stopped and turned, yet his head moved around to look everywhere else but me. So quickly running up, I brushed myself against his leg to grab his attention. "Mango?" he says.

"Meeow!*" *That's me!

The large human picked me up and I butted my head against his and began purring, "How did you get out?" he asks then shakes his head. I watched as he looked up at the building. "Alright, I'll take you home and go to the precinct, I don't think there will be anything in her place," he mumbles.

With that, he began carrying me away, so instead of fussing too much, I rested my head on his shoulder.

Upon arriving at this human's home, I smelt something familiar. Rocco? My human's human frantically ran around his place pulling out some bowls. Jumping up onto his table I sat there wondering why he was making a mess of his place. My human is much cleaner than this. I watched as he poured food into one of the bowls then into another. That's when Rocco jumped up and began eating. How can he eat this?

Leaning down I sniffed at it. Ew dry food! I began crying out in disgust, demanding to have my usual. "Mango please," this human pleads. I went to wack him causing him to stumble back. I continued to cry out wanting my normal wet food, not this trash.

This human rolled his eyes and walked to the door. "Mauw! Mauuuw*!" I cried *Wait! Don't leave!* And with that, he slammed the door shut leaving me with this putrid stuff. I then turned to Rocco and stared at him judgingly. If his human moves in with us, Rocco is gonna have to ditch this crap.

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