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Chapter 26: Apologies

Updating kinda early because I love you bbies ;)

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I woke that next morning to consistent knocking at my door. It may have been Hanji coming to cheer me up and tell me to come to work. But I wasn't really in the mood, and honestly, Zeke could shove it. Plus it was my day off and I intended on staying in and resting as much as I could.

I didn't even bother to put pants on as I came to the front door. Swinging it open, I find Erwin standing there, he was holding a bag and bouquet of beautiful red roses. And here I was in the large t-shirt I bought him for when he slept here. He was here to apologize, but I couldn't forgive him that easily. So, crossing my arms, I glared at the tall handsome blonde.

"This isn't how you apologize just so you know," I greet.

His arms fall to his sides, "I know, sorry- it's just I couldn't think of a better way-"

He stopped himself realizing what he was saying was only going to make things worse. "May I come in? So I can apologize properly?" he wonders.

I had to mentally slap myself as dirty thoughts on how he could apologize started popping up. I stepped aside allowing him in, after entering I shut and lock the door behind me. Slowly walking into the kitchen, I could feel his presence behind me.

I grabbed a cup and filled it up with some coffee before turning to the blonde. He stood there now empty-handed silently gazing intensely down at me. "Look...what I did was uncalled for. I shouldn't have shut you out like that,"

After taking a few sips, I set the mug aside. Returning my gaze to his, I let out a sigh and say, "It's just... I was hoping that with what's going on between us- you'd feel comfortable to tell me what's going on. Besides you scared the shit outta me the other night coming to my place all beat up. And then I gotta find out that Zeke had two guys do it? And what's even worse I have no idea why you'd follow Zeke in the first place," I explain.


The silence between us was long, and I felt that this conversation was going to hit another end. I wish I could just drop it, and not question why he was following Zeke. But I had to know. "Get back to me when you can give me a better reason," I say as I turn away from him, only before I could walk away Erwin caught my arm.

Spinning me around, he then pulled me flush against his body, and at that moment I felt paralyzed. "I had to make sure he wasn't paying you any visits. Because... he knows where you live and with how he's been acting around you lately...I was worried about you," he explains.

"S-so you followed him to make sure he didn't come to my place?"

Quickly he nods his head, "It was just that one night, and after seeing your reaction, I promise it won't happen again," he says.

Hearing him say that gave me a bit of relief, but to be honest I felt even more relieved knowing he was still out there protecting me even when we weren't at work. It was silent again as we looked each other in the eyes.

Reaching up, I wrapped my arms around his neck prepared to kiss him, only before I could do so, he leaned in fast and planted a hard wet kiss on my lips. Then I could feel myself being lifted up off of the ground. His large, gentle hands rested on my butt as he carried me out of the kitchen.

Before I knew it he kicked my bedroom door open and quickly rushed to the bed. Carefully he laid me down all while his lips continued to move against mine. I could feel my t-shirt riding up as I squirmed underneath him. His hands felt along my waist slowly traveling under the shirt a bit.

Eventually, I parted from his mouth for air all while he found other places to kiss, starting at my jaw then trailing downward stopping at my neck close to my right ear. I shiver as a tingling feeling shot through me traveling all the way down to my core. There it grew hot too, I wanted him so bad, part of me hopes he would take me right here.


She let out soft moans as I sucked down on her weak spot. Underneath I could feel her thighs trying to close against my hips clearly becoming aroused by my actions. My pants were growing tighter by the second as well. I left hot kisses along her skin wherever I could, and under her shirt I felt up her chest, making sure to not squeeze too hard. They were so soft against my hands, my thumb flicked over one of her nipples causing it to harden.

Her tits fit perfectly in my hands, and I wanted so badly to lift the shirt and see them with my own eyes. I wanted to do so much, but I couldn't rush, not with her. So after leaving a few marks on her neck, I moved downward, I lifted her shirt up only a little exposing her stomach where I placed more love bites. 

I made my way up to her breast carefully making sure every inch of her skin was touched by my lips. And just when I was about to pull her shirt up even further to expose her tits, my phone went off. Fuck~ As much as I'd like to continue, it could be the precinct. "Damn it," I whisper after my phone continued to ring.

Getting up, I turn and pull my phone from my pocket. "This better be good," I growl, I was annoyed as hell that Levi called me at a time like this.

"You need to get over here now,"

"Alright," I grumble.


With his back to me, I hear him let out a low growl, a shiver traveled up my spine upon hearing him. Please continue- don't leave me like this! I sat there, thighs pressed together tightly still feeling the heat.

When Erwin finally turned to look at me, all I could read on his face was disappointment. "I'm sorry, I have to go," he says.

"What? Why we were jus-" I stop myself from continuing after he comes and sits back down beside me. Cupping my face in his hands, he lets out a sigh.

"I know angel, but it's Levi- he's an old friend and he needs me. Please... try to understand,"

I rest my hands on top of his, "What's happened? Is he alright?" I wonder.

The blonde shrugs his shoulders then says, "I'm not sure, he just said I had to go meet him-"

"I'll go with you-"

Removing his hands from my face, he then stands, "No, you stay here. I'll return after I find out what's going on," he argues. Deciding to trust him, I nod after letting out a brief sigh.

"Okay, be careful," I tell him hoping he didn't plan on going after Zeke again.

Before he left, he kissed me one last time. Now I was alone again, alone and horny as fuck...

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