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Chapter 32: Tangled Up With You


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A shiver ran down my spine as I felt the covers move against my body. A cool breeze swept up hitting my now revealed back. I woke abruptly and looked behind me finding my blonde lover sitting up.

Slowly and groggily I made my way over to him, resting my head on his back I let out a long sigh. "Come back to bed," I mumble.

I could feel him turn and rest a hand on my back. Then he pulled the sheets over my shoulders. "I'm gonna go shower then make us some coffee okay?" Nodding in agreement I slowly sit up, quickly I go to cover myself upon realizing my whole front side was still bare.

I had no intentions of leaving the room so I just put on a robe. Thankfully Erwin and I weren't planning on leaving until tomorrow night giving us plenty of time to relax before we'd have to return to the real world.

I decided to order room service while Erwin was in the shower. I hadn't realized Erwin's shower was going to take longer than expected, so when the man came to the door with a cart of food, I answered it. Once the food us in and greeting the man, he left promptly. I sat on the edge of the bed with the food out in front of me. It took a lot of my strength not to open everything and begin eating.

Thankfully about five minutes after the food arrived, Erwin's shower ended and he joined me in the main room. "When did it arrive?" he asks.

"Few minutes ago, why?"

While towel drying his hair, I watched his eyes travel down my body, then back up to my eyes. "You answered the door like that?"

By his tone, he sounded a little annoyed but this caused me to smirk, he was jealous- and being possessive. Deciding to play with fire, I crossed one leg over the other, slightly leaning back causing the robe to loosen around my body and reveal just the slightest amount of cleavage. "Would you rather I answer the door completely naked? Maybe next time I will," I tease.

Erwin's lips pursed together tightly, his body tense by my words but instead of turning beet red, he continues to stare down at me. Then moving the cart aside, he stands before me. "You do that, but don't think that won't stop me from taking you from behind while he's on the other side," The thought of him fucking me while I was talking to someone else made me press my thighs together. What happened to my sweet, innocent Erwin?

"You sure are possessive and dirty for a man who would blush at my comments," I say softly.

Now bending down to my level, he smiles softly, "Well before I had nothing left to lose, as, for the dirty part, I guess you've rubbed off on me,"

Letting out a soft hum, I shift my glance back to the food. "We uh... should eat before the food gets cold,"

Hearing me say that made the man chuckle, it was the first time he had made me flustered by his seductive side, I mean I'd get flustered seeing him in a shirt but this was different it was deliberate. Maybe after the food, I could get back at him. I uncovered the dishes finding pancakes with strawberries and powdered sugar on top.

Taking one of the strawberries, I shift just a little so I was facing my blonde boyfriend, holding out the piece of fruit in front of him, I watched as he slowly leaned in and took a bite. I chuckle softly then eat off what was left. I didn't pay much attention to him at this point, because I was busy feasting on my plate of food. That was until he nudged me a little, upon looking up I found him with a strawberry in his mouth right in my face. I scoff at his actions and shake my head with a gentle smile. "You dork," I mutter, and then I met his lips and took the other half of the strawberry into my mouth.

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