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Chapter 63: The Parents

Alright my bbies, just so you know I will be taking a break for a while from updating, I know we have very little left of this book, but I need a breather I'm sure throughout this break I will write but uploads will be on hold. Thank you for understanding! Also yes I know I've been missing deadlines just been going through some stuff! Love you guys

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It was a call I wasn't expecting. And for Erwin, I'm sure it would make him extremely nervous. My parents. They were calling me now, as I answered the phone I could hear them talking, and it sounded as if they were driving. "Hello?" I answer.

"Oh hi, honey!"

"Hi...mom, what's up?" I wondered, I turned to look at my blonde boyfriend, he saw the caller ID, so naturally, he was curious as to what my mother needed.

"Oh just wanted to let you know we'd be dropping by for a couple of days, your father and I saw you on the news. Is everything alright?" she asks.

"Yes, everything's fine now, I just got caught up in a mess with my boss but he's been dealt with,"

"Oh good, still we're on our way, it's been too long. Plus this will give us the chance to meet the new boy you've been seeing," she explains.


"Your social media posts, that handsome blonde man? Or am I wrong and that was another one of your so-called flings?"

"No, no, we're together mom, I was just wondering how you knew when I had no caption on the photo," I defend.

"Good, we should be checking into our hotel later tonight and will stop by your place tomorrow? You still live in the same building right?" she asks.

"Yes, and please try not to overwhelm him tomorrow, he's got enough pressure at work as it is,"

"Of course honey, although I can't promise your father will do the same, you know how he is," my mother retorts

Unfortunately, I did know how he was, he was going to interrogate my boyfriend- and worse this will put Erwin at a disadvantage with him when they find I'm pregnant with his child. "We'll see you soon honey," my mother finishes and before I could even tell them she hung up. I was hoping to tell her on the phone to give them time to process before meeting Erwin so it wouldn't be as bad when it's time they get to know him. As I set my phone down I look to my man.

"So? What did they want?" he asks.

"They want to meet you, they'll be stopping by tomorrow,"

He stared down at me silently, I could tell by his facial expression he was already internally panicking. "Plus I haven't told them about the baby yet,"

Erwin took a seat on the stool, still, he was quite clearly in his head about this situation. "I hope they like me, despite getting you pregnant...and causing you a lot of trouble with the whole Zeke thing," he mumbles.

Walking up to him I wrap my arms around him, trying to be reassuring. "They will love you, I will tell them about all the times you've saved my life, or gotten me out of a bad situation like at the meeting with Zeke! Even tell them how much of a gentleman you are when you walked me home all those times to make sure I was safe!"

"I suppose," he says, then taking a deep breath he exhales deeply trying his best to remain calm.

"Besides nothing they say will change how I feel about you, they may be my parents but I choose who I want by my side, not them,"

My words made him smile as he stared off into space, after a few seconds he turned to me still wearing the sweet smile. Leaning forward he met my lips with a tender kiss. This was life, he knew at some point he'd have to meet my parents, but I did assume he'd get a little nervous. 

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