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Chapter 60: Never Let Me Go


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I slowly woke the next morning to feeling a tingling down at my nether regions. It was like I needed to pee. Trying to move my legs, I went to turn only to have my hips pinned down. That's when my eyes shot open upon realizing, there was a man between my legs right now.

I slowly raised the covers, finding my boyfriend eating me out, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. I couldn't help but fall back onto the pillows and watch him. "Oh! Erwin~" he hummed against my clit as he sucked gently. I could get used to this~

And for a moment he stopped to glance up at me, his eyes glossed over in utter lust. "Good morning Angel, sorry to disturb you, but I was craving something sweet for breakfast,"

With that, he was back to licking and sucking my pussy. I didn't even bother containing the noises escaping from my mouth. It was hot the way his large hands held my hips still, and just watching his tongue flick- "E-erwin!"


I could feel her trembling which only encouraged me to continue my actions. With my lips pressed right on her clit, I hoped she'd squirt for me like before. I wanted her shaking by the end of this. "Ah~" she mewls as her hips attempt to arch upward.

"Stay still angel, I'll let you cum soon enough," I whisper against her skin. Diving back in, I slipped my tongue inside her tight hole, slowly tongue fucking her. Even though I had her hips pinned down, she still attempted to grind against my face. Maybe I should just let her ride my face again.

I could tell she was close, she was trembling more than usual and becoming a lot more vocal. "Are you ready?" I ask after pausing my actions just to tease her a little. And with that, I gave her the release she so desperately needed, and it was worth the wait. As she came, I felt her fingers rake through my hair, gently tugging as she held my head in place.

I smirked against her pussy as I felt her thighs quiver. After a few seconds of cleaning her up, I pulled away and slipped out from under the now hot covers. I watched as my girl lay there panting softly, still shaken by the euphoric feeling.

Taking her into my arms now, we laid like that for a good while as her breathing calmed, I was almost certain she fell back asleep until suddenly she got up. I saw she had covered her mouth with one hand as she dashed to the bathroom across the hall.

Worried I jumped out of bed and followed her in, she nearly slammed the door in my face but I caught it in time. She situated herself in front of the toilet where she started to cough. Before she started vomiting I held her hair back for her so it would be easier. And as the sickness began, I placed my other hand on her back hoping it would soothe her a little bit.

Once she seemed to be finished, I helped her back to her feet. "Do you want to maybe take a bath? It might make you feel better?" I wonder.

Smiling sweetly she agrees. "That would be nice, but don't you have work?"

"They'll understand, besides since this whole thing with Zeke I've been needing a day off," I explained to her. Now that I think about it, since I have the day off, I can spoil her all day.

"Okay," she finally says, then she began to strip to which I quickly went to the tub and began setting everything up. I made sure the water was the perfect temperature for her, even got a candle set up.

"Is there anything else you need?" I ask, watching as she got herself inside. Sinking into the water, I watched her shoulders slump, clearly becoming relaxed by the warm water. She shook her head and laid back.

While she rested in her bath I decided to go around her apartment and clean up a little. I even stuck her favorite throw blanket into the dryer to warm it up a little for when she leaves the tub. Afterward, I couldn't ignore the grumbling in my stomach. I made a fairly big breakfast- not really meaning to at first but I wasn't sure what (Y/N) was in the mood for, or the baby for that matter. It had almost been an hour since I left (Y/N), so it was about time to get her out.

Returning to the bathroom, I peek inside finding her eyes closed. I'm sorry to cut this short Angel. "Hey, I got breakfast ready," I mutter.

Opening her eyes slowly she smiles, "Okay I'll be out in a second," With that, I shut the door and returned to the main room to grab some dishes. Seconds passed by when I heard the bathroom door open, peeking from behind the fridge I watched her walk out in a robe.


Upon walking out into the main room, I found the countertops covered in delicious-looking food. Oh my- he really went all out! The blonde took my hand as he pulled me into the kitchen. "I wasn't sure what you or the baby wanted so I kinda made a few different things,"

Taking my empty plate, I began filling it with what looked most appealing to me at the moment. Once I was finished, Erwin and I sat ourselves down in the living room where he turned the tv on and we ate our food in peace. Snuggled up against him, I took slow bites afraid that if I ate too much too fast I would feel sick again. But as Erwin was about to wrap his arm around my shoulder, he jolted up.

"I forgot- one more thing!" Jumping up from his seat, he makes his way into the hallway leading to my bedroom and bathroom. I could hear either the washer or dryer being opened and then shut, and not a moment later my boyfriend brought my blanket out. Aww, he warmed it for me!

Holding it out to me I quickly took it and wrapped myself in its warmth. Then I was encased in even more warmth as Erwin wrapped his arm around my shoulder, he pulled me closer after grabbing his plate of food. Then resting my head on his shoulder I let out a long relieved sigh. "I love you," I whisper.

Turning to look at him, I watched a sweet smile tug at his perfect lips, leaning towards him. I then felt his lips kiss the top of my head, "I love you too." Today turned out to be a perfect day, one I'd hoped would come again. 

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Hello again my bbies, so after this chapter I will be back on my hiatus again, mostly to catch up on writing and to relax a little to prepare for the next book after this! I don't know how long the hiatus will last, hopefully not too long but thank you for the support and feedback on this book, it means a lot to me!

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