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Chapter 3: Within Sights

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I sat there in front of his desk, letting out an audible sigh, my eyes follow the blonde as he walks around his desk and takes a seat. "Thank you for coming in on such short notice," he says.

"You're welcome sir,"

Looking at my fake file he smiles and flips through the papers. "So you're looking to intern, well I only have one available placement," he informs me. I simply nod and fix my tie.

"I understand,"

"Tell me Mr. Smith, why do you wanna work here?" he asks.

Clearing my throat I nod once before saying, "Well I've heard a lot of good things from my peers, and I've been looking for quite a while since my...divorce," I answer.

"Let me guess, got kicked out and moved in hopes of starting fresh?" he asks.

I nod even though that wasn't the reason, the blonde smiles and stands from his seat. He's pretty energetic but then again he kind of needs to be to run this big company. "Then it's settled, here at Jaeger Enterprise, we're all about fresh starts! When can you start?" he asks me next.

"W-well any time really-"

"Fantastic! You'll start today, I'll have my brother show you to (Y/N)'s office down the hall," he says.

Wow, this guy hires easy. Quickly standing from my seat I nod and say my goodbyes then follow the brunette out the door. As we slowly walk down the hall, I couldn't help but ask. "Excuse me...but I have a question,"

The brunette turns back and stops in his tracks, "What?" his tone was kind of harsh, and sounded a bit cold.

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I feel as though that wasn't really much of an interview-"

"My brother is always like that, don't let it go to your head, here is (Y/N)'s office. Don't screw this up," he says. Gulping I nod and watch as he walks away not sparing me a second glance.

Now looking at (Y/N)'s door I gently knock on it. Before I could knock on the door for the third and last time it opened and a whole pile of papers flew towards me. I jolt back startled by the suddenness of her actions. After a moment I found her on her knees then quickly drop to mine.

Helping her retrieve her papers I hand the stack I picked up to her. "Sorry about that," she sighs.

"It's okay, I should've-"

I hear her chuckle softly after taking the papers from my hand, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), you must be the new intern?" she asks.

Her hand extended out to me, I quickly take it and slowly shake her hand while keeping my eyes locked with hers. "Y-yeah, I'm Erwin Smith," I was taken back by her appearance. I knew she looked good from the photo, but clearly it didn't do her justice.


His hand covered my whole hand as he continued to shake it slowly. He seemed to be lost in thought while at the same time looked at me in awe. I didn't know how to feel about that, so to carry on and avoid awkward silence, I slip my hand out of his.

"Let's get started shall we?" I ask.

Stepping back into my office, I stood off to the side allowing him to enter my office. Once inside I shut the door behind us, he quickly took a seat in front of my desk and waited patiently. "W-well, as you know you're an intern, so while learning the ropes around here you may be getting me things here and there," I inform him.

"I understand,"

Sitting before him, I set the papers down, I figured he could take the papers and go make copies. So as we sat there, I couldn't help but stare at him, after a few seconds my eyes dart down to the stack of papers. "Okay then, your first task can be going to make more copies of these. You know how to use a copying machine I assume?" I ask thinking it was a stupid question.

"I do,"

Smiling I nod in response, "Then when you get back you can sign some papers, just terms of agreements really," I explain.

He nods then stands up, leaning across my desk I hand him the papers, and for a moment our hands touch before my hand jolts back. "I'll be back," I simply nod and watch him walk out of the room. 

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