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Chapter 66: The Future

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It was Sunday now, the library was closed so I was home relaxing on the couch. Erwin was out running some errands. There I was snacking and flipping through the channels finding something to watch until Erwin returned.

One of the channels was still talking about Zeke and he'd be spending life in prison all the way in Attledone. It was old information but I guess some people hadn't known what was going on quite yet. Time passed slowly it seemed as I changed the channel yet again still hoping to find something- like a movie but nothing seemed good right now, especially after scouring Netflix and a few other streaming apps.

But eventually, Erwin returned home, and in a rush to it seemed as he came bursting through the door. He set his bags down on the counter as I sat up wondering what was wrong. "Hey Angel," he greets, leaning down he pecks my lips. "Get dressed, our realtor just called and said she had a house to show us,"

Slowly getting up, I follow him to our bedroom. Since he had sold his place, we had been looking for a house. Something for us to live in when the baby comes. I changed as Erwin was in the bathroom freshening up, within no time we grabbed the little things we needed and were out the door.

It was about a 15-minute drive out of the city, into a pretty quiet-looking suburb. At the end of the cul de sac, was this tudor-style home. It was cute on the outside and filled with a lovely garden in the front. Upon entering Erwin and I were greeted to the living room and a set of stairs to our left.

My eyes scanned the room, it was nicely decorated, but that meant it would cost a little more if we kept the furniture- but I could always sell the stuff I didn't need. So far the place looked beautiful, I liked the color on the walls, they were grey but with how the furniture was, it made the house feel homey. Upon entering the kitchen it looked quite spacious and even had a little breakfast nook.

Then there was another family room, it didn't really have a TV but that was something we could put in. My hand was in Erwin's as we slowly explored the house. I nodded my head, already sold on the place despite only seeing the first floor. "And through here is the spacious backyard, it is fenced in," our realtor explained. I could see it all now, our baby boy playing in the yard, we could build him a playground- maybe even a treehouse.

"Shall we continue?" the lady asks, I turn to look at her with a smile I nod.


On our way back in, we were led down to the basement where we got a look at the laundry room and yet another family room. At least there were plenty of places for entertainment. Then back upstairs, the lady then took us to the second level of the house there were three bedrooms which one would be suitable for a nursery and the other a possible office or another kid's bedroom...possibly.

Then she took us to the master bedroom. It was quaint, charming but a little quaint. I was sure of it, this was home. Everything felt right, I couldn't find much wrong with the place, mostly just things that could be added to. But otherwise, I could definitely see a life here with Erwin.

As we walked out of the room, the realtor walked ahead while I tugged at Erwin's arm. "What? Are you okay?" he whispers.

I nod and chuckle softly. "This is it, Erwin, I want this house," And the way his face lit up with joy made my head skip a beat.


I nod my head in response as I bit down on my lip. Then without warning, he leaned in to kiss me. "I'll let the realtor know," And with that, we walked our way through our new home letting the lady know we'd take it. I couldn't wait to share this place with Erwin, and I could wait to see what the future held for us, and our baby.

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