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Chapter 51: Too Good To Be True

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The videos just kept popping up, ones where Zeke mentioned how he was going to knock (Y/N) up, or many other vile things. And then the one that really pissed me off was the video of him...in front of (Y/N).

My steps became faster after hearing the vulgar things leave his mouth. I had to get there quickly to end her torture. As I shut my phone off it took everything in me not to break it. That bastard is gonna pay either with a bullet in his head or life behind bars...we'll see which comes first.


I tried to pretend that Zeke wasn't making those sounds, or doing those things in front of me. I felt so disgusting that I shut my eyes tightly. Please make this stop! At this point, I would pay Zeke anything to get out of this. When he finally finished, I cringed when he moaned my name. "Whoo, Erwin's gonna love that one," Zeke says as he walks back over to me, thankfully his pants were up when I slowly opened my eyes.

I was still laying uncomfortably on the floor, my wrist burning from the rope rubbing against them. Slowly he lifted my chair bringing me back upright. I let out a sigh as tears continued to pour from my eyes. My body ached from the hits I had taken. "I'm going to go away for a little while. Don't think of escaping my men are surrounding every exit, so if you happen to get free they will catch you- and I will warn you but they won't be so considerate to your baby as I have,"

"Where are you going?" I mumble.

He smiles and gently strokes my face which I flinch away the moment his finger touches my skin. "To secure a seat for you and me on the next boat out of here,"

I wasn't surprised, I already knew he was breaking his deal with Erwin, but I wasn't too worried because if Erwin gets here on time there is still a chance Erwin will get us out of here. I simply nodded to his answer and listened as his footsteps got quieter. Then there was nothing and I found peace in that, so much peace that I ended up falling asleep.


On my way out, (Y/N)'s phone began ringing, not surprised to find Erwin's name there I decided to answer the call. "What now blondie?" I ask as I continue walking to my car.

"Just called to make sure (Y/N) was still alive, and to let you know I'll be there in half an hour," Erwin responds.

"She is, but unfortunately I'm too busy to hand over the phone. I'll see you then," with that I hung up the phone before he could say more and find out what I was doing. I had to be quick, I couldn't be absent when he gets there to hand over my brother and the money he owes me.

I moved faster wanting to make sure my plans were all in order before the blonde and his team which I expect to be following close behind arrive. That way I can shoot the bastard grab my belongings and dip before getting caught again. I'd have to lay low for a while but that's fine, as long as I had everything.



I was still in the chair, arms tied behind me tightly rubbing against the rough rope. "(Y/N)?!" I hear him call. And it was like my body came alive again, my eyes shot open to the sound of his angelic voice. Erwin.

I watched as he ran between the crates, meeting his eyes I watched them soften. I couldn't help but lean forward wanting to rush into his arms. Instead, he rushed to me and fell to his knees. "My hands-" before I could finish he was already moving around me to untie them. Once they were loose, I tried to stand. A sudden pain rushed to my head making me sit back in the chair. "Are you alright? Anything broken?" he asks.

Shaking my head, I let out a sigh then rushed into his arms. My emotions were everywhere at the moment and it all came out as tears as I hid my face in his chest. "I was so terrified!" I sobbed.

Feeling his warm hands press gently at my back felt so soothing that it felt as though I was crumbling at his touch. I wanted him to take me home and never leave my side again. "Shh it's okay now, I've got you,"

And before I knew it everything went by in a flash, and we were someplace new. The house was bright as the sunlight poured in through the south-facing windows. I was no longer in any pain, I was in a living room but it was unfamiliar to me. "Mama! Mama!" I hear a child call, my head snapped back watching a little blonde boy running down the hall. To my surprise Erwin was running right behind him, seemingly trying to grab him.

Is that? My- "Come back here, mister!" Erwin calls as he scoops the child up into his arms. Now walking over to the couch where I was sitting, still kind of confused, Erwin greeted me with a kiss only for it to be cut short by the child slapping us both.

"Gross! You two are gross!" the little boy whines as he tries to wiggle out of Erwin's grasp.

"Come here," I say as I reach for him. Instantly the child fell into my arms where I peppered his cheeks with quick kisses making him squirm and chuckle. Erwin stood over the back of the couch watching us in awe.

"I should head to work, I'll see you tonight, I love you," with that Erwin gives me another kiss before heading for the door. So this is our life? Filled with light, and love? It's almost too good to be true.

~Dream Ends~

My body jolted awake when I heard something fall. Everything in my body hoped it was Erwin here to save me like in the dream, but instead my nightmare only continued in the real world. Zeke had returned from his errand, and he seemed all too chipper about it. "Hello beautiful, sleep well?" he asks.

I cringed at his words and didn't answer. He'd probably be pissed if I told him I had a dream about Erwin, so it may be best to just keep quiet. Erwin, please hurry!

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