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Chapter 36: Tired

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"A shocking discovery has been made about one of San Ascord's most popular playboys and CEO Zeke Jaeger. Tuesday at around 11 pm, one of Zeke's employees was found breaking into his assistant's apartment. What he had planned to do to her has yet to be announced. We will keep you updated,"

All morning it had been playing on the radio, Zeke's arrest was made late last night. Erwin wanted to be there but Kenny forbid him from tagging along. Instead, Erwin stayed the night with me to make sure I was alright. I knew he wanted to go, but I was grateful he stayed otherwise I would've been up all night paranoid.

After making some coffee, I returned to my bedroom finding Erwin still sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless and staring blankly out the window. It was gloomy, the dark clouds hovered over the city looking as if it were about to rain any minute. Setting the mugs down, I climbed on the bed, crawled up behind my blonde lover, and wrapped my arms around him.

I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and rested my chin on his shoulder. "You can talk to me you know, tell me how you're feeling," I mumble. He knew this already, but I tried not to push him to tell me.

I felt his shoulders slump and he finally turns to look at me. "I'm okay, just... taking it all in,"

Levi had called him late last night telling Erwin they got Zeke at his house. "Are you nervous about interrogating him?" I ask.

Erwin simply shook his head then nudged me off, standing up I watched him sift through a bag he brought that had a change of clothes. "I should head over there now, today is your day off right?" he asks. He looks down at me curiously before I nod my head.

"I'm just gonna stay in today,"

Nodding in agreement, now I watched him button up the front of his new black long sleeve. "I'll stop by after with dinner, then we can pick out some movies," he suggests. Laying on my stomach, I smile happy to know he'd return here and spend another night with me.

"Sounds perfect," then after he was dressed, he stepped back up to the bed, bent over, and kissed my lips. It was quick but still sweet, and with that, he left for work. I hoped all would go well.


Upon entering the building, Levi immediately came to my side. "Kenny is with him now, you're up next if you want, you may get more out of him but otherwise the only thing we can do is wait for that warrant for the hardware store," Levi explains.

"Well, we do have the perp, who confessed,"

Levi nods, "We got it all recorded and what not but still even if Zeke is put away doesn't mean his side business is gonna stop. I'm sure his brother will take over- so we need that warrant,"

Then suddenly, Kenny walked out looking a little frustrated. "I'm taking a break, the asshole is starting to piss me off," he says as he walks past us with his coat.

"Guess it's your turn," Levi mutters before going after his uncle. I gulp, feeling a little nervous now. I don't know why I was, I had faced this guy before and this time he wouldn't have his bodyguards protecting him.

Walking down the hall I came to the first room on the right. The officer unlocked the door and stepped aside. Inside Zeke sat on the opposite side of the room grinning. With a soft click from the door shutting behind me, I let out a sigh. Just you and me now you sick bastard.

Taking a seat across from him, I push the file Kenny must've left aside. "Why don't we cut to the chase, why did you send that guy after (Y/N)?"

Sitting back in his seat, he shrugs. "Who says she was my target, if I wanted her I could've simply taken her during her shift, it's quite easy to get her alone," he starts laughing, already the anger was rising in me causing me to slam my fist against the table making him shut up.

"Alright, so you were following me, I assume to make sure I'm not spying on you?" I question.

He didn't answer, instead, he took a sip of the water we provided him with. "Don't you think we should wait for the questions when my lawyer returns?" he asks.

"Why afraid you'll say something you weren't supposed to?" I wonder.

Zeke stared at me long and hard for a few seconds before leaning on the table. "You know, it still bugs me. From the first day, I met you... I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I've seen you before- before the interview," he begins.

"How so?" I wonder, it could be possible he saw me on the street. But then something came to mind could it be...

"Oh well let's see, when I got the correct background check on you, I spotted a familiar name, or at least I think, couldn't really comprehend under all the blubbering you were doing back then,"

Suddenly my heart dropped. "No-"

"Mike was it? That was you in those halls crying over your best friend's dead body,"

I was frozen in my seat, as the images of that day came to mind. I tilt my head down to avoid that bastard's grin. "I'm sure I would've gotten you both if I wasn't in such a hurry, oh well you live and learn," My fists were tightly clutched on top of the table, my body shook as anger and grief built inside of me. Mike's killer sat in front of me and I wanted to kill him. But my body remained frozen, completely still.

"Do you need a minute?" Zeke asks, and for some reason, that's what sent me out of my seat. He was quick to stand too, the only thing keeping us from having a full-on brawl right now was the table between us. I stared down at him, prepared to take him out, avenge my partner. "You gonna kill me? Beat me to death? I'm sure you want to right now,"

I flinched forward, the blonde didn't react, he held his devilish smirk, "No, you won't. Because you know it won't bring him back, nothing will... if only you found him sooner," he was egging me on, wanting to get a reaction out of me but I did nothing. All the emotion I had felt now were fading into nothingness. I stepped back and began heading for the door.

"You'll get what you deserve, soon enough,"

With that, I left- I left the precinct quickly and quietly. I didn't meet (Y/N) for dinner and a movie, I just went straight back to my apartment. It was dark inside- like before, when Mike first died. I welcomed the darkness like an old friend as I kicked off my shoes and dropped my coat on the floor. But instead of breaking down into tears, blind rage took over and I began dismantling my living room. It began with the bookcases as I ripped them away from the wall. The dining chairs were kicked and tossed, papers that once were stacked neatly were now scattered messily everywhere.

At the end of my fit, my living room looked like it did back when I was at my darkest point, my rock bottom. But it felt like I had gone lower than that today. Then from the corner of my eye, I saw my poor frightened pet, hiding between the couch and end table. Reaching out for them, I watch as the cat slowly approached me. Upon climbing onto my lap, it began purring softly. Suddenly, hitting me like a ton of bricks, the tears cascaded from my eyes and I dropped to my knees. I had thought that once I found the killer I would be relieved, but I felt the opposite. I was angry and sad, but most of all tired. Tired of it all. 

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