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Chapter 9: Complicated

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It was the next day at work when I saw Erwin again. Though the pain of rejection was still fresh, I acted as if nothing happened last night. My back was turned to him as I was going through files looking for something. I knew that once I found it I would hand it off to Erwin to go copy, but I could see where the damn thing was.

I hadn't realized the tall blonde had gotten up from his seat and was now directly behind me until my back pressed against his firm chest. I jolt, started by feeling so close to him. Quickly look back, my head then cocked upward to meet his crystal blue eyes. "Excuse you," I mumble, I couldn't help but glare a little.

"Sorry, you looked to be having trouble. I thought I could assist you," he whispers, my eyes shot down to his full lips as he said the last part, then returned to his eyes trying to remain focused. Without another word, I turn my back to him again and finally pull out the list.

Spinning around to face him once again, I hand him the papers and order, "Go make five copies of these...please," Slowly curling his fingers around the edge of the paper, he nods before stepping away from my desk.

He stops in his tracks before reaching the door, his hand stretched out to the knob but he didn't move to open it. Sparing me another glance, I hear a short sigh escape him. "I'm sorry about last night," he blurts.

Caught off guard by his apology, I remained silent. That's when he walked back up to me, towering over me. I hadn't really taken notice of his broad shoulders until now, but he was a large man. He had to have been going to the gym almost daily to look like this. It was...intimidating. "I-"

"I-It's not that I didn't want to get coffee with you its- I've-" Erwin stammered nervously now, his body caving inward slightly. Despite his build, he acted like a shy schoolboy. "I mean I'd love to get coffee with you but- What I'm saying is that- It's complicated" he finishes and lets out a sigh probably hoping it would calm him down. That's when I rest my hand on his forearm.

"I understand, maybe some other time?" I question.

"Yes," he says without hesitation, this caused me to giggle softly and cover my lips with my other hand so I wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable. For a moment we continued to gaze at one another, the room remaining completely silent, even the noise outside my office seemed to fade. We seemed to gravitate towards one another as I began to notice the space between us growing smaller and smaller, but as the distance nearly closed, Erwin took a large step back and waved the paper in front of me. "I'll go get those c-copies,"

Slightly shocked, my mind comes back to reality and the noise fades back in reminding me where I was. And just as I wanted to say something to Erwin, he had already left the room.


After exiting the room, I inhaled deeply as if I couldn't breathe before, being in that room with her made it hard. I could tell she was becoming intrigued, and I wanted no part of it. Everything about me was fake, this job I had, the things I told her, it was all a facade to keep her safe and to keep her from figuring out who I was.

I wouldn't deny she was a very beautiful woman, but I had to stay focused, no canoodling. How the hell am I supposed to do that when I'm with her every second of every day? Rolling my eyes, I let out a soft grunt before pushing myself off her door and heading to the copying machine in the room next door.

While doing my job, I couldn't stop thinking back to how poorly I spoke to her, stuttering like a buffoon. It's been so long since a woman has attempted going out with me, I didn't know how to let her down easily and when I did it was like I slapped her in the face. Letting out another sigh I turn my head upon hearing the door open. It was Hanji. "Oh hey, blondie,"

"Hello," I greet, watching as she walked up next to me.

"See (Y/N) putting you to work huh?" she chuckles.

Scratching the back of my neck, I let out a rather nervous sigh, "Yeah I guess," then standing there silently, I glanced over to her for a moment then back at the copies of papers slowly being printed out onto the trey. Then I thought of (Y/N)'s small hands as I took the original sheet out of the machine, how soft they looked. With another sigh, I place all the papers under my arm while grabbing a pen and some notepads.

Making my way back to her office I noticed the door ajar, which was unusual because her door was usually always closed unless she was out using the restroom. Resting my hand on the door I slowly push it open peeking inward, only to stop when I heard a familiar voice.

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