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Chapter 46: Take it All

Okay so yeah here is where the uncomfy bits begin, so if you feel uncomfortable then please feel free to skip this chapter! 

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Days had passed since Hanji left for Emerside, and since then I hadn't gone into work, not that there was much to be done now with Eren and Zeke gone. It was late at night after my food had arrived, it had been some time since I ordered in and I was craving Chinese food.

While I ate, I had a movie going and papers laid out on the coffee table. They were my resignation papers, it seemed pointless signing them but whoever would take over Jaeger Enterprise would need them because it was time I found a new job, one where I could strive and hopefully make more now that I had a baby on the way.

As I looked over the last few pages, with my pen I quickly signed at the bottom. Then neatly stacking them, I moved them off to the side and began digging into the cartons of delicious food. Sitting back on the couch with Mango to my left, I decided to flip through the channels finding that the movie I planned to watch didn't seem too interesting anymore.

Each channel I went through turned out to be nothing but boring tv shows and movies that had already started a while ago, but as I went past one of the news channels, I had to stop and flip back. 'Zeke Jaeger on the loose' was the headline and below talked about how he escaped prison.

My heart felt as though it dropped to the floor instantly as I read the text and listened to the reporter. How did he?! I no longer had an appetite knowing that Zeke was out there looking for me. Erwin and the others must know by now right?! Maybe they are on their way? "It has officially been two hours since Zeke Jaeger has disappeared from here at Precinct 39, no new reports have been issued at this time but authorities are on the lookout," I overhear the news reporter say.

And just as I turned away from my windows, a loud crash resonated from behind me, followed by the cold night breeze sweeping in. I froze in fear knowing exactly what was happening. As I turned to face the one person I feared the most when I met his misty blue eyes I felt like passing out.

I nearly turned to him when I thought of running. "I wouldn't do that-"

I bolted for the door only for him to dart toward me, catching me instantly. His hand wrapped around my arm tightly, I was sure he'd leave bruises there. "Now don't be a naughty girl, remember our deal? You obey me and your precious Erwin remains out of harm,"

"Please, don't hurt me," I plead feeling his grip tighten, his free arm wraps around my waist pulling me back in closer to him.

"I promise darling, I just need you to come with me-"

"No! I did what you asked, I broke things off with Erwin! You never said I had to-" I stopped when I heard the sound of knocking coming from my door. That's when Zeke's arm recoils and I look to find him reaching for his gun. Panicked, I reach to stop him. "Stop! I'll answer it and tell them to go okay?" I ask, I did my best to keep my voice calm. This didn't stop the blonde though, he continued to reach for his weapon, and instead of pointing it at the door, he had it pointed at me.

"Alright, but if you so much as beg for help, I will shoot you both," he warns softly. Nodding, I yank my arm out of his grasp and slowly head for the door. Upon opening it, I found it was my tired neighbor to my left- her name was Petunia, I think. She was rubbing her eyes, she looked a little grouchy.

"Is...everything alright?" she asks me.

I was about to try and play it off as my cat dropped something, but I froze when I felt the end of Zeke's gun press against the back of my head. "Uh... yeah- Yeah my cat just drop a couple of glasses sorry," I answer nervously.

Her eyes squint, and I couldn't tell if she was suspicious or still groggy. "So sorry again, have a good night," I say then quickly shut the door. Quicking turning, I faced my intruder and watched as he lowered his weapon.

"Good girl, now let's talk for a bit shall we?"

Now, he turned back and headed into my living room. My eyes quickly shifted to my kitty who was now wide awake with her fur standing up in fear, her tail was puffy as she hissed at the blonde. Zeke noticed and kicked her away. Gasping I reach for my cat, quickly picking her up into my arms I gently ran my hand over her head. "Put that thing away, I would like not to be interrupted," shooting him a hateful glare, I did as told and placed Mango in my room for her own safety.

When I returned to the main room, Zeke stood over my coffee table looking at my resignation papers. Chuckling he turned to me while holding them up, almost like he couldn't believe what I was doing. "You really thought it'd be that easy huh?" Then he ripped them up and allowed them to fall onto my couch. Then with his pointer finger, he pointed at the seat in front of him. "Come, sit," he orders. Not wanting to anger him, I do as told knowing full well that if I disobeyed him he'd surely shoot me.

I took a seat in front of him, while he sat on the edge of the coffee table. I couldn't sit back, because once I had sat down, he grabbed my face pulling me up closer to his. Then with his free hand, he swiped away pieces of my hair that were getting in his way. "When are you going to realize that you are mine. You've always been mine," he whispers. For a split second my eyes darted down at his lips watching as he licked his bottom lip. Then meeting his gaze again, I tried to pull back. I had to break away, because if I allowed him to go any further, who knows what he'd do to me- I didn't want to find out.

With all my might, I yanked myself backward and screamed "Help!" I then tried to get up and run but Zeke was still faster than me so when I almost got up, he jumped at me and pinned me down onto the couch, he pinned my arms down with one hand and placed the free one over my mouth.

"Ah-uh you're being naughty, do I need to punish you?"

"Please- I-I'm sorry-" my voice was muffled and I was beginning to go into full panic mode that I began to pant and struggle underneath him.

Slowly removing his hand from my mouth, I watch his lips crack into a devilish smirk. "Well since you said please, I'll let you off with a warning," And with no time to react, Zeke leaned down and pressed his foul lips against mine. I continued to struggle because not only did I not want his lips on mine, but his beard was scraping against my face making it extremely uncomfortable. What was even worse was when his tongue began to prod its way between my lips. Wiggling underneath him did nothing, it only encouraged him it seemed, but I couldn't just lay there and take this.

When his tongue made its way into my mouth, I had to think fast, so I bit down hard on the invading slab of flesh. That's when he moaned against my mouth clearly turned on by the pain. The only thing that got him off was when I jerked my knee up hitting him right in the groin. Releasing me, his hands reached straight for the front of his pants to cup his wounded member. The moment I was free I stumbled to my feet and headed for the door.

As I was headed for the door though, I felt something grab at my foot. Falling forward I fell flat on my face, I wanted to cry because I hit my nose on the hardwood, but I couldn't waste time. I had to start crawling, only it was futile because once I started, Zeke had already overcome the pain and grabbed me. Flipping me onto my side, I saw in horror as his foot was about to kick me right in the stomach, that's when I shouted "I'm pregnant!"

Saved by the last seconds of me yelling that fact, he stopped. I had shut my eyes prepared for the impact to my hands as I quickly went to cover the area. But when I felt no pain, I slowly opened my eyes to find Zeke staring down at me, his eyes filled with seething rage. He knew it wasn't his, and that's what probably made him furious. Because it meant that Erwin did something he couldn't.


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