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Chapter 28: Something Wrong 

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Dammit, and here I thought we were getting closer to catching his bastard. My shoulders slump feeling like this case was never-ending. It didn't help that before I went to see (Y/N), I ran into Floch. He's just a newbie, he was still learning, but of course, he just had to come to me for help with something. "Well, whatever happens...we will deal with it,"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, glancing back I wait until Kenny said, "Come in," I could tell how exhausted he was in the tone of his voice.

"Erwin, there is a car outside waiting for you," the policeman said softly while holding the door open. I nod in response and start to make my way out.

"Have you heard from the newbie? Floch was his name?" Kenny then asks.

"No sir," the policeman answered quickly.

"What? I was just with him not that long ago," I add. Kenny let out a long sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose out of frustration.

"Erwin, you go, Levi and I will handle Floch,"

I nod once more and head out of the precinct, there parked right out front was a black car. And now the weather seemed to shift into overcast skies making everything seem grey and sad as I approached the car.


It was just days now before the fundraiser, Hanji had already gone to Winside to make sure everything was perfect. While she was doing that, I had the day off for tomorrow- which he had just called me to tell me. I didn't think much of it and thanked him for doing so because it gave me more time to plan outfits.

I wasn't sure how this trip was gonna go, I planned to arrive a couple of days early to have a mini vacation with Erwin. But I wasn't sure what to wear- and we'd most likely share a bedroom now that we were together. Should I pack some lingerie? Or would that be too much? Looking at the pieces I had placed on my bed, I wondered if we'd even be able to get around to doing that kind of stuff. Because it seemed each time we were even close to having sex, something would interrupt us. Maybe pack one just in case.

Placing my best set in the luggage, I then head into my bathroom to grab some necessities before taking a shower to shave and whatnot. The rest of the day seemed to drag on after my shower, I hadn't heard anything from Erwin and I was beginning to worry a little.

In the living room, I was currently stuffing my face with chips while looking for something to watch. When I finally came to a movie that was just starting I snuggle back into the cushions and shove more food into my mouth.

After a while, even that got boring. I turned and sprawled myself out on the couch now scrolling through my phone in the hopes for good entertainment but even my social media were dry. Then Erwin's name popped up calling me. I was quick to answer as I sat up. "Hey," I answered trying not to sound too excited.

"Hi," he greets, his tone sounded sad, and it made my heart race.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

The blonde cleared his throat, "Yeah yeah, just some stuff with Mike's family came up, it was urgent," he retorts.

Oh, that makes sense. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"Nah, but I'm gonna head over to your place, you and I need to talk," now, instead of being sad, his tone was serious and not in a good way. Hearing this made my heart sink now, I always hated it when people say 'We need to talk' it usually meant something bad.

"O-okay," I stammer nervously now. Oh god, what if he's breaking up with me? But for what reason? No no, he's just sad about his friend, I should make snacks! I hung up the phone and go up from my seat now determined to cheer my man up. Heading to the kitchen, I whipped something quick up, something I knew he liked. And by the time I had cleaned everything up, there was a knock at my door. 

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