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Chapter 42: Secrets

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Back at work, Kenny had called both Erwin and me in late. I couldn't help but feel uneasy if Erwin asked about (Y/N)...fuck! As we entered Kenny's office together, I quickly walk around to look at the computer screen.

"One of the guys sent me this,"

It was an audio clip, it had been from one of the bugs Erwin left in Zeke's office, one Zeke hadn't found. Erwin came and stood on the other side of my uncle.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at Ascord Pier later this week." Then there was a brief pause, probably Eren listening to whoever was on the other end. "Uh-huh, yep this time next week, no Zeke hasn't found any other girls, he's been tied up lately. But he may bring one in that's kinda last minute- Uh-huh, I understand,"

The conversation went on talking about moving the women across the ocean to Attledon. I had no intention of returning there, at least not for a while. "Well Eren's an idiot," I say as the audio ends. "When was this picked up?" I ask.

"Last night around 10," Kenny answers.

I let out a sigh as I leave his side. Erwin ran out after me, he grabbed my arm stopping me. "So how is she?" he asks. Of course, lover boy needs to know. I just need to be honest up until-

"She's in the hospital, she was nearly kidnapped and beaten up pretty good," I answer.

"What?!" he asks, his face contorting in concern. "What hospital I need-"

"No, you know you can't Erwin, she is fine now...just fine," I hoped with this bit of info he'd worry less but that didn't stop the dumb expression, he was still really worried.

"Levi is right Erwin, besides Levi told me last night that he stationed two officers outside her room, so there is no need to lose focus," Kenny steps in as he walks out from his office.

With a sad look now, he finally nods in agreement. It was hard for me not to say anything, I hated keeping secrets.

~Early That Same Day~

"Levi please you can't tell Erwin," (Y/N) begs me.

My arms were crossed as I stood by her bed, her hands were over her stomach and had been since the doctor left. It had been half an hour since she woke up, she had fainted upon hearing the news which in her case was understandable. For fucks sake Erwin, always so reckless.

"I understand but you have to be the one to tell him," I tell her.

She sat there for a moment pondering until she looked to me still with a confused look on her face. "Should I tell him now or after the case is closed?" she wonders. If she tells him now he'll definitely freak the fuck out, and if she waits he may be upset she didn't say anything...fuck!

"That's up to you, this is yours and his problem, not mine,"

Now she seemed a little sad, probably with how harsh my words were, but I was being honest, I didn't want any part of knowing this. Let alone now I have to keep it a secret from the man himself. "Look, if I were you I'd wait until after the case is closed, that way he won't be distracted,"

Meeting my gaze she sighs, "I guess that's true, but how am I going to keep something like this from him? I'm already dying to tell him now!"

I understood that too, this was big news. "Think of it this way, if you tell him now that's all he's gonna be able to think about. And what if he's sitting there thinking about it that he gets shot? To be honest, I didn't think he was this reckless, he never really talked about wanting something like this, so I don't know how he's gonna react too," I explain. I didn't want to scare her but she needed to be prepared for whatever the outcome may be good or bad.

"Do you think he'll be mad?" she then asks me. To be honest, I wasn't sure, he had never gotten into this sort of situation, he barely dated as it is and for the longest time I was convinced he was a virgin but here we are.

"I'm not sure,"

As I headed for the door, I glanced back for a moment, "I won't tell him, but he will know you are in the hospital, Kenny though will keep him from visiting- so you'll have time to decide what you wanna tell him," I explain.

She gives me a weak smile and nods before saying a soft thank you. And with that, I headed out with a new secret to keep from an old friend. 

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