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Chapter 29: Love in Winside

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I shouldn't be here. It was bad enough things were falling apart at work, but now Zeke...The door opened and there she stood looking angelic as usual even in her pajamas. Her hair was in a messy bun. I had to see her, get one last look at her. "Hi," she whispers.


I wish I could stay in this moment forever, forget what happened earlier today but I can't, and whether I liked it or not, she would find out.


The car took me to Jaeger Enterprise as I suspected. I don't know how Zeke would've found out about me, but there wasn't much else I could do but face him. The men waiting for me outside the car opened my door. Quickly getting out, they then pushed me inside rather roughly. Oh yeah, he's definitely pissed.

The two men hastily brought me to the blonde's office where they shoved me in. I stumbled forward immediately trying to find balance. Then there before me sat the prick, grinning up at me as if he had just won something. "Well well, I'm surprised you know, never did I think I'd be fooled by a detective. I'll admit it, you were good at keeping your records squeaky clean," Zeke begins all while slowly rising from his seat.

I stood there glaring at him, "But it's too bad, that your colleagues can't seem to do their job at keeping your little secret. But hey, Floch got me what I was looking for. And for the bugs, that was more a pest than anything. I made a mess of my office because of you,"

"Will you just get on with it, I don't really need a rundown on how you found out," I blurt.

"Gladly, I just wanted to cherish this moment, because frankly I could just make this quick and say you're fired- which you are but let's put that aside for now and talk about this lovely lady," he says as he pulls out a picture of (Y/N), he teasingly waves it in front of me. And before I could lunge at him his men were already on me holding me back.

"I swear to god if you touch her I'll-"

"You'll what? As far as I'm concerned she will want nothing to do with you when she finds out," Zeke, now with the picture, walks up to me and carefully slips the photo in my pocket. "You can have that- you'll need something to jack off to later,"

I wanted to punch his fucking face in right about now, but the two larger men's grips tightened on me. "You are revolting, what makes you think she would hate me?" I question.

Zeke laughs hysterically as he returns to his desk, "Are you really that dumb? Let's see, first, you lied to her about who you were, and you used her to get to me!"

I didn't talk back now, but I also didn't want to admit he had a point, "You know I'm right, and once she knows she will turn to me, the one man who hasn't lied to her. And I will be the one to greet her with open arms," he says as he opens his arms wide.

"I seriously doubt that, despite all of that, she still wouldn't ever wanna be with a disgusting man like you," I snap.

The blonde stood there now with crossed arms, then his brows rose as he turned to the small stack of papers on his desk. "Alright, I think we're done here, oh- one more thing Erwin,"

He walks up to me slowly, eyes locked with mine. His men held me, I wasn't sure what exactly he was doing but I figured he was going to hit me. And before I really had time to react to the blow, Zeke had punched me hard in the gunt. This caused me to fall forward a bit, I wasn't able to hit the floor due to the two guys holding me up, but fuck it hurt a bit. "That's for stealing (Y/N) from me,"

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