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Chapter 53: Confrontation

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Zeke continued to run until we reached another part of the building that was darker than before with only a dim warm light at the end of the hallway to shine down on us. The blonde set me down and let out a tired sigh. I on the other hand reached for my still bleeding leg and cried out in pain.

I couldn't help but cry but this angered Zeke, causing him to come up, point his finger in my face and yell, "Shut the fuck up! You're being annoying little whore!" I couldn't stop because of the pain, what else could I do? He could just gag me. I covered my mouth with my free hand hoping it would muffle me and keep him from hurting me more.

"How else do you expect her to react after being shot?" I hear Erwin say. Glancing over I watched as he stood at the end of the hall staring at us while holding his wound. "Did you really think that would slow me down?" he then asks.

"Er-" I was cut off by Zeke kicking me in the face, and with that everything went black.


I watched her fall unconscious on the ground after Zeke turned and kicked her. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snap.

"You lover boy, you just couldn't leave shit alone. I would shoot you right now but I'd rather have my precious little slut watch when I put a bullet in your head. Then she can watch the light leave your eyes-" I dashed at him ready to fight him but he dodged me and his brother kicked me to the ground near (Y/N). Then before I could stop him Zeke grabbed the gun at my side and emptied it of its contents then threw it down the hall.

Sitting beside her, I glanced down to check on her, she was still breathing thankfully but they seemed to be growing weaker. The blood was beginning to pool around her leg, if I didn't get her out of here quickly she'd surely bleed out. "I'm so sick and tired of you trying to play the hero, not only has it made getting (Y/N) harder but my business will not recover,"

I rolled my eyes. Who cares about your stupid fake company man. "You think you deserve having (Y/N)? Let alone a multi-million dollar company after all the lives you've ruined? The only thing you deserve is time behind bars for the rest of your life," I knew saying that would get a gun pointed at my face, and it did but I showed no fear, I was determined to get (Y/N) out of here. "You are a pathetic excuse for a man, if I didn't know you I'd pity you-"

"I don't want your fucking pity, I just want you dead,"

As he cocked the gun I looked him dead in the eyes, "Then do it, you don't need (Y/N) to watch, she'll be traumatized enough just seeing my body,"

"Don't tempt me, you know what you've got though, ever since I met you... you've got a death wish and I'm finally gonna fulfill it,"

I let out a short laugh and came back with, "Well...at least I don't have mommy issues," Zeke taken back by my words slightly lowered his gun, eyes were wide with shock I had said that. "We found the surveillance tape of you telling Floch your story," I explain. Still taken back I took this chance to jump him. I grabbed both of his wrists attempting to make him drop the gun.

Thankfully he did as I wrestled with him for dominance. I wanted to pin him down and quickly cuff him, but he was just as strong- and it didn't help with my wound causing me pain every second I moved too fast. And my body froze when I heard the cocking of a Zeke's gun resonate from behind me, which meant Eren got a hold of it. Shit, I should've kicked it away!

As I was about to pin Zeke to the wall a loud bang rang in my ears. Quickly looking in the direction where the shot came from, I found Levi at the end I came from, his gun pointed forward. Then looking over at Eren, his hands were bloody now and the gun back on the floor. "No!" Zeke screamed. I felt him push against me only I pushed back harder trying to keep him from running. But with no time to react, he kneed me in the groin, and once his hands were loose he pressed his fingers against the open wound causing me to wince in pain and fall to the ground.

Levi began shooting at Zeke but missed him as he picked (Y/N) up. Levi stopped not wanting to accidentally shoot my girl but that didn't stop him from running. "Wait!" I call as I quickly get up to my feet. Zeke ran off but I knew I could catch up to him in no time. "You take care of Eren, I got Zeke," I tell Levi as I grab Zeke's now bloody weapon. After the bit of pain subsided, I made my way out to catch them. This is it Zeke, you won't get away this time.

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