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Chapter 55: Complete

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I woke abruptly to the sound of fighting resonating behind me, slowly lifting myself up I glance back to see the two blondes fighting, Erwin was on top for a moment before Zeke dominated him. I- as quickly as I could look around for something to stop Zeke. Then he began choking Erwin only causing me to panic more until my eyes fell onto the gun that was laying on the ground.

They didn't seem to notice as I crawled over and grabbed it. The sky roared after the bright flashes of lightning lit up the area. Shakily I got on my feet holding the gun out, I was terrified. What if I missed and hit Erwin in the process? What if it wasn't loaded? My hands shook nervously as I went and cocked the gun.

Still, the men didn't notice, "I-doubt that... if- if anything I'll make you...w-wish you were dead," I barely heard Erwin as he said that. Oh god, I have to do this now! Before he really kills him-

"This is finally goodbye Erwin- say hi to Mike for me-" And then I pulled the trigger- twice, I had shot Zeke in the chest twice. And as he fell back, Erwin gasped for air while I stood there in complete shock at what I had just done. I watched as Erwin soon sat up and cuffed Zeke, I didn't think it was necessary, I thought he was dead but maybe I'm wrong.

But then Erwin began hitting him, towering over the unconscious man hitting him in the face clearly very upset, pent up. After some time I stepped in, "Erwin, stop he's down!" Thankfully he listened and sat back. I watched his shoulders drop a bit as if he let out a sigh before finally turning to look at me. The rain began to fall as we looked at each other, I still had the gun in my hand- still rather shaken.

Then dropping the weapon, I sluggishly made my way over to him. My leg was still in pain as I came to stand before him, that's when my legs finally buckled. Dropping before him, I fell straight into his arms while letting out a pained cry. While I was still terrified I did feel relieved that it was all over, Zeke could no longer hurt us, and Erwin- my mind stopped racing when I heard my lover sniffling. "I'm so sorry," he sobs, he held me tightly, I was afraid he'd lose more blood this way, so I gently pushed him away and placed my hand over the open wound.

I too came to tears though to see he was alright despite the injuries he received. But he didn't seem to care, after only a second of looking at me again, he rushed in pressing his lips against mine. I wasn't sure how to react at first, I was worried about hurting him, but slowly I melted into his kiss. With a sigh, my body pressed against his as our lips moved in sync, to me it was just the two of us out in that alleyway and the pain, it was no longer there. I was just happy to be back in his arms, safe and warm again. "I'm so sorry," I say between kisses, as I showered his lips in gentle kisses now.

The blonde cupped my face in his hands keeping me from pecking him as he kissed me long and hard one last time. But then we stopped when there were sounds of someone running towards us. As our lips parted we turned to look, it was only Levi who was now out of breath. "You guys okay?" he asks.

We both nod knowing full well we'd still need to see doctors. Levi turns away and starts to walk off to find the others as we hear him softly say, "I don't get paid enough for this shit," Erwin smiles as he turns to me, kissing my forehead we both let out a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over," I mutter.


I fought the pain a while longer, I didn't want to leave her side and waited with her until the paramedics arrived. Zeke was too taken to the hospital due to his injuries, but after that, he'd be going away for a very long time.

As I sat there on the ground with my girl, I placed one hand over her stomach. I'm gonna be a father. "I'm never letting you go again," I whisper, with that I pulled her closer to me doing my best not to succumb to the pain. 

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