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Chapter 19: A Chance

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After a slightly eventful breakfast, (Y/N) and I returned to our separate homes to change for work before reconvening in the main lobby. She came in slightly later than I did, but I still planned on waiting for her. As she quickly entered the building from the now pouring rain, she was busy unclipping her coat, not really paying attention to where she was headed.

Stepping in her path, she nearly bumps into me when I caught her arms. "Oh sorry, the rain just came out of nowhere," she mentions.

"Yeah, it was perfectly fine my way in,"

With that, we both began our trip up to meet with Hanji for more planning. I pretended not to be bored but lately, it had been the same thing, looking over the floor plans of the building this party was taking place. (Y/N) had already gotten all the caterers, and decorators set up and in a few days, we would be headed to the location to check up on things.

As (Y/N) peeled her slightly damp coat off, it revealed a cream top and tight black skirt that stopped just above her knees. The top was a long sleeve v neck that cut a little deep. Quickly averting my eyes I couldn't help but blush a little from the sight before me. Zeke will surely have something crude to say.

Hanji greeted us as she usually did, filled with excitement and loads of energy most likely from the expresso she was currently holding. "Okay, Hanji what did I say about the caffeine?"

As (Y/N) reached for it, Hanji jolted back and held the drink tightly. "No! I need it (Y/N) I'm running on only a couple hours of sleep!" she whines. In one quick swoop (Y/N) snatched the drink spilling only a little.

"You, go to the break room and nap. Erwin and I will look over the work and cover for you, and don't think about getting another cup," (Y/N) certainly had a motherly side when it came to Hanji. And though Hanji was very smart, she still has a very childish side.

Following (Y/N) over to Hanji's office, we both stepped inside the mess, thankfully the plans were laid out on her desk making our job a little easier. Finally, alone, I watched as the woman before me bent over the desk. Quickly I tug at my tie trying to loosen it, "(Y/N) I-"

"Jeez look at this mess, hey can you come to help me sort this out?" she asks.

Quickly walk up beside her, I take the stack of papers she hands off to me. "Those go to Zeke, can you run them to his office for me?" she asks. The look she gave me was innocent and sweet, I couldn't resist.

"Y-yeah," I mumble.

She smiles gently before going back to reorganizing Hanji's desk. With that, I turned and left the room making my way to Zeke's office. At the door, I knock with my foot and waiting, but nothing. Maybe he has a meeting? Although (Y/N) didn't mention anything of it. Maybe he's skipped work...wouldn't be surprised. Letting out a sigh, I shift the papers into one arm firmly to make sure nothing would fall out. Then with my free hand, I open the door which was surprisingly unlocked.

Slipping inside, I shut the door behind me. This would be the perfect opportunity to do more investigating, especially see if I could open the safe under his desk. Walking over to his sleek white desk, as I set the papers down a pen rolled off the side landing on the opposite side I was on.

Quickly stepping around I kneel to pick it up but then stop. Leaving it on the ground, I turn my attention to the black metal box before me. The padlock before me sat on the number three. That may be the last number. I began doing certain combinations ending with the number three in hopes to get it to unlock that way.

But each time I tried that it wouldn't budge. I couldn't break it off because then Zeke would be even wearier of me. I didn't have the proper equipment to listen for the soft clicks, so I had to keep trying combinations. Unfortunately, I heard the door open and my movements stopped. I went to hide a little bit more but accidentally slammed my knee into the leg of the desk. "Who's there?" Eren calls.

Quickly reacting I pick up the fallen pen and stand. With a soft smile I hold up the pen, "Sorry dropped a pen,"

"What are you doing in here? How'd you even get in?" Eren asks looking at me suspiciously.

"Oh, the door was unlocked, and I had papers for Zeke from Hanji's office," I explain. Still cautious around me, he walks up and looks at the documents left. After checking them the brunette looks back up at me with a soft glare.

"Next time page us, and don't enter here without supervision," he warns, I simply nod and walk back around the desk, toward the door. That was close, but the safe may just have to wait.

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