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Chapter 49: Gamble


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As I made my way to the precinct after dropping Mango off, I received another video file from (Y/N)'s number. Stopping in my tracks I began playing it. (Y/N) was fully awake now and staring at the camera. Her hair was a mess, and she looked scared as hell. "Hello loverboy, I hope you are receiving these videos just fine!" Zeke says as he comes up behind (Y/N).

Resting a hand on her shoulder, I watched as his face came to light. He was turned as if he was about to kiss her cheek. Then suddenly she flinched and tried to turn away, that's when I realized he had bitten her ear. Disgusting pervert! The bastard chuckles and moves in front of her slightly. "You know a congratulation is in order Erwin, you're gonna be a father!" he announces. Confused, I leaned on the nearest wall. He's lying he has to be, he's just saying that so I'll get angry, right?

That's when he returned to my lover and grabbed her by the face. This caused her lips to purse, he dragged her over closer to the camera. "Tell him, honey,"

She whined softly then answered, "It's true," then suddenly he released his grip and slapped her before holding her again.

"Speak up slut!" he snaps angrily, forcing her forward even more.

"It's true! I found out while in the hospital," her sobs broke my heart all over again, and before the video ended he shoved her back. Below that file was another sent seconds after the first.

"You really know how to make an enemy Erwin, not only have you taken my chance to pump this slut full and knock her up, but you've managed to turn her against me. There was a burning sensation in my throat as the vile words left his mouth. "But I suppose it's not all bad, because I have her now," he continues.

Bent beside her, he takes her face into his hands. "I'll make sure to put her to good use, while her body is sensitive, but let me ask you something you bushy-browed fuck- was her pussy nice and tight for you?"

I gripped my phone tightly, I would surely shatter my phone if I held it any tighter, but I was seething with pure rage. "I'm sure she was, let's just hope she's still tight enough for me. Because I intend on pumping every load I have to give in to each and every one of her holes,"

And before that clip ended, he turns and kisses her forcefully. With that, I wanted to smash my phone against the closest wall but I knew I couldn't because what if he sent more? And just as I thought the videos were done, one more was sent.

This time Zeke had the camera turned away and he was wiping his lips. "I guess you must be wondering why I'm sending you all of these videos. Well, to make it simple I want the money you took from my company back along with my dear little brother. That is all I want and maybe I'll give you your girl back. You have two hours to get me what I want, don't make me wait, I'm by the warehouse at Ascord Pier... come alone,"

After receiving that message, I quickly made my way to the precinct. To think I'd go in this alone, Zeke must've thought I'd be a fool to do so. Upon arriving, I went straight into Kenny's office, and of course, Levi was there too, they were both going over tonight's footage.

When I closed the door, my phone went off again- it was yet another video. But this time nothing was said, I watched in horror as Zeke grabbed the camera, went over, and kicked (Y/N)'s chair down so she was laying on her side. She cried out in pain while Zeke smiled just before going in and kissing her once more. Once his lips moved down along her jaw I could hear her weakly cry out, "Stop!"

I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't even finish this video after watching his vile tongue lick at her skin. I shuddered in disgust as I set my phone down on Kenny's desk. "What?" Levi asks before taking my phone.

"He's... he's torturing her,"

Levi then watched the videos equally horrified by the end. "We need to find them and quickly otherwise-"

"That's what I came here for, he's at Ascord Pier, but-"

"Then what are we doing here? We need to get going!" Kenny snaps in frustration. I went and stood before him as he got up from his chair, ready to charge out of here.

"He wants his money and brother back- plus he's expecting me to go alone," I explain.

Kenny shakes his head, "Zeke isn't getting dick,"

Nodding in agreement, I turned to Levi, I had to think of a plan one where Zeke couldn't get away. "Okay... I have an idea," I mumble.

Returning my gaze to the chief, he remains silent. "Give me the money and Eren and I'll go in first. Levi and a team of men will hang back until I give the signal."

"No," Kenny says.

"That's the only thing we've got Kenny, if we go barging in, he'll see that from a mile away and he'll take (Y/N) somewhere else- or worse kill her. Kenny, she's pregnant, we don't have time to argue about this. You can stay here and finish going over the footage to see how he got out. I will make sure Eren and the money don't get in Zeke's hands,"

With a sigh, the tall brunette sits back in his chair. "What's the signal then?" Levi asks.

"Gunshot," was all I said, they both looked at me in confusion.


"I need for Zeke to be the one to shoot first, and when that happens Levi, you lead the men in and take Eren and the money somewhere safe. Any other men around will help me get (Y/N) out of there,"

"What about Zeke? He still gets away-"

"Not if you Levi get to him first with some of your men, I doubt it'll take all of your guys to grab Eren and (Y/N), especially if we create a big enough team, but I'll need you to hang back so he doesn't suspect I brought anyone," This was the only thing I could think of, it was the fastest solution to this problem, and once we find out how he escaped then we'll surely do better at keeping him contained.

"And what if he kills you? You realize this is a pretty big gamble right?"

I knew the consequences of this plan, and I was ready to sacrifice everything I had to make sure (Y/N) gets to live. Even if it's without me. "I know," 

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