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Chapter 56: Piece of Heaven

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My eyes slowly opened as I began hearing steady beeps. For a moment my vision was blurry as I found I was in some bright room. Am I dead? As everything became clearer, I found my leg suspended above the bed a little. I had a cast over it where I got shot, I couldn't really sit up so I turned my head to look around. When did I get here?

The memories came flooding back and immediately I placed my hands over my belly. "The baby's fine," I hear a familiar voice call. Looking up I find Levi standing in the doorway.

"Where's Erwin?" I wonder.

Levi simply smirks, not seeming surprised I'd ask so quickly about him. "In the next room asleep, finally after hours of asking about you, he finally shut up," Watching him walk alongside the bed, I lay back and let out a long sigh, still rather exhausted.

"Did the doctors say anything about the baby?" I ask.

"They say it is doing fine," he says, putting more emphasis on 'it'. I guess he didn't want to reveal the gender to me until I knew for myself, simply smiling at his words I nod. My eyes felt heavy again and I could feel myself slowly slipping. "Get some rest, Erwin won't be up for a while," Nodding I finally shut my eyes and drift back to sleep.


I shot up from my bed only to wince in pain as my shoulder ached. Letting out a low grumble, I take in a deep breath hoping to fight the pain. "Do you enjoy hurting yourself?" a familiar voice says, glancing up I find it was Kenny who was sitting in the corner.

"Kenny, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be finishing up the case," I wonder. Standing from his seat he makes his way over to me.

"Oh I got it done, I worked on it while you were out cold, also found our rat. Turns out Floch was influenced by Zeke, guess he thought he'd be paid more or some shit," he explains. That rookie was the one that helped Zeke escape? "He's locked up now, soon to be transported to Attledon, same with Zeke once he's recovered a bit. At least their security is tighter,"

"Yeah, we'll need to work on ours then, don't need our precinct getting a bad rep.,"

Kenny simply stared at me before nodding in agreement. "(Y/N) is next door waiting for you by the way," With his back turned to me now, he made his way to the door. "I'd let the doctor check you first before you head over," was the last thing he said before he left. Not long after the doctor did come in to check on my shoulder. He said things were healing nicely, after changing the wrappings he allowed me to move around a bit as long as I didn't work the arm too much.

So with that, I headed over to (Y/N)'s room. I was a bit nervous, to be honest. What if she hates me? That time after she shot Zeke could've just been her still in shock and just happy to be alive. Not to mention the adrenaline rush she must've had, but now that it's worn off what if she doesn't want to see me again? No, I'm acting crazy she told me she loves me. As I came to her door, I gently knocked, when I heard a quiet 'come in' I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Peeking my head in, I found her sitting up- well the best she could considering her foot was still suspended. Her eyes lit up the moment she saw me, all while I timidly entered the room. I kept my distance, still having those nagging negative thoughts lingering in the back of my mind. "Hey," I greet.

Then opening her arms up to me, I slowly made my way over. "How are you feeling?" she asks.

"I'm alright, I'm more worried about you, how are you feeling?"

She nods and purses her lips, "Better, my leg doesn't hurt as much, but that's most likely the pain killers doing their job," I wanted to be sure she was really doing okay, but she seemed to be masking it a little.

"I only ask, because I wouldn't blame you if you were still upset, you did go through a lot," I watched as her usually sweet smile faded, her eyes darkened a little.

"I am, but I'm trying not to let it get to me, it won't do me or the baby any good. I will admit though, I have been having trouble sleeping, I'm able to just fine but then..." she stops and stares out in front of her, her features growing darker as she thinks back.

"(Y/N) you don't-"

"I know they're just nightmares now but it doesn't stop me from remembering... it's like every time I shut my eyes I see his face. And I hear his creepy voice," she shivered and turned away from me for a moment. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

Shaking my head, I took her hands into mine, "No, I'm sorry, I should've been more careful. I shouldn't have involved you when you found out-"

"Erwin, you and I both know I would've still gotten involved whether you liked it or not, besides we both didn't predict Zeke to break out of prison,"

With one hand I placed it at the back of her head, gently running my fingers through her hair trying to comfort her as she was becoming more upset. "I will make sure you never have to go through that ever again. I...I'll make sure you get whatever help you need- or want," Finally turning to me I could see her eyes glossed over now and tears slowly falling from her eyes. The only thing that came to mind to maybe help at this time was to kiss her.

So leaning forward, I pressed my lips against hers, I was careful not to move her too much so she wouldn't hurt herself, but it didn't stop her from clinging to me. It was a rather brief kiss but still just as sweet. "I-I'm sorry I broke up with you," she sobs.

Shaking my head I rest my forehead against hers. "It's alright now, Zeke can't do anything to us now, but the choice is yours (Y/N). And if you say no I'll understand, but just know I don't intend on loving someone else the way I love you,"

"Neither will I... you're all I want," she sobs just before kissing me again. I couldn't help but smile at that fact as she peppered kisses all over my face and lips. From there I didn't leave her side all day, for most of the time we caught up, and I also informed her that Mango was in my house hopefully getting by on the food I gave her. But for the time being, before we could go home, I would enjoy the little piece of heaven beside me. 

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