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Chapter 58: It's a...

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A couple more weeks had passed and before Erwin and I knew it, it was time for the first ultrasound of our baby- well technically my second considering they looked before to make sure the baby was okay. I was a bit nervous because by this time you could tell the gender. When the doctor came in, everything went fine as I lay there on the bed ready to see my baby. As she put the jelly-like substance on my belly she began using her equipment, my attention was then turned to the screen as she looked around.

Seconds passed before she found the small fetus. "Here we are," she started to move around and gather pictures for us. And to our surprise, as she inspected closer she told us we were having a baby boy. Happily, I smiled at the screen than at Erwin who had a soft smile tugging at his lips.

It was a brief trip filled with lots of information and exciting finds. We left with a couple of photos from the ultrasound which I couldn't stop staring at. This is really it, our baby. On our walk back, Erwin was pretty quiet, so much so that I had to stop talking because he rarely answered. As I looked up at him, I could see there was a lot on his mind.

When we reached my apartment, I tugged him inside and shut the door. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

He looks at me a bit confused but then nods his head. "Yeah, I've just been thinking- I had an idea but I feel it may be too soon for this,"

"Tell me," I say walking up to him and taking his hand. That's when his blush faintly showed and he avoided my curious gaze.

"Well, we've only been together for a few months...and I don't want to rush things but I believe it would be smart for...both of us to move in together, don't you think?" he wonders.

He had a point, it was pretty soon but at the same time, we both didn't plan for me to become pregnant. It would be wise to do it though because I truly didn't intend on being with anyone else and if he was suggesting this then he must've felt the same way too. "Okay,"

I felt his grip tighten in my hands as the word left my mouth, he turned, seeming a little shocked from how easily I answered. "Really?" he asks, probably to make sure he heard me right.

Smiling I nod, then his shoulders dropped as if I had taken a huge weight off of them. "I'm so glad, we can start looking right away! I'll help set up a nursery, everything," he says taking me into his arms, I yelped as he spun me around- he was acting as if he asked me to marry him or something.

"We can look later tonight, but if we don't leave now we won't be able to say goodbye to Levi and Kenny,"

The large blonde set me down but still held my hand as he led me back out of my apartment. I couldn't help but chuckle at how this man was acting. As we made our way to the precinct, I could see now that Erwin was pretty bubbly. It made me glad that he was no longer gloomy like when I first met him.

Out in front of the precinct, Levi and Kenny stood by a black car. It seemed pretty packed in there, Erwin had told me how the two were headed for Emerside- it made me wonder what was so great about it when it was mostly desert out there. Maybe this had to do with Levi's phone call? I shook my head ridding the thought for later as I rushed up to Kenny who had sort of opened his arms. After giving them both a quick hug and wishing them luck, I watched Erwin step up to them.

It hurt my heart a bit to watch him say goodbye to his dear friends. As my lover stood at my side once more I told the two stoic men, "We'll be sure to come out and visit, especially when he's born," I say placing my hand over my growing belly.

"Until then," Kenny says as he turns and heads for the driver's side.

"Try and not cause too much trouble, it is a long drive," Levi says before getting in, after that we watched them pull away from the curb, and with one last wave to them, I let out a sigh. Looks like it's just us now.

"They'll be back," Erwin mutters.

Turning to him I wondered what he meant by that, and before I could ask he turned to me, "I'll tell you later," then patting my head, he headed back to our apartment for the evening.

~Time Skip~


I jolted away from feeling the bed slightly shake, worried I flick on the light and turn back to find (Y/N) sat up shaking a bit. But when I felt her she was sweating. "Angel? What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"Sorry," she says, she forced a smile.

"Don't be, do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

She shook her head and played it off as if it were nothing. "I just can't sleep is all, I tried but uh... I still see his face," the last bit was mumble.

"It's okay, take your time, I can stay up until you fall asleep if you'd like," I offer.

Shaking her head she laid back slowly, relaxing it seemed. "No, it's okay just go back to sleep, I'll just go out to the living room and read so I don't bother-"

She was about to get out of bed when I caught her arm. "It's not healthy for you or the baby if you avoid sleeping, I know it's tough but allow me to help please?" I couldn't watch her constantly be tired and have it harm her or our child. If there was anything I could do to help her sleep better I would certainly try it.

(Y/N) eases back into the bed and rests her head on my chest. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was normal again. "I'll be right here if you need me, Angel," I whisper just before kissing the top of her head. And not long after she softly snored and I fell back asleep for the remainder of the night. 

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