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Chapter 64: Meet the Parents

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I had spent most of the morning tidying up and preparing lunch for my parents. I told Erwin to go to work this morning and allow me to deal with most of their questions. He felt bad of course that I had to deal with most of the cleaning, but really it wasn't that bad. Besides, my parents may need time to cool down when I give them the news that I'm pregnant. And...we kinda got into a bit of a fight.


We had just left the grocery store when reporters rushed up to us. Their cameras flashed in our faces, the interviewers screaming questions at us. They still wanted to know more about what was going on with Zeke, even Eren I could hear questions about him. Erwin wrapped his arm around me as he walked us along to his car.

It had been the third time this week, I had hoped that after the trial everything would have calmed down. Once in the passenger seat with the bag of groceries, I set the items at my feet and let out a long relieved sigh. But still, I couldn't help but be frustrated. Once Erwin got in, I turned to him with a frown. "How much longer do you think they'll keep this up?"

As he started the car, I watched as he checked behind him. The blonde remained silent as he backed out of the space. Driving away I still waited for him to say something but he didn't. "Erwin,"

"I don't know (Y/N), they've been showing up at the precinct too, I've told them everything they're allowed to know but I guess since Zeke was a popular man, the people demand more information on the situation,"

"I hate this part, I wish they would just leave us alone," I mumble.

"Yeah well until they actually do something illegal there isn't much I can do, or any of my fellow colleagues. They're not allowed near the precinct but that doesn't stop them from waiting across the street,"

"We need to move, if we stay here who knows how long it'll take for them to find out and crowd around our building,"

"I know, but we can't really do that when we haven't set up an appointment with the realtor. I can't really do that while I'm at work-"

"Are you suggesting something? You know the library computers are ancient and their internet is crap," I argue. I was feeling icky at this point fighting with Erwin.

"I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just saying if we want to move then we need to schedule that sooner,"

For the rest of the ride, it was tense. And although it wasn't a big fight, it still left me feeling gross and stressed. And clearly, it was affecting him too.

~Flashback Ends~

With the finishing touches all taken care of, that's when I heard a knock at my door. Rushing over, I opened it, before I could react my mother wrapped her arms around me. My eyes followed my father as he entered my home. "Hey guys," I greet, trying to sound excited.

Once mother had released me, she too entered and explored the apartment. I was a bit shaken due to being nervous about their reaction, but I couldn't keep it from them, they'd find out eventually. "Mom...Dad," I paused, and while they turned I nervously gulped. "I'm...pregnant,"

Their smiles seemed to fade for a moment, I hated the silence that followed. I couldn't tell what they were thinking. Kinda wishing Erwin was with me now. I took a step closer when my mother's blank expression turned to sheer happiness as she rushed me. Attacking me with another crushing hug she swung me around telling me how happy she was. At least I got that out of the way...

"Oh darling, that is amazing! It is Erwin's right?" she asks after pulling away for a second.

"Yeah? Who else would it be? You don't-"

"Oh sweetie, I didn't mean it like that, not that doing that is a bad thing, I just wanted to be sure," she reassures. "We just want to make sure you're being careful,"

"I know," I respond softly.

"So do you know what you're having? Does Erwin know?" she asks. That's when my father came up behind and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Dear please let (Y/N) breathe,"

My mother glances back at him and removes his hand. "I know honey but we haven't seen your only child in years, so forgive me if I want to find out what your little girl has been up to," her tone was fake, as she "sweetly" talked to my father. Really it was her way of telling him to back off and let her do her thing,

Then she looked at me still waiting for my answer, "It's a boy, and yes Erwin knows he was with me when we found out,"

And just like that, she shot another question, "Are you two planning on getting married?"

Now I was with my father, I needed to breathe. Erwin and I hadn't even talked about that, it was way too soon to be thinking of marriage when we already skipped a lot of steps. But I knew I wanted Erwin in my life and if things go well hopefully marriage would be an option. After that my mother took a breather from the questions and we had lunch.


Work had finally ended, and before my way home I decided to pick up some flowers, to hopefully give me an advantage, with (Y/N) and her mother. I did my best to destress while at work with the paparazzi, and thankfully they weren't around when I left.

After paying for a couple of bouquets, I made my way home. The walk also helped me mentally prepare for all of this even if the car would've gotten me home faster. Upon entering the building my heart began to pound nervously. Entering the elevator I clicked the button leading to the correct floor.

As I grew closer to home the more stressed I became again. At the door, I let out a short breath, then dug for my keys. Now my hands were shaking a bit as I attempted to unlock the door. With a quick turn, I open the door, finding (Y/N) right there. Looking into her eyes my fears all seemed to fade. She smiled and opened the door wider for me.

My eyes shift to the living room finding her parents looking right at me. Awkwardly I wave to them and then turn my attention back onto (Y/N). "Here," I whisper, giving her one bouquet, then as her mother and father rushed over to me, her mother jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"It is so good to finally meet you, Erwin," Patting my back for a moment I reluctantly wrap my arms around her small form. When she was done I then pass her the other set of flowers, she gasped and hugged me again.

Finally, her father came forward, extending his hand to me. I shook it. "Hi," was all he said. Once introductions were out of the way, I turned to look at my girl who seemed to be beaming with joy. I followed her over to the couch where food had been laid out.

That evening I spent time with her parents allowing them to get to know me, and vice versa, it was a great time as my fears subsided. Her folks were great, really supportive of our relationship, and just as excited about the baby as we were. And when they brought up the living situation, we told them how we were planning on purchasing a home together. (Y/N)'s mother decided she'd help us.

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