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Chapter 62: Closure

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After I had dropped (Y/N) off, I headed to work myself, the first time in days- well really since Kenny and Levi left for Emerside. I needed time to recuperate mentally since I was now chief which was a big step. Upon entering Ke- my office, I found nothing but a couple of empty filing cabinets and a clean desk.

Exploring the new space more, I checked around for anything that had been left behind. But there wasn't anything in plain sight. I set my hefty bag down that was filled with some personal belongings to spruce the place up. It felt strange like I wasn't meant to be here.

Finally, I began placing photos and other office essentials. Then as I was putting away my stapler in the drawer to my right, inside there was a folder. Puzzled, I pull it out and open it, upon opening a single piece of paper fell out. It sat on my lap, now faced up revealing it to be a photo. My eyes widened as I inspected it- it was me and Mike. I paused for a moment wondering where Kenny found this, I didn't remember him taking this photo. My arm was on Mike's shoulder, and we were in our first year here at the precinct so we were in uniform. My hand shook as I set it aside and looked at the rest of the file.

It was Zeke's case he left for me, and out of curiosity, I checked over it. I don't know if it was paranoia but I felt the need to check over everything even though Kenny, Levi, and myself had looked over everything three times over- well now four. Once I got to the part where Zeke kidnapped (Y/N) I had to stop, we had photos of her for evidence and it made me sick to my stomach to see her beaten and bruised body. Closing the file I placed it back where I found it, then turned my attention to the photo. I stared at it long and hard until something popped into my mind. Nanaba.

I decided after doing a bit of work and setting my office up, I would go see her before picking (Y/N) up. I knew Nanaba would want to see me, now that I've taken down the man that murdered her husband.

~Time Skip~

Stepping up to the door, I went to knock only for the door to swing open. Nanaba looked happy, really happy to see me. I had no time to react after she opened her screen door and jumped me. Her hug was near suffocating but I hugged her back. I could hear her kids in the back laughing and playing. "Come in, come in!" she repeats, this was after she released her death hug on me and began tugging me into her home.

"I'll go grab some drinks, do you want anything?"

"Just water, thanks," I answer. I sat on her couch now watching her children as they played with plastic animals together. I felt for the picture in my pocket. Quickly grabbing it out I watched the blonde woman carefully walk back into the room with a tray of drinks. I almost jumped up to help her.

"Ah-uh, you stay mister," she says in a slightly scolding tone. I relaxed and grabbed the glass from her.

Sitting in the small chair to my right, she smiles and sips at her drink. "I was wondering when you'd stop by, I was starting to think you didn't want to see us after...you know," she mumbled.

"I meant to drop by, but things got crazy...I don't know if you checked the news,"

"Always, even before Mike passed, I checked it every day to make sure you both were coming back... but Zeke? Do you think he'll escape again?" she wonders. My stomach fell a bit hearing how she's been watching the news to keep an eye on us. It must've broken her when she saw the news of Mike's death.

"No, he's being transferred far away from San Ascord... we don't know the location but I hear it's a very secure penitentiary," I explain.

"That's good, he'll be getting what he deserves at least... and what of his brother?"

"He's not fighting it, so he may be released earlier than his brother, but from what we found Zeke was pulling all the strings, even on his own brother...so I don't believe he's a threat. Still, I'll be keeping an eye on him,"

For the next hour or so we caught up, I played with her children, and we reminisced on the good time we all had before Mike's death. It felt like a weight being lifted off of my chest. I stopped in front of her front door getting ready to head home when I turned to her and handed her the photo. Looking down I watched her eyes glaze over. She covered her mouth and took it then looked to me. "I thought you should have it, it was Mike's- it says on the back but I guess Kenny was keeping it safe." It was the last bit of closure I needed in order to move on from this ordeal. I knew I'd always miss him, but I couldn't let it cripple me.

And before leaving, she hugged me one last time. "You take care of yourself, and visit me again sometime okay?"

I nodded and slowly slipped from her grasp, "You too, Nanaba."

With that, I had gone home where I cooked up dinner for my girl, and before I went to pick her up, I had a question that needed answering, it had been plaguing my mind all day. I had my phone pressed to my ear as Kenny picked up. "Already pissing yourself scared-"

"Why me?"

"What?" he questions.

"Why did you choose me to be chief?"

There was a long silence between us until I heard him sigh on the other end, "Mike... before he passed, we talked. He wouldn't shut up, he went on and on about how you fit the job, at first I didn't really give a rats ass cus' I figured I'd give it a few more years before retiring my old ass. But watching you take on this latest case... I figured that now that you grew a pair, you were ready."

I didn't know what to say, "Look, I think you deserve it, Mike surely seemed to think you did. So you do what you think is best- if you still feel weird about it then give the opportunity to someone else, I won't be mad. But if you do stay as chief you better not let me down or I'll come back over there and kick your ass,"

I laughed hearing him say that as it brought me from my racing thoughts back to reality. "Yes sir,"

"Alright I gotta go, I got a date,"

I laughed a little again hearing that as well, it was something I couldn't imagine the man doing but I guess now that he's retired he was doing whatever the hell he wanted. Once he hung up on me I let out a sigh. I deserved this. It was something I needed to hear, and it especially helped when he told me what Mike did. I won't ever know what he said about me, but it was all the encouragement I needed to give this chief thing a try. No...I won't let you down. 

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