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Chapter 20: You and Me

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It was another boring day at my fake job, I was exhausted from running errands for (Y/N) and also keeping a lookout for the blonde creep. But thankfully it was close to the end of the week meaning I could relax. Or at least a little, I made arrangements to meet with Kenny to discuss more evidence if there were some from the bugs I planted in his office.

I was currently walking alongside (Y/N), another thing that had become a routine, but more by chance. She was going on about how excited she was for the fundraiser, how it seemed more like a party than anything else. I listened a little to her hearing about the dress she picked out.

I stopped listening halfway through her describing this dress when I heard footsteps resonating from behind us. Tilting my head back just barely I could see a dark- rather short figure tailing us. Locking her arm with mine, I quicken our pace, gently tugging her along. "What?" she asks.

I lean closer to her and mutter, "Someone is following us, just stay calm, keep talking,"

She nods and continues to talk as calmly as she could without raising suspicion, when we were outside her apartment, I push her inside. "I'll see you tomorrow, seven sharp," With one last glance back at me she smiles and nods before rushing inside.

Finally turning to face the creep, I found them standing by a nearby tree along the boulevard. "Come out, before I call the authorities,"

Slowly the shadow stepped away from the tree and into the light coming from inside the building. "Sucks for you, because I am the authorities," a familiar voice says, upon stepping into the light, it revealed an old friend and colleague, Levi Ackerman.

"Levi...what are you doing here? And why the hell were you following us?" I question, crossing my arms, I watch the man slowly make his way up to me.

"Kenny called me, he said you could use some help," he explains.

I let out an annoyed groan as I roll my eyes. That bastard, is this because I haven't gotten much evidence yet? Or because of the things going on with (Y/N)? Is he trying to keep track of me? "I don't want another partner,"

"Too bad eyebrows, chief's orders," he retorts.

"What about the Curtis family? I thought you were still working for them?"

Now, Levi, had his arms crossed and quickly averted my gaze. Something happened. "Yeah, I quit working for them after the whole shit that happened with Jodi. I've just been picking some shifts up at bars- still security work but less fun," he explains.

"Oh...have you heard from her?"

The ravenette shook his head all while pursing his lips. Looks like he's not so good with women too. "I'm sorry," I mutter.

"Don't be, after this I plan to head Emerside to see her, Mikasa told me she's been avoiding me," he explains.

I really didn't want to stick around and catch up right now, my bed was calling to me. "Oh well I hope that works out for you, I guess if we're doing this together I'll see you Saturday,"

"Sure thing, sorry to creep you guys out like that, I didn't want to raise questions from the girl," he explains.

I guess that makes sense, she'd probably ask how we know each other and have to make something up on the spot, it would be best to create a story that'll make sense and be believable. "Right, well don't worry about it now, have a goodnight,"


That was strange. As I looked out my window down at the front of the building I could see the two of them standing there talking. Maybe they know each other? Shrugging it off, I turn away from the window and head into my living room where my tv was on. There on the couch sat my cat Mango. "Hi baby," I say as I gently pick her up, after taking a seat I set her down on my lap allowing her to continue sleeping. It didn't take long for her to do so.

After a while, my phone began to buzz jolting me from my drowsiness, I look to see who was calling at this time and to my surprise it was Erwin. Maybe he's checking in?

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey sorry to call you so late, I just thought I'd check in on you," he answers rather quickly.

"Oh that's fine," I stop and smile to myself happy at the thought he was worried about me.

"So...a-are you alright?" he asks.

"Oh, yes I'm just sitting on the couch with my cat,"

I could hear a brief sigh before he asks, "You have a cat?"

"Yes, her name is Mango...are you home now?" I then question.

He simply hums an 'mhm' and I slowly nod to his response. "So what did that guy want?"

"O-Oh it was just an old friend who saw me I guess,"

My brows furrow curious as to why an old friend decides to follow him. "Oh? I'd like to meet this friend of yours,"

He let out a quick hum that sounded kind of confused, then proceeds to ask. "Why?"

"Well for one, I've never met any of your friends, and if he's your friend he must be interesting," I suggest.

Then after clearing his throat, I could hear him growl lowly, I shivered at the sound. "I doubt you'd like him. He's a bit on the short side, physically and kinda rude unless you've known him a long time," he explains. I smirk at his response.

"Is that so? Or are you just saying that because you want me all to yourself?"

There was a long pause before I started to laugh, I could just imagine his reaction, his face beet red, eyes widened. "I'm teasing, besides I like my men on the taller...buffer side. But of course is still a gentleman," I explain.

"Oh yeah?" he asks.

"Yep, anyway, thanks for checking in, I'm gonna go get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow for our jog and breakfast,"

There was a brief pause until he finally agreed and said goodnight. After hanging up, I sat there still smiling like an idiot. Man...I've got it so bad.

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