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Chapter 39: A Step Back

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It was absurd, I stood there in Kenny's office hearing the latest excuse for me to leave (Y/N). I knew Kenny was against our relationship but I hadn't realized it was this bad. That's when Levi dropped the thick folder of photos down on the table, some came sliding out revealing (Y/N) completely oblivious. "You know I'm right Erwin, these people know where she lives, one word- that's all it takes for a whole mob of men to come breaking down her door and taking her- hell even kill her," he says.

I fell silent, because how do I argue with that? I wasn't sure how many people were working for Zeke, but I had to assume there were a lot. So how many people were sitting outside her apartment waiting? Waiting for a signal.

"I can protect her, we can have some guys stationed outside, or move her somewhere safe-"

"That won't last long and you know it. We don't know who's out there watching your every move- all you have to do is stay away from her for a bit, and once Zeke is put away for good, and his minions picked up, you two can skip to your happily ever fucking after,"

I hated this, but I had to ask, "And what if I don't want to do this?"

"You'll be taken off of this case and suspended. Not to mention I'd have to assign someone to watch you in case you try to go solo," Kenny answers as he picks up the pile of pictures scattered on his desk. "Really it was a mistake to put you on this case, especially with how close you've gotten to the target,"

Silence fell as I looked to Levi, he held the same stoic expression as his uncle. Things would've been easier if I hadn't left the Curtis family, but then I wouldn't have met (Y/N). "Look I didn't wanna have to do this, but with how crazy shit is getting, I don't wanna take any chances. Besides seeing the way you got after finding out what Zeke did, do you really think I wanna see you go through that again if you lost (Y/N)?"

He had a point, Zeke had completely pulled the rug out from under me when he told me that. If anything happened to (Y/N), I'd definitely kill Zeke.

~The Next Day~


Back at work, I had occupied my time with sorting papers for Eren. Since Zeke was imprisoned Eren had taken over things, which made things a lot less stressful. Eren stayed in Zeke's office most days, hardly coming out unless he needed to use the bathroom or to head home. There were a few occasions he'd stop by for papers for different meetings.

To my surprise, Erwin stopped by. He had brought me something to drink, but I could tell he wasn't very happy. "What's wrong?" I ask as I shut the door behind us.

He was silent for a few seconds before finally turning to face me. Letting out a sigh he says, "Kenny needs me to... stay away from you for a bit,"

It felt as though my heart had hit the floor, only moments after that shattering feeling the confusion sank in. "What? Why?"

He began to say something but stopped, and seemed unsure how to answer. "It's...dangerous,"

Staring at him even more confused than before, I crossed my arms. "And? It's been dangerous for us before, what's so different now?"

"Because..." he trails off, stuck again on his words which only started to make me more frustrated, I wanted to understand why he was finally taking Kenny's side. After all we'd been through together I wanted a simple answer as to why he needed to do this, so I could understand or at least try to.


He began to get frustrated now too, quickly turning and letting out a loud groan. "Erwin, I just want to understand why you want to do this now. If you tell me I will try to understand, please,"

"Because they have pictures of you!" he finally snaps, clearly hearing me wonder had made him snap. I jolt back, I didn't particularly like when he got loud. "They know where you live (Y/N)! And I tried to defy Kenny but if I ignore him I'd be taken off the case and I don't want that to happen. I want to be there when Zeke is found guilty, I want to be there when they bring his other men in. And I can't do that when you're holding me back!" Now I saw it wasn't just me he was upset with, Kenny had pissed him off.

Silence fell and for a while, we just stood there unsure of what to say next. To be honest I was hurt when he said I was holding him back. All I wanted to do was understand and help him, but if this is what he had to do, then who am I to stand in his way? "I see... well then you can let yourself out," I mutter. Walking up to him, I take my drink and step past him to my desk.


"No Erwin- you made it perfectly clear what you needed to do, so go- do it," With that, he marched out of my office and slammed the door behind him. With a sigh, I fell into my chair, that's when the feeling came back. The burning in my throat that was slowly building up, almost like acid reflux but worse. When the nausea subsided dizziness sank in. What is happening to me?


Walking down the corridor hearing the other inmates try and get my attention, I came to the last door on my left. Inside he sat there on the floor, his hair hiding his face. With my baton, I tap the metal bars and watched as he slowly raised his head.

Zeke smirked up at me and said, "Good work, you know what to do next?" 

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