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Chapter 61: All Work and No Play

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Erwin walked up to the entrance to the library with me. Since finding out I was pregnant and rescuing me, he's been a bit overprotective, I didn't complain though because he just wanted me to be safe. He handed me my lunch for today and then kissed me. "If you need anything don't hesitate to call- And if you start to feel sick call me and I'll come straight awa-" I placed the tips of my fingers on his mouth, shushing him.

"I will, I promise, but if you don't go now you'll be late," I retort.

Then I felt his lips curve up into a smile just before pulling my hand down. "Did you forget? I'm the chief so I can arrive at anytime-"

I chuckled, then shaking my head I let out a sigh. "Well I'm sure your comrades don't want their chief running late, you do have a reputation to uphold now,"

"Okay," he sighs in defeat, to make him feel a bit better I jump up and press my lips into his briefly. I took off before he could go on to tell me what to do if anything came up. I waved at him though upon walking in.

I decided that while I was pregnant, I would just volunteer at the local library, as much as I wanted to find another job, I couldn't do it yet, not while I was pregnant knowing fully well I'd be leaving around the last couple weeks of my final trimester, and because Erwin and I are moving soon. We'd be in the same town, but just further from the city. Besides, it'd be best to stay at home after the baby's born for a bit.

And the perks here, the women here needed someone to put the books back and also organize too. Upon entering I went to the front desk to talk to the woman I spoke to about a week ago.

~Time Skip~

It was a slow day today, which I'm sure was usually at this library, most of those books you'd probably find online anyway, but it was nice and calming. The ladies there were very sweet, some shy like that girl Annie, but I think she'll come around.

Exactly at 4, Erwin's car pulled up. Getting in I was greeted with a soft kiss and my fingers intertwined with my blonde lover's. "How was it?" he asks.

"It was good, thankfully no morning sickness,"

"That's good," and then he kissed my cheek just before driving us home. "They didn't work you too hard did they?" My eyes were locked on our hands watching his thumb caress my hand slowly.

"No, it wasn't too busy, just put some books away and organized,"

Finally glancing his way he smiled and nodded his head. "Did you see anything you liked?"

I questioned why he wanted to know, but quickly shrugged it off and told him about the few I saw. I wasn't expecting him to get them but maybe he'll save it for a birthday or Christmas present.

As we got home, I found the counters cleaned but food on the table. Did he come home early to make all of this? "What?" I questioned.

I heard my man snicker from behind me, and I turned still surprised. "I got off early so I decided to make dinner before I picked you up...it's the least I could do," I wanted to kiss him right there but he came up and gently pushed me towards the table. From there we both enjoyed a delicious dinner. When he got up to take our plates I could help but feel bad he was doing so much work now, I feel like I'm burdening him.

"A-are you sure you don't some help?"

He turned while washing the dishes, "It's alright, why don't you get on my laptop, I have a few houses that may be good, I was looking while on break, they're in our budget,"

After he said that I went to his laptop, he told me his password after he told me about Zeke and his so-called private business, in case anything happened to him and he wasn't able to share it with his co-workers. Upon logging in the page was right there along with a few other tabs. I looked through most of them. And when I got to the final tab, I also wasn't impressed, it just didn't have that...homey feeling.

I sat back with a soft frown. He did all this and I don't like any of them. "See any good ones?" he asked, now stepping up, he took a seat and handed me a nice hot cup of tea. Shaking my head, I took a sip.

"Not yet, they are beautiful but I don't know they don't feel right to me,"

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he pulled me in to cuddle with him. Before he could pull me in closer I grabbed his laptop so we could continue. "That's okay, we will keep looking," he mutters with his lips against my head. I began scrolling through the main page when my lover pointed. "That'll be nice it's next to a good school," he says.

Opening a separate tab, we looked over it. It had some of our wants but it was over our budget, and looked like it needed some fixing up. "Mmm, it's pretty but it's already over our budget, and we'd have to update a lot of things,"

"I could fix those things for you," he offers, squeezing my side gently. I chuckled, gazing up at him . He smiled down, until he leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"You do too much for me already honey,"

"I could always do more Angel~" with that he squeezed me again as he captured my lips in a passionate kiss this time. I knew he would, but how could I ever repay him?

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