Chapter 77-Results

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Apologies for not posting for a long time. Here is a short chapter. There will be a sequel, or I may start another story. Also, there will be bonus chapters that I might add to this book.

Days went by and the games got boring. Sir was trying to introduce them new things that they could try, but as time went by, they became less and less enthusiastic about it. Time trickled by and everyone paced around nervously. There was nothing that could prevent them from the anxiousness that flowed through their veins. Soon enough, the day came.

"Don't be too stressed Hailey..." Sir whispered, before gently guiding her into the hall. "Year 1 students, welcome. Today we are going to announce your results." Headmistress announced, before talking about how the year did in general for each subject. Hailey shaked her knees vigorously, while Kate shifted around in her chair. An hour passed...then an hour and a half..."Children, please look at your journals now and your results are stated there. Your examination papers are under your seats. Good luck." Headmistress finally released. Students in the room all hesitantly reached into their bags to take out their journals. Hailey flipped through the page slowly, and caught a glimpse of a newly filled page in her book. There was a table, and she knew that it was her results. Kate held Hailey's hand as they flipped to the correct page and unwillingly looked at it.

Hailey: Average: 53.5%
Kate: Average: 59%
Jenna: Average: 55%
Macey: Average: 60%

"SQUEEEEEE!!!" They screamed in unison. "WE PASSED!" Hailey exclaimed in joy. They jumped up and down, hugging each other and crying. They had improved since the start of the year, and they were so proud of their progress.

"Please note: those who's average is less than 35%, your year-end holiday will be cut short and you need to come back to school in 2 weeks. For the rest of the students, you may leave the school tomorrow and come back to school on January the first. Children, you are dismissed." Headmistress announced. Many hopped out the room, grinning in excitement. Others, however, looked dejected and groaned in annoyance. Macey and Jenna ran to the cafeteria to buy food to celebrate, whereas Hailey and Kate ran to Sir. "Sir Diego! We passed! We all passed!" Kate screamed. They celebrated and choked on tears as they talked about their result on the way back to their dorm. "SHH!" Headmistress warned them as they walked past, calming down and rushing back to Sir's dorm where they could be as chaotic as they wanted.

Thank you for all your support, I cannot believe the book is coming to an end. All the best! Peace out ✌️ 💗

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