Chapter 11: Sir Is Kind

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Sir brought them out and carried the six books for them. He directed them to the coffee table and told them to sit on the floor. He asked them to take their own books and open their bujo to the next blank page. Skipping past the timetable and some random pages, they found a page. By then, sir had came back with a large transparent box. "Here, this is for you to use today. These are stickers, coloured pens and basically nice stationery. I want you to use these to decorate that page and draw 7 large boxes. These should be big enough to fit all the names of your homework. Label each day with the date. Today is...7 January, Tuesday. If you want, you can just draw 5 boxes first since theres only 5 days left in this week excluding today. Have fun! When done, you can use the pens to write in your journal. I am sure there has been a lot of things going on today." Sir winked before retreating to his room. With a big sigh, they started working on their journals.

"Hailey, you are so lucky. You were not beaten like us..." Macey whined. Jenna winced at the memory of how badly it stung. Hailey softly smiled and said, "if you want to do anything naughty or rebellious, a tip is not to do it right in the teacher's face" nodding, the two girls heartily agreed. They continued talking to get to know each other while decorating their journals. An hour passed, and they were finally done with everything. By that time, they felt like they knew each other for years already, since they had seen each other at their weakest (the caning), and talked so much about their lives before this stupid AEA. They got up and stretched, just as Sir walked in. "Looks like you had fun. I heard a lot of laughter from my room. Right, pack your bags, and we can go. Since you girls took your punishment well today, you can take one sticker patch or washi tape from my box to keep with you ." He told them. They grinned and started scavenging  for the best prize. Once they found their favourite, they literally ran to their bags and hid the decoration, as if it was a precious Jem. Sir laughed and led them out. Sir walked in front of them, and Hailey curiously asked the others in a Low tone, "why does sir have such girly stationery?" Unfortunately for her, sir heard it and chuckled. Hailey put her head down and blushed, embarrassed that she had been caught calling sir girlish. "No silly, when i found out i was going to take care of three girls, i got them. I actually have a set of those but with styles that I prefer. Honestly, it is quite relaxing isnt it? These things are not really for boys or girls—both can do it." He told them. This, they couldn't argue with. It was therapeutic, and they were satisfied with how it turned out. By then, they reached the cafeteria for the second time that day, this time for dinner. Before entering, sir turned around and raised an eye brown at them. They all said in unison, "we will not misbehave in the cafeteria." Nodding, he relaxed and brought them in.

However, the routine wasn't the same this time. He led them to a different part of the cafeteria. Confused, they looked at each other but continued to tag along. When they reached, they were about to ask what was happening when they saw the boy who cut Macey's queue walk towards them. Macey and Jenna clenched their fist, as he was the one who caused them all the punishments. However, they were confused when sir led them to him. Behind the boy was a young lady who had a stern look on her face. Upon closer inspection, the girls realised that he had bruises across his face, probably his punishment. The lady was most likely his mentor. The lady nodded at him, and he grudgingly said, "sorry girls...for cutting your queue. I am Phil." The girls accepted in apology, and Macey weirdly wanted to hug him. He allowed it and Macey whispered into his ear. It caused him to clench his fists and his face went red, making it a funny colour due to his purple bruises. Sir then allowed them to go get their food and they sat down at their previous table. Their dinner consisted of roast chicken, porridge and some vegetables and watermelon slices. "Girl, what did you say to Phil that made him so mad?" Hailey curiously asked after sitting down. Macey smirked and whispered to them, "I said 'looks like you were punished by a GIRL'" The moment the two heard that, they laughed their heads off. They knew how much Phil hated girls and felt like they were weak.

To be honest, the girls were very surprised that Sir arranged for Phil to apologise to Macey. They thought he felt like they were at fault. Apparently he was pretty reasonable. The three girls couldn't wait to see what was in store for them after this.

Hey guys, how are yall enjoying this? I hope its good. From now, a day in their life would be one or two chapters most of the times not like this first day which extended for 10 chapters. Hope you can vote. Thanks!!

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