Chapter 32: The dance competition

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It was the last week of school, and the dance competition came up. Things were still awkward between Hailey and Macey, but they grew accustomed to it. Hailey decided to train everyone harder than ever, and she soon stopped the panic attacks. Seems like dance really helps her. Hailey also learnt her own dance. It was  an interesting jazz number. Dance took her mind off all her problems, and Hailey poured her everything into it. "Alrighty girls! Buckle up, and we are setting off!" Ms Goh announced to the girls on the bus. Soon, the bus pulled out of the Academy of Excellence in Academics high school. This was the first time in ages that they had left the school.

The one hour bus ride to the dance theatre was filled with chatter. Macey sat with her new friends from dance and they were casually chatting, while Hailey sat at the front on her own. Since she was basically their instructor, no one dared to sit next to her. She put on her headphones that she convinced Sir to give her and fell asleep. "Girls! We are here! Remember, don't leave anything on the bus! Line up in two straight rows in front of Hailey when we get down! Ms Goh yelled over the chattering. Hailey stretched and hopped off the bus, bored as everyone assembled. After the quick headcount, Ms Goh brought them to their waiting room. There, everyone was assigned to sit at a part of the room. Hailey taught the makeup team how to turn on the lights that surrounded the table, and she set up a few stations for makeup.

"Alright girls, we don't have much time so I need you to go to change batch by batch. Can group one go to change, group two go to Ingrid to put foundation, group three start stretching!" Hailey yelled. Everyone quickly did as they were told, and continued to chatter. Hailey felt a headache rising, and no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it just kept coming back. "LADIES, STOP TALKING, OR AT LEAST TALK SOFTER!" Hailey screamed when she could take it no longer. Everyone immediately quietened down, and things went smoothly from there. "Okay group one go foundation, group two go stretch, group three go change!" Hailey instructed once everyone was ready. "Group one! Come to me for eye and cheeks make up! Group two, go change, group three, go put foundation!" Hailey yelled once more. After that, she stopped yelling since it was all in order and they knew how to go with the flow. Hailey was quick with her hands and did their eye shadow, mascara, blusher, and other things for them. She had to approve everyone's make up before packing up the room to give them space.

"I presume everyone is done stretching. We will do two rounds of running through of the dance, but before that, we need to remember our positioning." Hailey told them. Hailey was almost exactly like a Professional dance instructor. It was fun, doing the things her instructor used to do. Only when she was satisfied, then did she let them have a water break. "Okay girls, time to go backstage!" Ms Goh announced. Everyone took their last sip of water, checked their make up and costume before lining up and quietly going to the backstage.

"Alright guys. This is it, remember, point your toes, smile, and it's ALL ABOUT THE TECHNIQUE. If you really forget anything, at least copy someone, do not blank out. Good luck guys!" Hailey whispered to them. "Oh, and don't look for anyone in the audience. Just look straight ahead okay?" Hailey continued giving out last minute tips. She gave them two thumbs up and smiled encouragingly as the announcer called out for their school. They stood ready at the wings, and was given the signal to go. Hailey stood in the wings watching them, and could never be prouder. Although one or two made minor errors, it was unnoticeable and she was sure that the judges would not deduct a lot of points.

When they were done, they continued smiling until they were completely off the stage. The girls huddled outside and hugged each other. "YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING!!" Hailey squealed. They went back to their dressing room and changed out of their costumes. "Okay guys, you can Whisper, but don't disturb me, I need to prepare now. Ms Goh is helping the other intermediate kids so I am left to take care of yall." She explained. The girls curiously watcher Hailey and stayed at a side of the room.

She expertly put on her make up and changed into her leotard with a mini skirt attached to it. Then, she did her warm up. The girls whispered among themselves and commented on how good she was. She was doing over splits, bridges, and cartwheels, handstands and all sorts of warm up. Then, she laid down on the floor with her legs against the wall and put on her headphones again, listening to the music she was meant to perform to. In her brain, she marked out exactly how she wanted the performance to go, and since she had already seen the stage, she figured out which places to be at by which part of her dance. Soon, Ms Goh came in. "Hey Hailey, thanks for watching them while preparing for your own dance. Girls, follow me, you can sit in the audience while watching Hailey and the older girls perform." She told everyone. The girls happily followed her and Hailey was left alone in the dressing room. "Okay, Hailey. Breathe in and out. Don't think about what has happened in the past, just do your best." She told herself as she did her last check up. "Hailey? It's your turn soon." The stage manager came in to inform her. Hailey gave her a small smile and made her way once again to backstage.

"Please welcome, Hailey from the AEA to stage!" The announcer spoke into the microphone. Hailey calmed herself down and stepped onto the large stage. The music started, and she did as she had practiced. All those bottled up feelings she had from the past few weeks were poured into this dance. Macey and the beginners team were shocked from her dance. It had a high level of difficulty, and she was so flawless! They thought back on their own group dance and truly agreed that Hailey deserved to be on the advanced team. The judges were impressed with her performance too, given her age. Furthermore, she was competing in 2 age categories older than she was! After staying back to watch a few other dances, some of the girls went back to the dressing room, including Macey. "Omg! Hailey you were so good!" Macey squealed, forgetting that she wasn't on good terms with Hailey. Hailey still seemed cold to her and just politely nodded her head. Well, dance was probably the only thing she could do well it seems.

"Alright, are yall ready FOR SOME AWARDS?" The announcer yelled into the microphone, trying to hype everyone up. "In third place four junior small group categories...'pieces together' from Riverville high school! In second place, 'snowflakes' from...Academy of excellence in academics (AEA)! In first place...." the girls were stunned. They felt that they danced pretty well, why were they second? Macey stood up to collect the award on behalf of the team and was devastated. Hailey had trained them well, why were they second? Even Hailey was disappointed. She had seen the winning group's number, and it wasn't even good! "Girls, please sit back down. Now for senior solo categories. In third place, 'forever more' from BYG high school, in second place, 'tomorrow' from riverville high school. For our winner.....'eight counts' from AEA!! Congratulations girls!" The announcer announced. The girls forgot all their sadness as they clapped happily for Hailey.

After the group photos, they returned to the dressing room, squealing  and cheering. Many were happy that they won at all, while others were just being optimistic. Hailey was gloomy, and snapped, "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT? GO PACK UP! LOOK, THE ROOM'S A MESS!" Everyone was shocked at how Hailey was behaving. Hailey stormed around the room cleaning up and got everyone ready to leave. Some girls came up to her and congratulated her, but she always gave a sarcastic remark in return. Everyone had a feeling that she was angry at them for getting second, and they all had a tinge of guilt in their hearts. On the way back to school, ms Goh sat next to Hailey. 'Hailey dear...what happened? Why so sad?" She asked with concern. Hailey hesitated before pouring out her feeling. "I don't do well in studies and my parents are already disappointed  in even when i do the thing I do best isn't that good anymore. I failed at teaching them well, and now they come in's all my fault..." Ms Goh comforted her repeating that it wasn't her fault, but Hailey was already convinced that she was at fault. She continued to wallow in self-pity all the way back....
1470 words if you wanna know
Hey guys! Sorry this update is a little late...what do you think of this chapter? Comment below and tell me what you think of Hailey, and basically anything. Hope everyone is doing well! Remember to vote!!!!! Peace out! ✌️

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