Chapter 29: Betrayal

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"So, Macey, how have you liked hanging out with us so far?" Summer asked at breakfast. Macey grinned and said, "It has been amazing. Thanks guys." After chatting for a while, the topic of pranks came up. "Hmm...should we choose someone to prank?" Paige suggested. "I know! Hailey! She is always so goody-two-shoe, and I hate it." Kate immediately said. Macey thought for a while. Although she had not been so close to Hailey lately, and she had been hating on Hailey, did she want to hurt Hailey? But...if she backed out, will her new friends not hang out with her? She wanted to continue hanging out with them, besides, Kate was the one supplying the weed that they continued to smoke. Macey decided that a harmless prank was not going to do any harm, so she grinned and agreed. "Okay, we need a plan. Do you want to go with Plan A: annoying her throughout the school day. Or B: doing something really nasty at one shot?" Kate suggested. They discussed for a while and decided to use plan A. They finally got their plan down, and by then they had to go. They wanted to prank Hailey the next day so that they had more time to prepare. It was torture sitting still waiting for the next day to come. When Macey went back to her dorm to sleep, it was awkward silence and Macey felt guilty, excited, and nervous all at the same time. The next day rolled around, and Macey got up very early. She needed to be earlier than Hailey.

After waking Kate, Paige and Summer up, they got to work. Usually, you can customize part of your meal in advance so the Chef can prepare it. So, they decided to 'help' Hailey customize hers."Hello Auntie, can I customize a meal? Yes for Hailey in grade 1. I am her friend and I want to surprise her. Yes, can I have a cold mashed poatato, and baked rice with extra cheese? Thanks, and don't tell her it was from me. If she rejects it, just force her to take it. Thank you so much!" Paige ordered. Stage one, complete.

Moving on to stage two: they snuck into the home room and locked the door. Summer took out some bottles from her bag and passed them around. It was glue, and they wanted to put glue on places only Hailey would step at. This was really sticky glue that doesn't dry easily, so it would be able to last for a Long time. Then, they changed the ink in all the whiteboard markers to permanent markers. Finally, they spilled orange juice all over the orange bean bag that Hailey used. She was going to get her butt soaked! Stage two, complete.

After that, they secretly went up to Hailey's study room. There, they found her locker. Opening it, they found her school bag, which they decided to put in the dustbin. Then, they found her pencil case, and took out all the pen ink. As for her bujo, they decided to hide it in the broom closet. She was going to get into trouble for not taking down the homework! After hiding a few other things here and there, they moved onto the classerrom. Stage three, complete.

At the classroom, they found the attendance sheet that Hailey used to mark the attendance. They decided to crunch it up, and put glue all over it and threw it up at the ceiling. They squealed in delight when it stuck. Kate decided to pour slime all over Hailey's desk. Stage four, complete.

By then, it was time for breakfast, so they went to watch the show. They saw Hailey and Jenna place their bottles at a table before going to collect their food, so they put transparent glue all over the chairs, they pretended that they were just walking past, so no one suspected a thing. Hailey had just gotten her food, and was wincing in disgust. "EWWWW, I hate cheese, AND BAKED RICE! Today they were serving fries, but I got cold mashed potatoes? This is the worst combo ever..." Hailey loudly expressed her displeasure. The duo absentmindedly sat at their benches when they felt something gooey under them. Unsure of what they felt, they continued to eat. After 30 minutes, Hailey claimed she could no longer eat it and stood up to throw it away, when she realised it was really hard to get up. It was as if...she was stuck! She tapped Jenna and they both widened their eyes. Underneath them was glue! But, it was not there before! After struggling for a while, they finally managed to get out with the help of some classmates. They quickly discarded their food and made the embarrassing journey back to their dorm to change into new uniform.

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