Chapter 8: First Lunch

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Pushing open the large doors, they were greeted by the many students inside the cafeteria. Sir pointed to the left side of the cafeteria where first-years were sitting. "You go grab some food and sit there. I might ask you to come sit with me halfway though. Hurry on." Sir explained before turning to go to the right side of the cafeteria. Sucking in a deep breath, the three excitedly made their way to one of the queues, their stomachs growling loudly. Jenna reached the end of the queue first, and motioned for Macey and Hailey to hurry. Just as Macey reached the queue, a boy cut in front of her. Macey looked up in irritation, to see a young blonde boy smirking at her. It was obvious that he was used to having his way. "HEY, HOW DARE YOU CUT MY QUEUE? GO TO THE BACK!" She hollered. Yes, this boy was undeniably hot, but that does not mean he has the right to cut the queue. Narrowing his eyes at her, he said, "well tiny thing, what are you going to do?" Before she could respond, another boy appeared by his side. "Yo bro, wassup?" They greeted each other. The blondie chuckled and said loud and clear, "girls are weak, they cannot even defend themselves." This was the last straw. As the blondie turned around, Macey kicked him hard. "OoF.....WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" He hollered. By this time, many people were staring. "What did I do? Huh? What about yourself, cutting queues. Not cool man, not cool." Macey said with her head held high. Embarrassed that he had just been kicked by a girl, the blondie quickly left the queue.

Macey looked at Jenna and Hailey. Jenna gave her two thumbs up and smiled. "You go girl! That was fantastic. You really put him in his place." Meanwhile, Hailey was anxiously looking around. "Are you sure you had to do that...I mean, I support you but really...kicking him?" She whispered. Macey did a little hair flip and winked. Exasperated, Hailey sighed at her new friends. Looks like they have different methods to dealing with situations. After what seemed like eternity, they finally got their lunch—rice, some vegetables and boiled chicken. Not delicious at all. They got to a seat nearby and sat down, chattering away. "Okay, lets play 21 questions. We can ask any questions. Ill go first!" Jenna excitedly started. Shrugging, the other two joined in. "Okay...Hailey...who was your first crush?" Hailey shrugged. She had barely been exposed to boys, other than her brothers. She did not have a crush, not even a celebrity crush. The other two girls' jaw dropped to the floor. They could not believe what they were seeing. However, being the polite friends they were, they picked their jaws back up and nodded, faking their understanding. "Alright, my turn. Macey, what CCA are you going to choose?" Hailey asked. Macey sighed. She absolutely hated having to go for CCA. "Maybe cheer, or dance...or Basketball? I hate having CCA..." she replied. The other two girls looked at each other. Hailey had a burning passion for Dance, while Jenna loved Swimming. On the other hand, they had this friend here that had no interest in anything? A new goal etched into their minds—they would introduce Macey to new CCAs...if...AEA had CCAs. They continued a few more rounds when they saw Sir wave at them. Then, they remembered that he could call them anytime. Grabbing their plates, they hurried over to stand by him. "Sir." They greeted. He nodded and introduced them to his friends. "Hey bros, these are my mentees. Jenna, Macey, Hailey, this is Brandon, Mark, Jake and Luke." He introduced. Nodding, they acknowledged each other, before Sir motioned for them to sit next to him.

For a few minutes, the three girls ate their food quietly, occasionally glancing each other. After a while, Sir was ready and they decided to leave. After returning their tray, Sir told them, "you three can go to your room. A notebook has been placed on your tables already. They are your new journals, where every day you will write down exactly how your day went, what you regret, what you enjoyed, etc. By 4pm, be in my room." The three girls nodded and retreated to their room.

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