chapter 46: Split up

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    "Grade one students, please check your bujo. If you see an instruction for you to go to the hall, please do so now." The headmistress voice sounded through the speakers. JHM were in the midst of class when this announcement interrupted. It had been a week since they came back to AEA, and it has been pretty fine so far, considering it has only been a week since they came back to school. They had slowly gotten used to their usual habits for school that they used to have before going to the military camp, and did their best in CCA. It was fun to finally have CCA again after that long break. Somehow, Jenna found herself Swimming faster, and Hailey and Macey felt like they were not so tired easily. Maybe military camps do help. They had to thank Sir Yuv. Jenna remembered that she promised to contact them, and made it a note to ask Sir about it. JHM and the rest of the students grabbed their bujo and scanned through it. Jenna glanced through hers and found nothing, but Hailey and Macey found the announcement. Standing up, they asked for permission to leave. Behind, Kate (recap, the mean girl) stood up as well. The teacher granted them the permission to leave and they quickly made their way to the hall wondering what this was all about.

     As more and more students filed into the hall, they sat down and chattering filled the air. Everyone as confused and some made guesses but nothing was confirmed. Finally, the headmistress walked up to the stage. "Good morning everyone. I will cut the chase and explain everything. All your parents have placed you in a special program for high class students only. Since your family backgrounds fit into the high society, and all your background checks have passed, you have been placed in a program. It is like a finishing school if you must put it that way. After all, we need to prepare you for the future which includes manners, and other things. This program will take place throughout the day, but your daily basic education will still be conducted as per usual. CCA will be shortened to twice a week on weekends, unless you wake up earlier to practice. Every breakfast will be taken in a separate dining room, which will be located on the map in your bujo. Then you will ahead for lessons. Immediately after lessons, change into the clothing that your Teachers assign to you and go to respective classrooms which you will know in your bujo. Lastly, in the evening, dinner will be taken at the other dining area and you will continue to stay in the same dorm as you are in right now. Out of the cohort, only 30 students have been enrolled into this program, so please do not fail us. Thank you, you are dismissed. Please check your bujo for the next instructions."

    Hailey and Macey looked at each other. No wonder Jenna was not invited. She was not considered "high society", whilst their parents were high class. Their hearts sunk. They kind of knew how they were going to be trained, and remembered how much they had missed Jenna when they could not spend the whole day with her. Opening their bujo, they read through it and realised they had to go to the uniform shop to get their new uniforms. Sighing, they also found out their HCEP (high-class-elected-programme) class was called Ladies...strange name, but fine. They had many classes. Dance, grace, manners, posture, speech, values, education (how to run a business, etc), presentation, and others. Definitely no cooking though. That is for the maids to do. Sewing as well. Groaning, they walked quickly to the shop to get their uniform.

    As they dragged the heavy bags back to their dorms, they grumbled all the way. They finally reached and laid them out on the bed. There were different dresses of all types. They recognised some to be considered formal, casual, outing wear for nature, and many others. Boring. They were about to put it to wash when they realised that is a job for maids. They flipped open their bujo, and there it was. They had a maid assigned to each of them. Hailey's maid was called Betty, while Macey's maid was called Julia. Nice. They wrote in their bujo a page to their maids to ask them to wash the clothes. They were going to take some time to adjust to this new lifestyle which they had not lived for years. They sat on the bed for some more, making use of this time to skip class knowing the next few months were going to be tough. They only had 3 more months, before the year was over. That's right, it was already October. Talking and chit chatting, they figured that the HCEP class was not going to make them into brats, since they had the class "values". They recounted to each other some classes they had to take that were like this, and how terrible they were. All the more, they were not looking forward to this lifestyle. Just great. After a military camp, a finishing school.

    After some time, they walked back slowly to their classroom. Jenna gave them a questioning look and they promised to tell her after class. As expected, after class, they told Jenna and she was completely and utterly shocked. "1, there is still such a thing as finishing school? 2, will we still get to hang out together?" Macey and Hailey gave her a comforting but unsure smile, affirming that they will do their best to make time for her. Boy, this was going to be a long term. Hailey was honestly unsure of how to feel about this. The duo that were sent to this strange program tossed and turned through the night, while Jenna laid awake, thinking about how life would change, and how she might lose her friends. A lonely tear fell out of her eye, but she encouraged herself. "At least they will still live with me..." she thought sadly.
1052 words if you wanna know
Sorry about this kinda late post, and it is shorter than my previous chapter. Hope you like this plot twist's similar plot twist to the military camp. Was this unexpected? Haha I tried sorry. By the way, remember to vote and comment! Hope you guys don't mind if I zoom into Hailey and Macey more. That's all, Luv y'all,peace out ✌️ 💓

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