Chapter 49: Does Kate seem strange?

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"Ugh finishing school sucks." Macey grumbled as she changed into her fancy dress. She was sick and tired of dresses, skirts, why couldn't she wear trousers like Jenna? Meanwhile, Hailey was shrugging her shoulders in the dressing room next to her. "Well, maybe we should try to be grateful that at least we have clothes to wear and are considered wealthy?" Hailey gently said back. "There you go again, ever the optimist." Macey said with an annoyed and sarcastic tone. Jenna entered the room and chuckled. "It's true. Hailey always gives positive vibes." They got ready for school, grabbed their bags and headed to the corridor to take a photo (for the gram ya know), before heading out to their respective canteens.

To Hailey's and Macey's utter surprise, they spotted Kate once again, all alone. Hailey considered sitting with her, as she looked so lonely and sad, but Macey dragged her to their usual seat. "Don't bother about her." Macey whispered to hailey. Hailey looked at
Kate once again with a sorry expression and felt bad for that girl. They slowly ate their breakfast as Hailey continued watching Kate secretly. Halfway through the meal, some girls walked over to her and talked to her. At first, Hailey was glad that Kate did have friends and was still talking to people, but she soon realised Kate had an agitated look, like the girls had offended her. Then, it turned to a proud look at she nodded, as if making a deal with them. Strange....

Walking to their classes, hailey and Macey were discussing the class (Which was basically how boring it was) on the way when someone bumped into Macey's shoulder. Hard. "HEY!" Macey lost her cool, as she took a few steps forward to balance herself and Hailey reached out to catch her. The girl turned around, it was a very "sorry" Kate! She made a face and walked on. "OMG, so rude!" Macey muttered under her breath, Hailey standing next to her, agreeing thoroughly. Kate had been leaving them alone until now, why is she disturbing Macey now? Just then, they noticed the same bunch of girls talking to Kate at breakfast chuckling and giggling with their high pitched voices and pointing at them. First, it was embarrassing. Second, it was annoying. Grumbling, they quickly made their way to their first class, determined to ignore them. Those silly girls were not worth their time.

    In between classes, they had to go to the science lab which was on another level than their classroom. On the way, Kate walked near Hailey purposely. When she found the perfect chance, she leaned closer to Hailey and whispered, "OMG Hailey, your skirt sucks. I hate your jacket. Ugh so pink like a fake plastic Barbie. That hairclip sucks, and your eye shadow, ewwww." Kate smirked and sauntered ahead. Hailey was definitely offended and started to tear up, and struggled to keep the tears in. Jenna noticed and was concerned about her, but Hailey was not in the mood to talk.

The whole day of school was torturous. Not only were the Teachers boring, but Kate was always teasing them, including Jenna! It was really getting out of hand, but Hailey kept reminding them to keep calm and ignore her. They spotted Kate talking to the girls that talked to her at breakfast, but she seemed tense and...scared around them...scared? Never mind, it's probably nothing they thought. Even at education class in the afternoon, she JUST HAD to keep pointing out Hailey and Macey's mistakes. Their classmates found it weird too. Macey clenched her fists as once again, Kate had tattled to the teacher that her posture "did not seem quite right". The look of anger washed over her face, and Kate gave her a smirk. The teacher had walked up to her to correct her, and hit her once on the palm with the ruler for "not knowing simple rules". Right. The most important rule of retaining you composure all the time AND to always be in an upright posture.

"Finally, school is REALLY over for today. I really dont like these lessons." Hailey stretched as she left the classroom, books in her hand. Macey grinned at her. "Finally away from that b-" "oh look who's here....cussing huh...what will your little sir do if he heard you?" Kate's annoying voice rang behind them. Whipping their heads around, they saw Kate pretending to check her perfectly manicured nails and looking at them with a small smile playing around her lips. "Oh please, wipe that fake arrogant smile off your face." Macey rolled her eyes and replied. Kate pretended to look astonished. "Arrogant smile? Me? I don't relate the two." She said in a high pitched Barbie voice. "Ugh leave us alone Barbie." Macey retorted. "Why, the only Barbie here is Hailey, isn't it?" Kate smugly responded. Hailey clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a teacher, and she quickly resumed her calm composure. "Black white." She whispered to Macey.

Macey's eyes widened and she gave a polite and graceful smile. "Oh well, we need to g-" she was about to complete her sentence, when Kate gave a chuckle and interrupted "Oh honeys, I have to go now. Tata~~" she gave a little "princess wave" and sashayed away. She was about to continue when she noticed the teacher glaring at her. She coughed and stumbled as she quickly struggled to walk properly. "Kate! Deduct 50 demerit points for using the word Tata, sashaying, interrupting your friends talking, stumbling and not remaining a good posture!" The teacher called her out. "But, they are not my frien-" "well another 20 points deducted for back talking. Hurry along now!" The teacher punished her further. Rolling her eyes, Kate quickly moved on. What a hypocrite teacher! Calling her out for interrupting and then interrupting someone? UGH. She gave a glare to the duo before continuing her angry march in the opposite direction. Giggling, hailey and Macey continued walking on. "OMG, did you see her face!" Hailey squealed. "Yea, luckily you told me about that teacher, or I would have given her some sass there." Macey replied with a grateful smile. "And thank you for remembering the code Black white!" Hailey responded jokingly.

Boy was today a weird yet cool day haha. Hailey dropped her bag down and proceeded to the shower with Macey as they laughed and chit-chatted with each other. However, Hailey's thought often drifted to Kate, even as she was doing her homework...she seemed strange today....why?
1064 words if you wanna know
Hey, I need everyone to help me. I have a ton of ideas for different books I want to write, and I desperately want to write another one. Do you think I should write both that and this? Or should I just focus on this. I will continue to post daily updates here and always about 900-2000 words, but will you feel like I am not giving enough attention to this book if I write another? Please help me by letting me know in the comments. It would mean so much to me if you do vote for this chapter, and hope you enjoy the next one, as it is gonna be the 50th chapter and it will be exciting like i promised. Also, let me know what you think about this chapter. Thanks for everyone's support so far, and basically, I'm sorry for writing so much here HAHA peace out ✌️ 💓

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