Chapter 58: Doubts

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    Kate walked up to Hailey before shoving her a piece of paper and strutting off. Macey and Jenna gave her confused looks and rushed to her sides. Hailey slowly opened the letter like there was a ticking bomb waiting to explode from it, but when nothing happened, she opened it quickly. There, she found a scribbled letter, but was definitely hand-written by Kate. "Hey, throw it. We don't need more bullying from her." Macey suggested. "Yea, toss it." Jenna confirmed. However, Hailey had other plans, and went on to read it. It said:

    Dearest JHM, I don't know if you will read this, or if you will immediately toss it but nevertheless I am writing this letter. Please hear me out, and try to understand where I am coming from. If you read this letter and feel that I am spouting nonsense or whatever, and you do not believe me, then that is up to you. The truth about everything Macey overheard during the lunch meeting...well let me explain. You know my father is controlling, and is hard to please. Of course, he found out that I was friends with you guys. That was when he said that I did a good job of finding friends, seeing that he knew Hailey's background. He is actually proposing for a partnership with Hailey's Dad, so, he wanted to get closer to Hailey so that our fathers have a higher chance of working together, that's why we had that whole lunch meeting. Knowing that I made my father proud like this, I decided to kill two birds with one stone—make my father pleased and be friends with the only person that understands me. I know that my father doesn't really like Jenna or Macey, but I do. I only "promised" to stop hanging out with Macey and Jenna as much as possible so that my father would not do anything to pull Macey and Jenna away from us. Of course, I never intended to keep my distance from any of you, it was just a white lie I told to my father. I know that this all sounds so strange, weird, bizarre and confusing, so please do not hesitate to let me clarify and make it up to you guys again...I'm sorry for keeping this truth from you guys, and I locked yall in the science lab before because I did not understand your hostility toward me, and I desperately needed answers. But now I know and's all my fault. I'm sorry. Yours sincerely, Kate. P.S. you wont find me during recess as I have detention with headmistress.

    By the time they finished the letter, they were in doubt and hesitated. Was kate telling the truth, or was this a lie to cover a lie? They decided to lie low for a while and observe Kate. They did not want to be hurt again, thinking they can trust someone and then suddenly have that person reveal that they were against them. At the same time, the story sounded convincing enough since it was in line with her background and they knew how her family worked.

    That day after recess, they were back in class when they saw Kate walk in late. She seemed to have cried and JHM knew she had just came back from detention. Her calves were covered with red strokes on them, and she seemed to limp as she walked, and she kept massaging her right wrist like it was sore...throughout lesson, their thoughts were everywhere, and JHM noticed Kate occasionally stealing glances at them, or at the rubbish bin probably trying to figure out if they had read her letter, and their response. Hailey motioned for them to lay Low while secretly following her. Totally not stalking.

    They followed behind her as she ran to the canteen, and was drumming her fingers on the lonely table she sat at, as if wishing for the food to come faster. When the food was served, she gobbled it down and looked at the clock before running off. Jenna, being the busybody she is, decided to follow and saw that Kate had ran to the headmistress office. Of course, she would have a second detention. Just before she turned to leave, she heard a sharp scream and a whack. The scream sounded like...Kate....poor Kate she must be having a rough time in there....wait...why was she siding with Kate? Jenna shook her head to clear her thoughts and returned to the canteen.

    Throughout that day, they continued observing Kate and came to a conclusion in their dorm that night.
She was not lying.
776 words if you wanna know
Hey guys I know this is like really short compared to my normal but I am really tired today and I wanted to maintain my daily updating so here it is. So sorry about that, and if there is anything confusing please let me know in the comments as I am a bit muddled now that I am so sleepy but I tried to do my best. Do note this was JHM's POV from the point that Kate handed Hailey the letter. Anyhow, stay safe and healthy, and with that, peace out ✌️ 💓

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