chapter 45: Back at AEA

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    "Good morning students. Breakfast is ready in the mass. Please come down in 30 minutes. Thank you." Sir Sid's voice sounded through the PA system. JHM had just came back from the toilet and were tying up their hair when they heard the announcement. They sighed and Hailey spoke. "I don't think I will ever miss his annoying voice waking us up." They all agreed and continued what they were doing before going to the mass. They had packed their belongings into suitcases and duffel bags, all ready to go back to the AEA main campus.

     Sitting down on the benches, they ate their breakfast in silence. The Trainers did not scold the one or two latecomers today, and the air was solemn. The whole morning, everyone seemed to be sad, and a hint of solemn filled the air. Occasional chatter rose, but not as much as before. Everyone knew, that this was their last day here. Many were happy, but they knew they would miss this place.

     After their meal, Jenna was taking a short walk when she bumped into Sir Sid. He was about to continue walking when Jenna called his name. "Wait! Umm...thank you for the necklace..." she softly said, pulling out the necklace that hung around her neck. He smiled and replied a short "your welcome" while staring tenderly at her. Suddenly, she did something unexpected. She walked steadily to him, hesitated, and gave him an awkward hug. Sir Sid was stunned, and he did not expect that to come. He felt that familiar warmth rushing through his veins like he felt when his niece used to cuddle him. He missed it so much, and he started tearing up, thinking about his niece. Pulling her in, he embraced her and thanked her. "For what?" She asked innocently. "For making me smile again." He grinned. They parted ways, and sir Sid thought of her often. Jenna too, thought of him, and was glad she had repaid him in some way.

    "Have you guys packed your things?" Sir Yuv asked as he walked into JHM's dorm. They screamed and threw their pillows at him. "SIR YUV! this is the girls dorm!" Macey squeaked. Sir Yuv did not seem to care and sat down on a nearby bed. "Hmmm, want to drop and give me 20 on your last day?" He pretended to ask innocently. They immediately stopped the attack and paled. Just then, Sir Yuv threw a pillow at them. "HA! I WIN!" He exclaimed. Just like that, the pillow fight of the year began. Thankfully, the other students were outside with their Trainers, and so they did not witness the mess created. After Sir Yuv packed up the beaten pillows, and JHM gathered their things, students started to come back into the dorm. They stared strangely at Sir yuv, but said nothing. After all, it was unusual for males to be in the girl's dorm. But, he was a trainer and they could not scold him or do anything.

    Sir Yuv kindly helped them to carry their things to the bus while limping, which was quite a hilarious sight to see. After loading their bags, he pulled them aside for a quick hug. "Hey little ones, I really enjoyed the last 3 months. Hope you guys remember to do your morning exercises even when you are back at the school campus!" He jokingly said. They solemnly agreed to do their exercises regularly, even if it was just once a week. Sir Yuv whispered into Jenna's ear, reminding her to give him a call or a text sometime. She promised and they hopped onto the coach. Soon, they were on their way back to the campus and away from the campsite they had made wonderful memories at.

     Alighting, they dragged their bags back to their old dorms and started to unpack. They had taken the clothes they used when they were at the camp. Just then, Macey found a female army uniform that happened to be her size ind her bag. She did not pack that! She figured that Sir Yuv had slipped it into her bag when she wasn't looking. Grabbing it, she pulled the curtains and changed into it. She was delighted with the outcome and dragged her friends to Sir's office. "KNOCK KNOCK." "Come in." Sir's familiar voice rang. Stifling a giggle, they opened the door and sheepishly walked to the carpets, sitting there like they used to do before. Sir was still looking at his papers, deep concentration written all over his face. Noticing no one standing around him, he glanced around with a strange expression, until his eyes landed on the three little monkeys. He stood up immediately and exclaimed, "HEY! YOU THREE ARE BACK! Come come, tell me ALL about it!" They giggled and joined him at the sofa, one that they had not sat in for a very long time.

     Over the next hour, they all took turns sharing their memories of the camp. They had written occasional journal entries when they were there, and they shared it with Sir. Sir was very worried when he heard what happened to Jenna, and thanked the heavens that she was still safe and sound. After that, he asked Macey why she was in the uniform and suddenly her eyes lit up. "OH! That reminds me why I dragged them here. Could you help me take another picture to post on Instagram? I want one outside our dorms." She excitedly asked. He nodded and grabbed his phone from the drawer before being pulled by Macey to the place she wanted to take a photo at. Luckily, the walkway was empty and she quickly posed, while the other two made a face. (Go check out my insta jawnlittle_offical to see their post!)

    The rest of the day went smoothly. They had gone back to the usual routine and time for their meals, felt recharged that their energy was no longer spent on Long workouts anymore, and yet felt traumatised by having to sit for 2 whole hours listening to the Headmistress go on and on about how the camp was meant to help them, and how they were going to go back to their usual classes blah blah blah. It was a truly enjoyable day as they found their school books that they had been using back on their shelves, and dusted away the dust that covered their tables in the study cell. Grinning, they thought to themselves, "I'm glad to be back." At the same time, they wondered, what was to happen next?
1102 words if you wanna know
Hi guys! Thanks for all the support through this whole book. We are at chapter 45 already! Wow! (Well, chapter 45 of actual stories, not including notices.) i will do my best to make chapter 50 a special chapter. I wanted to ask my dear readers, do you prefer if I write a really Long book (this one and make it like 100+ chapters) or shorter books but many (sequels. I will still update as frequently. Maybe about 50+ chapters?) do help me decide in the comments, and remember to vote. Thank you! Peace out ✌️ 💓

Edit: thanks so much for 333 votes, I never thought it would be possible. Luv yall! Will do my best to be up to your expectations and better 💖 💓 💕

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