Chapter 37: Jenna the Rebel

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Once again, all over again, the military day continued. It was tiring. A few weeks passed by, and it was the same repetitive military training. The girls were definitely improving, but Jenna was sick and tired of being ordered around, and forced to push herself to her limits. It was annoying to wake up so early, and to feel the aches all over her body. This day, she woke up and felt her shoulders stiff, her legs were in pain due to the Long run they had the day before. Groaning, she slowly got up and her stomach ached. Right, yesterday they did a ton of sit ups, of course she would have muscle cramps. Groaning, she saw her two other best friends in the same situation as her. They winced in pain and looked at each other with a knowing pitiful look. After their breakfast, they went back to their dorms to rest before going for their morning workout.

Sir Yuv saw them limping towards him, and motioned for them to come over faster. They came and he led them in some stretching before bringing them on a Long route for a run. Only 1km in, they started to pant heavily and not Long after, they clutched their stomach in pain. Their thighs started to burn and their calves felt like they were on fire. They paused a few times along the run, but managed to finish the run just in time. "Girls, I don't understand why you deproved today, but make sure this doesn't happen in the afternoon. Run along to class." Sir Yuv eyed them and said with a sigh. Grateful to be dismissed, they changed into more casual clothes and went for classes. Once again, they struggled to stay awake during class, but it was to no avail. The three of them were sent to detention at least once for falling asleep in class!

That afternoon, JHM were so sleepy, that after lunch they laid down on their bed for a quick nap. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, one hour, one hour and ten minutes..."GUYS SH*T WAKE UP! WE ARE TEN MINUTES LATE FOR OUR AFTERNOON WORKOUT!!" Hailey and Jenna were jolted awake by a screaming Macey. Hailey rolled her eyes and slowly got up, while Jenna pulled the covers over her head. "Ten more minutes..." she mumbled as she slowly went back to sleep. Hailey and Macey slowly pulled Jenna out of the bed, and finally managed to get out of the dorm. "Hey, s...since we are l.....late already, m....might as well be later..." Jenna stuttered as she stumbled. They thought about it for a moment and agreed. They were very tired, and did not want to exercise more. Walking slowly, they reached the gym faster than they planned. About 100 metres away, they saw a worried and angry sir Yuv pacing around, and they knew they were in trouble.

"GIRLS! WHERE WERE YOU?" Sir Yuv yelled at the top of his lungs. JHM stood in a row, afraid of this side of Sir Yuv they were seeing. "I....umm....w....we....were really tired so we fell asleep in our dorms and we lost track of time sir." Jenna spoke up, her eyes casted down. "Oh yea? Well if you had TOLD me, I would have given you more breaks today. But seems like you took your own break, and you can have a more intense workout today." Sir Yuv smirked at them, obviously angry. The three girls kept quiet and looked at their shoes. "Tell you what. Wear these wristbands, and run the route I had brought you before. The 5km one. Be back in 45 minutes, or your punishment will be worse! GO! YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!" Sir Yuv immediately barked.

Rushing forward, they each took a wrist band and started running towards the woods. They knew the wrist band was meant to track their location, so they were definitely going to stick to the route. They started off with a jog, then they increased the speed. However, they were still aching from the previous day and was not going very fast. They remembered that the time was ticking, and willed themselves to keep going. Halfway, Jenna felt like throwing up. "No, Jenna! You must carry on! Just think about something else!" Hailey encouraged. Macey wasn't feeling too good as well, she had a big headache from the heat and was stumbling. Encouraging them throughout, Hailey first emerged from the forest followed by an extremely tired Macey and a stumbling Jenna.

Looking down at his watch, sir Yuv was very unhappy. "ONE HOUR? YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT! You three, drop and give me 50!" They slowly went on all fours and started doing pushups. Jenna was the slowest, as she was extremely tired already and was about to collapse any moment. Thankfully, they did it, but they had taken a really Long time. Sir Yuv pointed to a ground nearby. "Hailey, Macey, go sit there, since you were the first two. Jenna, give me 50 sit ups! I would have gone easier on you, but you decided to take your own breaks so you should be able to handle this now, right?" Jenna groaned, and enviously eyed her best friends sitting on the ground. Lying down, she did her first, second, third, fourth.....tenth sit up. By now, she was obviously hurting, her stomach was not cooperating with her. Jenna started to complain, "S...sir...y...Yuv, I can't this. It h...hurts!" She continued to do it, but definitely much slower. "COME ON, COME ON. ALL YOUR OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ONLY IN YOUR BRAIN. YOU CAN DO IT!" Sir Yuv screamed in response. Jenna tried another two, but she grimaced in pain. Sir Yuv once again screamed at her to continue, but this was the last straw.

Jenna got up and clenched her fists, anger and frustration written all over her face. "I DON'T CARE. I HAVE BEEN COOPERATING, AND DOING EVERYTHING YOU ASKED, AND THIS IS HOW I AM TREATED. THERE'S NO POINT STAYING HERE. THIS IS ALL JUST A USELESS WASTE OF TIME. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BECOMING STRONGER, OR BECOMING MORE DISCIPLINED!" She poured out all her thoughts and feelings, her tears spilling out as well. Sir Yuv was a little stunned, but was mad as he recovered his composure. Before he could do anything, Jenna had sprinted off. Hailey and Macey chased after her, in case she did anything stupid. Jenna ran back to the dorm, and started to pack her stuff into a duffel bag. "Where are you going to go?" Macey asked Jenna. She was being too rash right now. Jenna shrugged, as she continued to pack. She just wanted to get away from this filthy place. She did not want to be held like a prisoner anymore. She had just packed everything, and used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears. Hailey started to cry in panic. She did not expect her best friend to suddenly try to run away. Jenna hugged both of them, before making her way out of the dorm.

"YOUNG LADY, STOP RIGHT THERE!" Sir Yuv's voice called out behind her. Jenna quickened her footsteps. She managed to make it out into the driveway. She was so close to the gate! So close to freedom! Unfortunately, Sir Yuv was faster than her, and she was being weighed down by the duffel bag. Sir Yuv reached her in no time, using his large body to block her path. "STOP! LET GO OF ME!" Jenna screeched as Sir Yuv grabbed her wrists. She sunk her teeth into him, and hoped that it would deter him, just like it did in all those movies she binge watched at home. Sadly, sir Yuv did not even flinch. Jenna's kicking and weak punches were nothing to sir Yuv either, and she was soon exhausted again, reality sinking in. She was stuck in this place, forever. There was no escape.

Giving up, she slunk onto the ground and cried her heart out. Sir Yuv sighed, and patted her on the back, pitying her. It was his job to ensure she was safe and not try anything stupid. He calmed her down and walked her back to the campus. However, all these were just a blur to Jenna, and she wished this was all just a dream. Maybe, she could wake up and realise she was still hope. Shutting her eyes tightly before opening them again, she came to her senses. This was all real, and it couldn't be more real.

1439 words if you wanna know
Hey guys!! So, yesterday I posted a notice that I started an Instagram account for JHM, make sure to go follow it (i mean, if you want to). Comment below what you think about this chapter, and remember to vote! Thanks for all the support, and peace out! ✌️ 💓 luv yall!

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