Chapter 76-Await

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"Breathe in and out Hailey. Don't worry too much, I am sure you did great!" Sir encouraged as Hailey stumbled out of the room. Despite having his own examinations, he rushed over to Hailey's classroom in between examinations so that he could check on Hailey instead of doing his own last preparations. Colour slowly returned to Hailey's face, taking over the ghostly pale look before. After some more time was spent comforting and assuring her, Sir had to go. "G-good luck!" Hailey and Kate called after him as he sprinted back to his classroom. Jenna and Macey wrapped their arms around their shoulders and skipped back to the dorm excitedly. "I know that you guys are stressed out about the results, but let's have some fun first! After all, we are now on holiday for a whole week! A WHOLE WEEK!" Jenna exclaimed. Hailey considered it for a while but reluctantly agreed in the end, while Kate sighed and through it through as well. "Fine. What do you suggest that we do?" Kate asked.

"Seriously? Why did you choose THIS activity out of ALL the others that we could have chosen?" Kate groaned, while Hailey swatted the flies away. "Well you did allow me to choose the activity!" Jenna retorted. Macey was busy stuffing herself with food and grinned. "What's so bad about a picnic?" She wondered out loud. Hailey pointed to the bug that had crawled onto the mat, while Kate pointed at the piece of paper that she used to fan herself. "It's hot, disgusting, and just HORRIBLE!!" Kate screamed as a fly almost landed on her sandwich. Groaning filled the time as they complained about everything wrong with having a picnic. Before they knew it, they were done and bored. "Should we play catching?" Jenna suggested. Everyone looked at her in disbelief. "NO." They hollered in unison. Jenna rolled her eyes and picked at the mat. Macey reached behind her and brought out something from her bag. "Here, let's fly kites!" Macey distributed the kites and they excitedly unwrapped the packaging. Macey had brought these kites here from home during mid year break, and she finally has a chance to use them.

Everyone soon had confused looks on their faces as they looked at each other running around looking like chickens being chased, yet they were unsuccessful in flying the kite. Why was the kite so hard to tame? Why couldn't they just make the kite go up into the sky? Everyone was frustrated and Kate gave up soon and threw the kite aside, sitting back down to get a sip of orange juice. Just as the others gave up as well, Jenna squealed. "LOOK!" She pointed at the kite that was slowly but surely being pushed up into the sky. "How did you do it?!" Macey gasped. Jenna demonstrated how she ran really fast just as she felt wind blow by and she somehow managed to get Kate's kite flying. Kate hurriedly took over and they finally felt hope stir in them again. Jenna ordered Macey and Hailey to wait and just as she felt wind pass by, she yelled, "RUN!" Macey and Hailey sprinted across the large field and Jenna watched as the kite trailed behind them, then finally rising higher and higher into the sky. Euphoria filled their hearts as they all squealed together and celebrated.

Laughter and joy was the first thing Sir noticed as he climbed the hill to find the girls. They looked so carefree, the wind blowing against their faces, their hair all over the place, smiles so bright, eyes focused on the colourful kites that flew in the sky...he couldn't bear to spoil the perfect moment. Jenna passed her kite to Hailey and turned to grab a drink when she noticed Sir in a distance leaning against a tree. "Sir! You brought your doggy!" She screamed. The trio turned their heads as well to see him tracking up slowly. "Having fun without me I see!" He teased. Everyone immediately surrounded his dog and it's tail was wagging faster than a bullet train, excited from all the attention he received. He took over Jenna's kite and the chatted about random things happily while the girls played with the dog. Without a care in the world, they ran around having fun, playing together and rolling in the grass. Sir revealed a frisbee that he had stolen from the physical education department and they played with his dog, huffing and puffing from all the running.

The group of 6 trudged down the small hill still chattering away. "How did I not know this place existed on the campus?" Hailey exclaimed as she tugged on the leash to ensure the dog didn't stray too far away. Sir's eyes twinkled as he put his finger to his lips. "Shhhh, it's my secret hideout! Jenna is the first one I told, and now you guys know too!" He whispered. The girls giggled and mimicked his actions, as if promising to keep it a secret. They enjoyed a nice not-so-warm shower back in the campus and proceeded to Sir's room, for he had instructed them to go over once they were ready. Curious, they sneaked in after knocking and shrieked in delight, their eyes wide in surprise. Sir had to cover their mouths. "Keep it down! Don't want other people to come and find out!" Sir told them. The girls eyed him suspiciously, wondering why he had so many secrets and why he was revealing all these to them. Then, the girls' eyes widened even more. Sir, the perfect law-abiding student-mentor just...BROKE A RULE? Sir smiled shyly as if reading their minds and led them to the coffee table, taking the attention off him again.

A whole table of food prepared for them. All their favourites were prepared—fries, hamburgers, pizza, bubble tea, ice cream, chocolate and so many others! The girls went straight to work, stuffing their mouths. "Thank goodness I did not eat so much at the picnic, now I still have space to digest all these AMAZING food!" Macey explained between mouthfuls. Sir, too, greedily took a whole plate of food and ate it. Looking over at Hailey, he smiled at her encouragingly, thoughts filling his head. While grateful that he could distract her from the possible impending doom...for now, he wondered if this was the calm before the storm. Eitherways, he knew that he had to achieve his one goal—not to remind Hailey and Kate of their enemy. Results.

1096 words if you wanna know
Hey guys, here is another update! So glad they are finally done with their exams 😀 thank you all for your support! Sorry for updating so late, hope you enjoy it! Stay safe and happy, and please take care of yourself! I would appreciate if you left a comment and a vote 💜 Peace out ✌️💓

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