Chapter 13: Day 1-official

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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" An annoying alarm clock rang. Jenna had hoped the owner of that alarm clock would turn it off on the third BEEP, but it continued to ring. Covering her ears with the pillow, she gave out a loud groan. It did no help to stop the annoying sound ringing non-stop. "WHAT THE HECK MAN, SHUT THE @#$%^#$%^& THING UP." She yelled in frustration. Suddenly, Hailey shot up and turned it off. Smiling sheepishly, she mumbled an apology and told Jenna to go back to sleep. It was 5.10 in the morning, and Hailey was used to getting up at this time. First, she washed up and got some hot water. Then, she changed into some shorts and a sports bra before grabbing her water bottle, towel, map and bujo. On the corridor, she used the light to look at the map, searching for the gym. She was not sure if she was allowed to leave the school grounds to have her morning run. Before leaving, she got out a pen and scribbled a note to sir: Sir, I am going for some exercise at the gym. Could I please have some music? She then made her way carefully down the stairs to the indoor gym. Turning on the lights, she looked at the equipment and smiled. The school really ensured students had everything they needed. She started off with some light warm up before hitting the treadmill for a good half-an hour, running a total of 5.6km. She moved on to some weights. For her age, she was really strong. Just then, the door opened. Not wanting to injure herself, she slowly set the weight down and turned around.

"Sir!" Hailey cried out in surprise. Grinning, he held up the headphones! Hailey jumped up and was about to give him a hug when she realised she was probably sweaty, so she halted and grinned. Just as she was going to thank him, he narrowed his eyes and scolded, "Hailey...what on earth are you wearing? Barely anything!" Hailey blushed and whined, "but- I feel really hot whenever I exercise. Its the best way to lose the heat!!" Rolling his eyes, sir accepted the explanation and entered the gym. Hailey was confused. "Well, I am not here just to serve you and give you music. I'm here to work out too. Who expected you to come here earlier than me. And by the way, who do you think you are, demanding music from me?" Sir asked jokingly. Hailey ignored him and put the headphones on her head and scrolled through spotify, finding her old playlist and continued working on her weights. At the corner of her eye, she realised Sir seemed impressed with her skills. She ignored him and focused on her music and workout. She did pull-ups, push ups, abs workout, over-splits, and did some hip hop. Just as she was doing her warm-down, Sir reminded her, "its 6.05. Remember, I will be checking your room at 6.15!" Hailey rolled her eyes and got up, just to be chastised by Sir. Right, she wasn't meant to roll her eyes. Apologising, she returned the headphones and rushed back. Macey was still sleeping, so she quickly woke her up and went to shower.

In 4minutes, she came back and hurriedly flipped open her bujo, checking what hairstyle sir wanted. Oh, a ponytail and a braid. She did that in no time and found Macey struggling. With a sigh, she went over to help her and did the same for Jenna. By the time sir came to their dorm, they had packed everything up and stood at the side of their beds. Sir came in wearing his own school uniform, making him ultra handsome. His hair was still wet from showering, just like Hailey's. "Good morning girls." He greeted. The three uneasy girls didn't know what to do, and stood there like idiots until Jenna greeted Sir back. Sir told them to grab a chair and form a circle, while grabbing an extra chair from a corner of the room, one which they didn't know existed. He had brought the stationery box with him and instructed them to work on their journals about how they felt school would be like. They grabbed what they liked right away and flopped onto their beds, working on the task at hand. Soon enough, they finished and they gathered back. Sir then grimly noted, "Jenna, I heard the curse words you said this morning about one ringing alarm. This is a warning." Jenna protectively covered her calves in case he was planning to do something again, but Sir shook his head, indicating he was going to let it slide. They heaved a sigh of relief and Sir talked to them about the rules, what was expected of them, and what they should expect. Next, he brought them through their timetable and allowed them to grab the necessary books from their study room before heading to breakfast.

After a nice breakfast, the three headed to their home room, which was basically a general lounge for their class. There were three home rooms, each of about 35 students. Thus, there were a lot of beanbags and sofas in each home room. The three girls chose three matching bean bags and dragged it to the side of the room. They were chatting happily when another three girls sat beside them. "Hey, you three. I am Sunny, this is Paige, and Kate. What are your names?" The three looked up and Macey replied, "The names Macey, Hailey and Jenna." Smiling, they made small talk and were just getting comfortable with each other when the teacher came in. "Class stand. I am Ms Yeo. Good morning class." She said with a grim face once she set her books down. Boys and girls stood up one by one, and they stood awkwardly. Then, Hailey took the initiative and said, "class greet. Good morning Ms Yeo!" With her lead, everyone followed in unison. However, no one noticed the jealous look on Kate's face. Ms Yeo frowned. "I expected better. The one who lead the class, remain standing, the rest sit." Hailey thought she was going to be praised. Instead, "Name? Oh Hailey? You are a good leader. However, we do not need a show-off." Hailey's face fell, and she nodded. Next to her, Jenna was about to get up to fight for Hailey, but Macey restrained her. "Every morning, we will gather here before heading to class. This is like a multi-purpose room. Class dismissed." Ms Yeo stated before leaving. Just as Hailey, Macey and Jenna were about to comment about Ms Yeo, Hailey was surrounded by almost the whole class. "Wow, Hailey right? You were SO COOL. I was soooo awkward there not knowing how to greet the teacher." A boy spoke. He introduced himself as Hayden. However, another girl commented that she did not have to do that, and asked her to stop being a show-off. However, Hailey was having none of it. She was going to remain positive in this situation to show her parents that it was a mistake sending her here.

Hey guys, I just wanted to let yall know the girls are 13 years old :)

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