Chapter 50: Kate revealed

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Jenna woke up to the annoying beeping sound of the alarm clock just as per usual. Hailey had already disappeared to the bathroom, while Macey was sleeping on her bed, oblivious to the alarm clock ringing. Smashing the button on the alarm clock, Jenna desperately tried making the annoying sound go away. Just as she managed to stop the alarm from going off, Hailey came into the dorm and flopped onto her bed, seeming really tired. "Hailey! What's wrong?" Jenna asked carefully, hoping to find the answer and help Hailey. She hated seeing hailey so sad, and so bored. " we are going to have to see kate AGAIN...." Hailey grumbled. At that moment, Macey got up from her bed and overheard what hailey said. "I agree. She is a pain really." She added in. Jenna smiled sadly and wished them all the best before heading to the toilet, knowing she couldn't do much about this.

As Hailey and Macey dolled themselves up, they talked to each other in small voices about Kate, and how finishing school was horrible, and some CCA things. Finally, they were done and hooked their arms with Jenna, half skipping half walking gracefully. They wanted to be free, to walk however they wanted to, to behave any way they want to, but no. They were stuck here, behaving like plastic Barbie dolls that had to follow this annoying set of rules.

Just then, Jenna spotted a teacher at the other end of the hallway and whispered to let them know as they unlinked their arms and somehow transitioned quickly into small footsteps, straight back, head straight. The teacher gave them an approving nod of the head as they walked by, and did not seem to notice their unruly behaviour before. Letting out a breath that Hailey and Macey did not realise they were holding in, they giggled at their teamwork and decided to walk properly just in case.

At the breakfast table, the two found their usual seats, dropped their bags onto the floor next to them and sat down. Hailey's head turned to where Kate was sitting and she watched her movements. "Hey, earth to Hailey?" Hailey was jerked out of her thoughts as she looked at Macey who was whispering into her ear. "Hailey? Why were you dazing just now?" Macey asked. Hailey then realised she had unknowingly stared at Kate the whole time. "Sorry..." Hailey mumbled as she focused on the food that had just been placed in front of her, playing with her food and pushing it around. Macey shook her head, unable to understand her strange friend.

All throughout the day, Macey and Jenna noticed Hailey stealing glances at the lonely Kate. No matter how much they thought about it, they could not understand why. Even at lunch, Hailey would occasionally look at Kate. True, Hailey tried to hide it but nothing could get past her best friends. After all, they had known each other for 3 quarters of the year now, spending 24 hours 7 days a week with her. Of course they would learn to read each other's feelings and facial expressions, and Hailey was by nature an open book.

At finishing school, the duo went about class as usual. A lot was going on in Hailey's mind. Why was Kate not hanging out with anyone? Through her observations, she felt like Kate was exceptionally scared of everything today, but why was that? If anything, Kate was meant to be that loud rude obnoxious girl that everyone knew. This Kate was so strange and foreign to Hailey, and she was not worried about Kate just because she was a class monitress or anything like was just....she felt like she needed to care for this girl in front of her. Hailey knew that Jenna and Macey noticed her staring and attention on Kate, but Kate was a puzzle that needed to be solved.

It was just her luck, that later in the day, in education class, the teacher gave them an assignment. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, I have an assignment for you. I want you to pair up with the person sitting diagonally in front of you to your right. You can go to your dorms or any part of the school to do this assignment. It is about the arranged marriages that happened in the past. I want you all to research about it and give me a 3000 word essay about one marriage of your choice. This should be handed in to my desk by tonight midnight. Dismissed for the day." Hailey looked up in disappointment, then was shocked and kinda Glad. Macey was sitting next to her, so she definitely was not pairing with Macey. She thought she was going to pair with a random brat, but to her surprise, it was Kate! Maybe she could find out more! This could be her chance! Kate turned around and widened her eyes to see she was paired with Hailey, seemed relieved, then seemed scared and then plastered a look of disgust on her face. However, after a full day of watching her closely, she read all these emotions and was confused. Nevertheless, she immediately got to work.

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