Chapter 10: The meeting

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"Knock knock". "Come in." The girls rushed in and stood next to the large sofa. They placed their bag carefully next to them, and chose their seats. "You are 2 minutes early. I expected you to arrive at least 7minutes before our meeting. I am actually fuming mad at one of you now. Do you know why I am?" Sir asked as he walked in. The three girls shook their head. They kind of guessed what it was, but they were not sure. "What do you think, Macey?" Sir asked, testing her name on his tongues. Macey blushed, embarrassed that he asked her. She was so nervous that she was almost certain her two friends could hear her heart pounding against her chest. Macey shook her head, afraid of what was to come. "Macey, stand." Sir commanded. Sir sat on the sofa at the head of the coffee table, Macey standing awkwardly next to him. She shifted her weight from one foot to another, slightly uncomfortable. "Macey, describe what happened today at the cafeteria." Sir said, adding a hint of anger into his words. Macey slowly described how she kicked the boy, and defended herself by going into extreme detail about how he had called her weak and made fun of her. Jenna and Hailey were nervous about what was to come. Previously, Jenna had supported Macey, but now she wasn't so sure. When Macey came to the end of her story, she added a sheepish apology.

Sir looked the three of them in the eye and frowned. He then started a Long lecture, which I shall cut short for you or your eyes would bleed. "Macey, dont you know that no matter what happens, you should never hit or physically attack someone? And dont you dare use the excuse that attack is the best defence. I will not have a student that is so unruly, causing trouble the moment I leave you alone.  You really disappointed me today. As for you two," Sir turned his gaze to Jenna and Hailey before continuing, "you were just as disgraceful. Both of you did not bother to stop Macey and Jenna, you even encouraged her after that. I understand that you did not want to be part of the fight, but as Macey's friends, dont you think you could have stepped in to control her? I think it is not only Macey's fault, but Jenna's and Hailey."

Jenna was shocked. How dare Sir put the blame on her as well? How was she to know that she had such a responsibility. Fuming with anger, she stood up, fists clenched. "WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING ME INTO THIS? THIS WASNT EVEN MY FAULT. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO HELP? WHY DONT YOU BLAME THAT @#$%^&*(!@#$%^ BOY? HE SHOULDNT HAVE EVEN CUT THE QUEUE. FURTHERMORE, I THINK MACEY DID THE RIGHT THING TO STAND UP FOR HERSELF. I AM NOT TAKING ANYMORE OF THIS !" She yelled, panting when done. Sir narrowed his eyes and told her, "1. I am sure I told you my rule of not shouting at me. 2. How dare you talk back at me? Now i understand why you made a fuss in the morning at assembly. 3. You said 3 swear words already, and I'm not taking any of that. Come stand here with Macey."

Sir said that with so much authority in his voice that the girls were scared, and even Jenna regretted talking so much. Sir then led them to a bookshelf and pulled out a book, revealing a small door. He keyed in some numbers into the book and the door opened, revealing one table, one chair and three mats. He then pointed into the room and said, "each of you choose a corner to stand in, and face the wall. You will all stand for 13 minutes since you are all 13 years old." Groaning, the girls took their places. With each passing minute, the girls were growing restless. It took a lot of self-control to not talk to each other. Those 13 minutes felt like hours, and they were sure that they were going to die of boredom. Just as they felt like they were going to collapse due to their sore legs, Sir came in and told them to turn around. Sighing in relieve, they were Glad that their punishment was over. However, little did Jenna and Macey know that their punishment had just started...

"Jenna, Hailey, I hope that taught you to step in to do the right thing when needed. Hailey, go sit in that corner. The other two, follow me." Sir told them. He walked to the seat and sat down. On the table was a stack of books, which they identified as their journals and rule book. He looked at the both of them, before telling them, "I will not be letting you two off so easily, because of what you did today. Macey first. Jenna step back. Macey, take the 6 books and hold them above your head. Straighten your arms! You deserve 7 today." Macey was confused. 7 what? Then she saw a Long stick next to the books. Oh. THE CANE!??? THAT WAS ALLOWED? However, she saw how serious Sir was and quickly did as told. "Count. And each book you drop is 1 more." He said. Macey relaxed after feeling nothing, when suddenly she felt a sharp sting at her calf. Crying out, she remembered to count 'one..' 'two!' "Three AH' by the fourth stroke, she was crying at the pain, and the soreness in her arms. Looking at her friends, she was embarrassed that she had just cried in front of them. Sir caned her for the fifth time and she dropped the books, wanting to protect her poor calves from anymore assault and started to rub them. "Ah, disobedient child. We will start over." Sir said, almost smugly. It was torture, but he was soon done. "Go sit there, and you are not allowed to rub yourself yet." He told her. Nodding, she rushed to the spot to sit down, afraid of further punishment. Just as her butt came into contact with the mat, she jumped up. IT STUNG! He had smartly hit the part which would hurt whenever she sat down. However, she did not want him to feel satisfied and slowly settled herself down, resisting the urge to rub herself. Hailey tried to encourage her with a smile, but Macey silently continued to cry.

Jenna had been watching all this time, and she was already numb from standing there so Long. It felt like a million ants were running around in her legs! Seeing how Macey was punished, she because scared. She had never been hit in her life, and she didn't want to cry in front of her new friends! However, it was finally her turn and she was told she would receive 5 strokes—4 for the swear words and 1 for disrespect. Nodding, she bravely counted and held the books up. She did shed a few tears but she told herself to stay strong. She was finally done, and he rubbed some ointment into Macey's and Jenna's wounds. They rubbed their arms which were still sore from holding the books for so Long. They were sure to never do anything that would earn them such a punishment again—or at least not in front of sir again.

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